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Return Visit (4 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then tell the person about our Bible classes and give them a contact card from our Bible classes (th lec. 11).
Publisher: Good morning Ishmael, how are you?
Helper: Good morning Alberto, I was waiting for you, I'm about to leave and I don't have much time, if you can be brief like the other time, I appreciate it...
Publisher: Sure. Let's see, last week we left a question open and I also left you a card for the website so you could investigate on your own.
Helper: That's right, and the truth is that many parts of the web have surprised me and the updated and useful information that is displayed... I couldn't see much, but I did see something about Jesus, there are so many things that I thought I knew and Now I really see that I don't know very well...
Publisher: I completely understand you, and I'm glad you took the time to investigate on your own what the Bible says about Jesus and other aspects.
Helper: I have also seen something about the question you left pending… it was a ransom for us, why Jesus had to die, right?
Publisher: Yes, exactly, but a rescue in what sense, from what did he have to rescue us?
Helper: Well, it is a form of redemption for our sins.
Publisher: It is a good answer, what is a sin for you?
Helper: Something we do wrong, there are many things we do that we can do wrong or not quite right.
Publisher: Okay, so in this case, a plane of reasoning emerges about what is right and what is wrong, and who is saying it.
Assistant: Well, yes, if you put it that way it is very extensive.
Publisher: It is, but we are not going to go into that, let's assume, that it will be the easiest to understand, that doing something wrong is something that goes against the norms or laws of the country. But we are not going to go into crimes or very bad aspects... an example, let's see if you consider it something bad. Do you think it's wrong to drive at 130 when the limitation is 120?
Helper: Yes, for example, that would be wrong.
Publisher: And you're right, although sometimes we go over the limit and nothing bad has to happen. Another example, is raising your voice to your children when they misbehave or hitting them wrong?
Helper: Yes, you could educate in another way, but it is true that sometimes it drives us so crazy that we do it...
Publisher: And well it's wrong, but nothing happens either, right?
Helper: Uh huh.
Publisher: So why do we need to ransom these things to such an extent that they died the way they did for us?
Helper: It's logical, it can make you feel better or imitate his example and make us better people in these areas, but yes, it still doesn't seem like much for everything that happened.
Publisher: We are going to read a text from the Bible, it is Matthew 20:28 and in this case I would like you to read it, look what it says...
Helper: “That was what the Son of Man did. He did not come to be served, but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many people.
Publisher: Alright, so we have two parts. He came to serve and leaves us a perfect example on how to manage our lives and be better with others, with our neighbor. And to give his life as a ransom to change the lives of many people.
Helper: You mean, a rescue from death? That is impossible, it has always been like this, we are born and we die.
Publisher: Are you sure it's always been like this? Do you know that the Bible narrates resurrections?
Helper: I heard something...
Publisher: So if a resurrection is possible (which was not a single one), don't you think that death is reversible?
Assistant: It could be, of course, it has already been proven...
Publisher: The point is that God did not create us to die, would a God of love do that? Currently we die because the first who lived were disobedient to God and death was inherited but Jesus has given us back the possibility of living forever, what are we doing to show that we appreciate this ransom or sacrifice? I know that there are many questions in a short time, that is why I want to leave you this card about our free Bible courses, do you know how they work?
Helper: It seems interesting, I don't know...
Publisher: Well, it's like what we're doing now, brief visits, a little more extensive in which we study the Bible through a book that helps us to teach it and put it into practice, without exams or anything like that, but a conversation like now, a little longer but you choose the time… do you want us to try next week and answer the pending question?
Helper: Sure, let me know before you come and come home and we'll talk for a little while like today and we'll see.
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