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"The love of the Christ compels us, [...] so that those who live no longer live for themselves" (2 COR. 5:14, 15).
1, 2. (a) What feelings can meditate on the life and ministry of Jesus arouse in us? b) What will we see in this article?
WHEN someone we love dies, we feel a huge void. At first, when we think about the days before he died, we may only feel pain, especially if the person suffered a lot before he died. Over time we may remember details about the loved one that help us regain joy, for example, something they taught us or something they did or said to cheer us up or make us smile.
2 The same is true of the suffering and death of Jesus. It fills us with pain to read what the Bible says, as we do during the Memorial season, when we spend more time reflecting on the great value of his sacrifice (1 Cor. 11:24, 25). But, a). When we think about the things that Jesus did and said when he was on earth, we feel very happy. It also gives us strength to think about what he is doing now and what he will do for us in the future. b). In this article, we will see that meditating on all these things and on the love that Jesus has for us prompts us to show our gratitude in different ways.
3. What reasons do we have to be grateful for the ransom?
3 Meditating on the life and death of Jesus fills us with gratitude. During his ministry on Earth, he taught people the good things that the Kingdom of God will accomplish. For us, those Kingdom truths are very valuable. We are very grateful for the rescue, because it allows us to be good friends of Jehovah and of Jesus. Those of us who show faith in Jesus also have the hope of living forever and of seeing our loved ones who have died again (John 5:28, 29; Rom. 6:23). In reality, we have done nothing to deserve these blessings. We can never repay God and Christ for all they have done for us (Rom. 5:8, 20, 21). But how can we show them that we are very grateful? Let's see.
4. What did Mary Magdalene do to show that she was grateful for what Jesus had done for her? (See drawing).
4 Consider the example of a Jewish woman named Mary Magdalene. She suffered a lot, because she was possessed by seven demons that tormented her. She perhaps thought that her situation was hopeless. Can we imagine what it meant to her when Jesus freed her from those demons? She must have been very grateful. That is why she became a follower of Christ and used her time, her energies and her goods to minister to him during his ministry (Luke 8:1-3). Although Mary greatly appreciated what Jesus had done for her personally, perhaps she did not fully understand the immense gift he was soon to offer. Jesus would give his life for humanity so that anyone who demonstrated faith in him would receive eternal life (John 3:16). Anyway, Ella Maria showed with her loyalty that she was very grateful.When Jesus was nailed to the tree, she stood nearby to support Jesus and others who were present (John 19:25). And, when Jesus was at the tomb, Mary and two other women brought aromatic spices to apply to Jesus' body (Mark 16:1, 2). Jehovah generously rewarded Mary's loyalty. What a great joy she took to see the risen Jesus and to be able to talk with him! That was an honor that very few disciples had (John 20:11-18).
5. How can we show our gratitude for all that Jehovah and Jesus have done for us?
5 We, too, can show appreciation for all that Jehovah and Jesus have done for us. As? Using our time, our energies and our economic resources to promote the activities of the Kingdom. For example, we can offer to help build and maintain the buildings we use to worship Jehovah.
A young sister reflects on what she is reading in the Bible. She envisions Mary Magdalene comforting Mary, the mother of Jesus, as he hangs on the torture stake. How does meditating on the example of Mary Magdalene prompt you to be grateful? (See paragraphs 4 and 5).
6. Why do we say that the ransom is a gift to each one of us?
6 When we think of the great love that Jehovah and Jesus have for us, we feel the desire to love them too (1 John 4:10, 19). And we love them even more when we understand that Jesus died for each one of us. The Apostle Paul was very grateful for this gift. Therefore, in his letter to the Galatians he wrote: “The Son of God […] loved me and gave himself up for me” (Gal. 2:20). Through Jesus' sacrifice, Jehovah drew you to be his friend.—John 6:44. Aren't you moved to know that Jehovah saw something good in you and paid the highest possible price to befriend you? Doesn't that fill you with love for Jehovah and Jesus? That is why we can all ask ourselves: "What will drive me to make that love?"
7. As seen in the photograph, what can we all do to show that we love Jehovah and Jesus? (2 Corinthians 5:14, 15; 6:1, 2).
7 Our love for God and for Christ compels us to love others (see 2 Corinthians 5:14, 15; 6:1, 2). One way to demonstrate this is by enthusiastically preaching to everyone without exception. We preach to people of any race, culture, and social or economic position. Thus we cooperate with Jehovah, “for his will is that all kinds of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:4).
The young sister in the photo above invites a classmate to the Memorial. Love for God and Christ drives us to preach to everyone without exception. (See paragraph 7).
8. How can we show that we love our brothers?
8 Another way to show that we love God and Christ is by loving our brothers (1 John 4:21). For example, we personally care about them and help them when they are going through difficult times. We comfort them when they lose a loved one , we visit them when they are sick , and we do everything in our power to cheer them up when they are feeling down (2 Cor. 1:3-7; 1 Thess. 5:11, 14). We also pray for them , because we know that “the plea of a just man has a mighty effect” (James 5:16).
9. How else can we show that we love our brothers?
9 Another way to show that we love our brothers is by trying our best to get along with them. We try to forgive as Jehovah does. Consider this: If Jehovah allowed his Son to die for our sins, shouldn't we promptly forgive our brothers when they do something against us? We don't want to be like the wicked slave in one of Jesus' parables. His master had forgiven him a huge debt, but he did not want to forgive another slave a much smaller debt than his (Matt. 18: 23-35). So if you have had a misunderstanding with a brother, why not try to take the initiative to make peace before the Memorial? (Matt. 5:23, 24). Doing so will show that you love Jehovah and Jesus very much.
10, 11. How can elders show that they love Jehovah and Jesus? (1 Peter 5:1, 2).
10 Elders can demonstrate their love for Jehovah and Jesus in a very special way: by lovingly caring for Jesus' sheep.—Read 1 Peter 5:1, 2. The Son of God made this very clear to the apostle Peter. Since Pedro had denied three times that he knew him, it is likely that he was anxious to confirm his affection for him. After resurrecting, Jesus asked him: "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Surely, Pedro would have done anything to show him that he did. And Jesus' response was: “Shepherd my sheep” (John 21:15-17). From then on, Peter lovingly cared for the Lord's sheep, thus showing him that he loved him.
11 How can the elders show during the Memorial season that they take Jesus' words to Peter seriously? They can show how much they love Jehovah and Jesus by keeping busy as shepherds and making a special effort to help those who are inactive.—Ezek. 34:11, 12. Also, they can pay attention to Bible students and first-time Memorial attendees. They see these people as future disciples and want them to feel at ease.
12. Why does it help us to be courageous to think about what Jesus said the night before he died? (John 16:32, 33).
12 The night before he died, Jesus told his disciples: “In the world you are going to have suffering. But be brave! I have overcome the world” (read John 16:32, 33). What helped Jesus to be courageous when his enemies threatened him and to be loyal to the death? His trust in Jehovah. Because Jesus knew that his disciples would go through similar trials, he asked Jehovah to take care of them (John 17:11). Why does that help us to be brave? Because Jehovah is more powerful than any enemy we may have (1 John 4:4). And he is very aware of everything. We are convinced that if we rely completely on Jehovah, we can overcome our fears and be courageous.
13. How did Joseph of Arimathea show courage?
13 Let us think of Joseph of Arimathea, a highly respected man in Jewish society. He was a member of the highest court of the Jews, the Sanhedrin. But he did not have much courage during the ministry of Jesus. John says that he “was a disciple of Jesus, though in secret, because he was afraid of the Jews” (John 19:38). Although he was interested in the Kingdom message, he concealed his faith in the Son of God. He sure was afraid of losing the respect of the community. Be that as it may, the Bible tells us that after the death of Jesus, Joseph finally “plucked up his courage, went before Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus” (Mark 15:42, 43). Joseph's faith was no longer a secret.
14. What should we do if we are worried about what they will say?
14 Are you worried about what they will say, as happened to Joseph of Arimathea? Are you sometimes embarrassed to say at school or at work that you are a Jehovah's Witness? Are you putting off the decision to become a publisher or to be baptized for later? Don't let fear of what others think of you stop you from doing what is right. Pray to Jehovah to help you and to give you courage to do his will. Seeing him answer his prayers will make you stronger and more courageous (Is. 41:10, 13).
15. What effect did the joy of seeing the risen Jesus have on the disciples? (Luke 24:52, 53).
15 When Jesus died, his disciples felt a deep sadness. How would you have felt in his place? The disciples had lost a dear friend and his hopes had gone with him (Luke 24:17-21). But Jesus appeared to them later and took time to explain that he was fulfilling Bible prophecies. In addition, he entrusted them with a very important task (Luke 24:26, 27, 45-48). And, by the time Jesus ascended to heaven 40 days later, the sadness of his disciples had already turned into great joy. It made them very happy to know that Jesus was alive and that he would help them fulfill his new mission. This joy moved them to praise Jehovah without stopping (read Luke 24:52, 53; Acts 5:42).
16. How can we follow the example of Jesus' disciples?
16 And how can we follow the example of Jesus' disciples? Serving Jehovah with joy every day, not just during the Memorial season. To achieve this, we must put the Kingdom of God first. For example, some have changed their work schedules in order to have more time to preach, attend meetings, and do family worship each week. Some have even decided to forego things that others consider essential in order to help more in the congregation or to go and preach where there are very few Witnesses. It is true that you have to be persevering to continue serving Jehovah, but he promises to bless us greatly if we put the Kingdom first (Prov. 10:22; Matt. 6:32, 33).
17. What should we do during this time of Memorial? (See photo).
We look forward to Tuesday, April 4, to celebrate the Memorial. But there is no reason to wait until that day to meditate on the life and death of Jesus, and on the love that he and Jehovah have shown us. Take advantage of any time you have during the Memorial season to do so. For example, you can take time to carefully analyze the events that appear in appendix B12 of the New World Translation, titled “Jesus' Last Week on Earth.” Look for passages that feed his gratitude, your love, your courage, and his joy. And think of concrete ways to show that he is grateful from the heart. Make no mistake about it: Jesus will appreciate everything we do to remember him during this Memorial Season (Rev. 2:19).
The young sister complements her reading of the Bible with the information that appears in the table of appendix B12 of the “New World Translation”, titled “The last week of Jesus on earth”. During the Memorial season, take time to reflect on what Jehovah and Jesus have done for you. (See paragraph 17).
In what ways do we show our gratitude for “the love of the Christ”?
Using our time, our energies and our economic resources to promote the activities of the Kingdom. For example, we can offer to help build and maintain the buildings we use to worship Jehovah.
How does “the love of the Christ” prompt us to love others and be courageous?
The love we feel for God and for Christ compels us to love others. One way to demonstrate this is by enthusiastically preaching to everyone without exception. We preach to people of any race, culture, and social or economic position.
We are convinced that if we rely completely on Jehovah, we can overcome our fears and be courageous.
What should we do so that "the love of Christ" fills us with joy?
Serving Jehovah with joy every day, not just during the Memorial season. To achieve this, we must put the Kingdom of God first.
For example, some have changed their work schedules in order to have more time to preach, attend meetings, and do family worship each week.
Some have even decided to forego things that others consider essential in order to help more in the congregation or to go and preach where there are very few Witnesses.
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