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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023
Thursday April 20
“Be strong, all you people living on this earth,” Jehovah declares, “and work.” “I am with you,” declares Jehovah of armies (Haggai 2:4).
Jehovah entrusted the prophet Haggai with an important mission. It is probable that Haggai was one of those who in the year 537 before our era returned to Jerusalem from exile in Babylon. Shortly after their arrival, those faithful servants laid the foundation of the temple, the house of Jehovah (Ezra 3:8, 10). But unfortunately, they later faced opposition, became discouraged, and gave up the works (Ezra 4:4; Haggai 1:1, 2). Thus, in the year 520, Haggai was commissioned by Jehovah to help them regain their enthusiasm and encourage them to complete the temple (Ezra 6:14, 15). Haggai's message was intended to strengthen the faith of the Jews in Jehovah. The expression “Jehovah of hosts” must have encouraged them greatly. If they wanted to succeed, the Jews had to trust in Jehovah, who has a huge army of angels. w21.09 14, 15 pars. Four. Five.
What effects would the shaking predicted by Haggai have?
Jehovah commanded Haggai to tell the Jews that he was going to symbolically shake all the nations. This revelation assured those who had stopped building the temple that Jehovah was going to shake Persia, the world power that included many nations at that time. What effects would that shock have? On the one hand, the people of God would finish building the temple. On the other hand, even non-Jews would join them and worship Jehovah in the restored temple. Surely that message was very encouraging for God's people (Zech. 8:9).
What work are we helping to do today?
What does Haggai's prophecy mean for us today? Once again, Jehovah is shaking all the nations, and this time we help to do it. Consider this: In 1914, Jehovah made Jesus Christ King of his heavenly Kingdom (Ps. 2:6). For world leaders, the establishment of that Kingdom was bad news. It meant that “the appointed times of the nations” had been fulfilled, that is, the time had come to an end when there would be no ruler to represent Jehovah (Luke 21:24). In view of this, Jehovah's people have been telling people, especially since 1919, that the Kingdom is the only hope for mankind. This work of preaching “the good news of the Kingdom” has shaken the entire world (Matt. 24:14).
According to Psalm 2:1-3, how have most nations reacted to this message?
How have people reacted to this message? Most have reacted negatively (read Psalm 2:1-3). The nations are in an uproar. They refuse to accept the ruler that Jehovah has appointed. They do not believe that the Kingdom message we preach is “good news.” In fact, some governments have even banned preaching. And while many of the rulers of these nations claim to serve God, they do not want to give up their power and authority. As in the time of Jesus, today they oppose Jehovah's Anointed by attacking his loyal servants (Acts 4: 25-28).
How does Jehovah respond when he sees the negative reaction of the nations?
How does Jehovah respond when he sees the negative reaction of the nations? Psalm 2:10-12 says: “So now, kings, be discerning; accept correction, judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Honor the son; if not, God will be indignant and you will die on the way, because his fury ignites quickly. Happy all those who take refuge in him!" Jehovah is kind and gives these opponents a period of time to change their minds and accept his Kingdom. But time is running out. We live in the “last days” of this system (2 Tim. 3:1; Is. 61:2). It is more urgent than ever that people learn the truth and make a decision to stand on Jehovah's side.
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