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Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 41 point 5, summary, review, and “Aim for this.”
Jehovah's Regulations Benefit Us
Jehovah knows what is best for us. So he tells us how to stay morally clean and what are the advantages of doing so. Read Proverbs 7:7-27 and watch the VIDEO. Then talk about the following:
VIDEO: Fools fare badly (9:31)
How did this young man end up getting himself into a dangerous situation? (See Proverbs 7:8, 9.)
This inexperienced young man ended up getting into a dangerous situation because he took several steps that lead to immorality. In the first place, we see that at nightfall his heart directed him not to a street, but to a street where he knew a prostitute used to be. Second, he was guilty of trusting himself too much. For this reason, he did not measure the consequences and ended up committing sexual immorality.
In this story we see how factors and circumstances come together that end up leading this young man to sin. Youth and inexperience, a bad area, a young woman who thinks that he can handle and control the situation and is overconfident in himself, the dark of night, a prostitute who encourages men. What happened to this inexperienced young man? He lost control of this dangerous situation and committed a sexual sin with the prostitute.
According to Proverbs 7:23, 26, sexual immorality has serious consequences. What problems do we save ourselves if we stay morally clean?
We save ourselves from spiritual death, as a consequence of losing Jehovah's approval. We also save ourselves from sexually transmitted diseases that can lead to physical death. Likewise, we save ourselves from being affected mentally and emotionally and from damaging our reputation and our friendship with Jehovah. In the same way, we avoid harming those around us, especially our family.
How does moral cleanliness help us to enjoy life forever?
It helps us because it makes us pleasing and acceptable to God and allows us to be close to Jehovah and have his approval. It also saves us from physical, emotional, and spiritual dangers and pain, and makes it possible for us to enjoy life now and in the future.
Some believe that what the Bible says about homosexuality reflects a lack of love. But Jehovah is the God of love and he wants everyone to enjoy life forever. And, to receive that gift, we must live up to his standards. Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and discuss the following:
From God's point of view, are homosexual desires the only ones that are wrong?
Of course not, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, equates in severity sexual immorality, which includes homosexuality, with idolatry, drunkenness, greed, and extortion. Hence, Jehovah gives the same warning to both one and the other not to be misled, deceived or mistaken, because they will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
These standards of Jehovah are far from reflecting a lack of love. On the contrary, Jehovah offers them to those who repent in their hearts for having practiced unclean things. The transforming power of his Word so that they dress in a new and clean personality. In fact, the text of 1 Corinthians 6:9 to 11 shows that many of the brothers of the Corinthian congregation before practiced these unclean things, but thanks to the teachings of Jesus they became clean and became his followers.
To please God, we all have to make changes. Will it be worth the effort? Read Psalm 19:8, 11 and discuss the following:
Do you think that Jehovah's moral standards are reasonable? Why does he think so?
I do believe that Jehovah's moral standards are reasonable. Psalm 19:8-11 helps us understand this point. First of all, those rules are designed and established by Jehovah, the wisest, most just and loving person in the universe. In addition, they are specially designed for us and no one better than Jehovah knows what we need to be well, happy and protected. On the other hand, Jehovah does not ask us for things that are impossible to do or that are beyond our capabilities. And as if that were not enough, he himself helps us to obey these rules and he even rewards us for our efforts to be obedient.
Series of images: 1. A sad young woman sitting with her boyfriend in a cocktail bar. She is drinking and smoking with her friends. 2. The same young woman happily chatting with some sisters in the Kingdom Hall.
Jehovah has helped many to obey his moral standards, and he can help you too.
WHAT SOME SAY: "There is nothing wrong with two people who love each other having sex."
What would you say?
There is nothing wrong with a man and a woman who love each other having sex, as long as they have been married before. texts like one Corinthians 6:9,11 condemn sexual immorality as a serious sin that is paid for with eternal death. but sex within marriage is considered a gift from God.
Sex is a gift from Jehovah and he wants it to be enjoyed by the married man and woman.
What practices does sexual immorality encompass?
It covers sex outside of marriage. That is, fornication and adultery. It also covers sex with animals and sex between people of the same gender. That is, homosexuality and lesbianism. Likewise, it covers sexual fantasies, impure desires, masturbation, anal sex, and oral sex inside and outside of marriage.
What will help us not to fall into sexual immorality?
What will help us not to fall into sexual immorality is to flee from immorality and fight against temptations. Surround ourselves with people who love Jehovah, try to keep our environment morally clean, pray to Jehovah to help us cultivate sound judgment and give us strength to avoid misusing the internet. Avoid pornography and bad company. Another thing that can help us is to maintain our personal study and be very active in service, attend meetings and set spiritual goals.
How does obeying Jehovah's moral standards benefit us?
It benefits us now because it allows us to have a clear conscience, a clean and healthy body and mind. It also allows us to be among Jehovah's people, bear his holy name, have his approval and friendship, and in the future obtain salvation and eternal life.
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