The Study Watchtower, "Article 5", Week of March 27 to April 2, 2023, "The love of Christ compels us", Answers.

The Study Watchtower, «Article 5», 27-March-2-April-2023, “The love of Christ compels us”, Answers.

"The love of the Christ compels us, [...] so that those who live no longer live for themselves" (2 COR. 5:14, 15).

1, 2. (a) What feelings can meditate on the life and ministry of Jesus arouse in us?

Meditating on the life and Ministry of Jesus, especially at the time of commemoration, awakens in us feelings of happiness. And it also strengthens us to think about what he is doing now and what he will do for us in the future. Since it is a time to meditate on the life of Jesus and the things he did when he was on earth.

In the paragraph he gives us a very interesting example in which he explains that when someone very dear to us dies we feel enormous pain and that at first we may think of the days before their death, especially if the person suffered a lot before dying. . And over time we remember more details of our loved one that help us regain joy. For example something you taught us, did or said to cheer us up or make us smile. In a similar way, it happens with the suffering and death of Jesus, it fills us with pain to read what the Bible tells about the things that Jesus did and said when he was on Earth, but at the same time they also help us feel very happy and it gives strength to think about what he is doing now and what he will do for us in the future.

1, 2. b) What will we see in this article?

In this article we will see what to meditate on in the life and Ministry of Jesus, as well as the love that he has for us, prompts us to show our gratitude in different ways.


3. What reasons do we have to be grateful for the ransom?

One reason is that it allows us to be good friends with Jehovah and with Jesus. Furthermore, if we have faith in his sacrifice, we will have the hope of living forever and seeing our loved ones who sleep in death again.

4. What did Mary Magdalene do to show that she was grateful for what Jesus had done for her? (See drawing).

Jesus freed Mary from seven demons that possessed her, tormented her, and made her suffer greatly. To show her gratitude, she became a follower of Jesus and used her time, energy, and resources to minister to him during his ministry. Although Mary Magdalene did not fully understand the ransom that Jesus would soon pay for humanity, she continued to demonstrate her loyalty and support for Jesus when he was nailed to the tree, and once Jesus was in the tomb he came along with other women carrying aromatic spices to apply. to the body of Jesus.

5. How can we show our gratitude for all that Jehovah and Jesus have done for us?

We can show gratitude to Jehovah and Jesus by using our energy and financial resources. And that way we can promote the activities of the Kingdom. For example, we can offer to help in the construction and maintenance of the buildings we use to worship Jehovah.


A young sister reflects on what she is reading in the Bible. She envisions Mary Magdalene comforting Mary, the mother of Jesus, as he hangs on the torture stake. How does meditating on the example of Mary Magdalene prompt you to be grateful? (See paragraphs 4 and 5).


6. Why do we say that the ransom is a gift to each one of us?

The greatest gift each of us has is ransom, and we say this because Jesus died for each one of us. Therefore, we must show appreciation in a personal way. That is why the apostle Paul made it clear when in Galatians 2:20 he wrote: The Son of God… .. loved me and gave himself up for me. This makes the ransom a very touching gift. since thanks to this sacrifice of Jesus, today each one of us has the opportunity to be a friend of Jehovah. 

7. As seen in the photograph, what can we all do to show that we love Jehovah and Jesus? (2 Corinthians 5:14, 15; 6:1, 2).

Love, as in faith, is manifested through actions or works. So the love we feel for Jehovah and for Jesus should prompt us to demonstrate it with our enthusiastic preaching to all kinds of people regardless of their race, culture, or social or economic position. As we see in the image, this love drives us to preach in all places and under all kinds of circumstances, because like Jehovah and Jesus, We also want all kinds of people to be saved and come to have an accurate knowledge of the TRUE.


The young sister in the photo above invites a classmate to the Memorial. Love for God and Christ drives us to preach to everyone without exception. (See paragraph 7).

8. How can we show that we love our brothers?

One way to show that we love our brothers is by taking the initiative to help them when they are going through difficult times, comforting them when they suffer the loss of a loved one, praying for them because we know the powerful effect of prayer, visiting us when they are sick and doing everything whatever we can to cheer them up if they feel down.

9. How else can we show that we love our brothers?

Another way to show love to our brothers is by doing our best to get along with them. If it were the case that our brothers did something wrong with us, we must forgive them just as Jehovah forgives us. And if there was a misunderstanding with any of them, then we would take the initiative to make peace and have everything resolved before the commemoration. In this way, we will not only show sincere and true Love to our brothers, but also to Jehovah and Jesus, because in no way do we want to imitate the human slave of Matthew 18:23 to 35.

10, 11. How can elders show that they love Jehovah and Jesus? (1 Peter 5:1, 2).

Elders show their love for Jehovah and Jesus when they lovingly and diligently care for their sheep. In fact, in John 21:15 to 17 Jesus asks Peter: Do you love me? Then Jesus tells him: Shepherd my sheep. So especially at the time of commemoration, the elders demonstrated this love for Jehovah and Jesus by being intensely engaged in their shepherding work to help the inactive. Also paying more attention to the students of the Bible who go to the commemoration for the first time. Seeing that all people feel comfortable and considering them as future brothers.


12. Why does it help us to be courageous to think about what Jesus said the night before he died? (John 16:32, 33).

It helps us because we are already warned by Jesus himself that in this world we will have much suffering as John 16:32,33 says. It also helps us because Jesus advises us to be brave and stay loyal, just as he did. On the other hand, the security that he transmits to us when he tells us I have overcome the world, convinces us that we can do it too, if we cultivate courage and strive to maintain integrity in our worship of Jehovah.

13. How did Joseph of Arimathea show courage?

Joseph of Arimathea during the Ministry of Jesus hid his faith. John 19:38 says that Joseph of Arimathea was a secret disciple. Perhaps out of fear of losing the respect of the community or out of fear of the Jews, since he was a highly respected member of the Sanhedrin. However, after the death of Jesus, this man displayed great courage, as he appeared before Pontius Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus, thereby exposing his faith and his discipleship.

14. What should we do if we are worried about what they will say?

In this case we must not let fear of others prevent us from doing what is right. In addition, we must ask Jehovah to help us and give us the courage we need to do his will. And when we see that Jehovah answers our prayer, we will feel impelled to continue cultivating this courage even more.


15. What effect did the joy of seeing the risen Jesus have on the disciples? (Luke 24:52, 53).

With the death of Jesus his disciples were plunged into deep sadness because they loved him and felt that their hopes had gone with him. But when Jesus rose from the dead and explained to them that he was fulfilling Biblical prophecies and also entrusted them with an important mission, the sadness began to fade and by the time Jesus ascended to heaven after 40 days, their sadness had already turned into a great sadness. happiness. They knew that Jesus was alive and that he would help them carry out his commission. Therefore, they praised Jehovah without stopping in the temple as Luke 24:52,53 shows. 

16. How can we follow the example of Jesus' disciples?

We will follow that example if we serve Jehovah joyfully every day and not just during the season of remembrance. To achieve this, we must put the Kingdom first. For example, making adjustments in our work schedule in order to have more time to preach, teach, go to meetings and have family time all week. We can also make some changes and adjustments to be able to preach in areas where there are few witnesses or to support more in our own congregation.

17. What should we do during this time of Memorial? (See photo).

In the season of commemoration we must take time to reflect on what Jehovah and Jesus have done for us. Although it is true that there is no reason to wait until that day to meditate on the life and death of Jesus, it is a propitious time to meditate on the sacrifice of Jesus and on the love that he and Jehovah have shown us. And one way to do this is by carefully analyzing the events that appear in Appendix B 12 of the New World Translation titled: Jesus' Last Week on Earth. So we can look for passages that feed our gratitude, love, courage and joy. This will encourage us to find concrete ways to show them that we are grateful from the bottom of our hearts.


The young sister complements her reading of the Bible with the information that appears in the table of appendix B12 of the “New World Translation”, titled “The last week of Jesus on earth”. During the Memorial season, take time to reflect on what Jehovah and Jesus have done for you. (See paragraph 17).


In what ways do we show our gratitude for “the love of the Christ”?

One way to demonstrate this is by enthusiastically preaching to everyone without exception. Since this love of Christ will drive us to preach to people of any race, culture and social or economic position.

In addition, we give our time, our energy and our financial resources to promote the activities of the Kingdom. For example, we can offer to help build and maintain the buildings we use to worship Jehovah.

How does “the love of the Christ” prompt us to love others and be courageous?

The love we feel for God and for Christ compels us to love others. One way to demonstrate this is by enthusiastically preaching to everyone without exception. We preach to people of any race, culture, and social or economic position.

The love of Christ also drives us to love our brothers and to care personally for them, since we help them when they are going through difficult times, we comfort them when they lose a loved one, we visit them when they are sick and we do everything in our power. hands for cheering them up if they feel down. 

What should we do so that "the love of Christ" fills us with joy?

What we must do so that the love of Christ fills us with joy is letting ourselves be loved by him, receiving his love and allowing it to fill us. Since we must believe that he truly loves us and is interested in us, Well, this love will make us not be intimidated by the system and we will remember that he has defeated this system and its powers.
