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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
2Ch 1:11, 12. What do we learn in this account about our prayers? (w05 12/1 19 ¶6).
Solomon's request showed Jehovah that the king earnestly desired to acquire wisdom and knowledge. In the same way, the prayers that we give to God reveal what we have in our hearts, so we do well to analyze what we say in them, that is, to think about what specific things we ask of him in our prayers.
This request of Solomon to Jehovah in which he asks for wisdom and knowledge, was a clear sign that he desired this from his heart. From this text we can learn that the prayers we give to God are a way of revealing what we have in our hearts and that is why it is important to analyze what we say in them. And it is interesting that the importance of wishing for wisdom and knowledge is emphasized, as well as reflecting on the words we express in our prayers.
We learn that our prayers reveal what is in our hearts, so we do well to analyze what we ask of Jehovah in our prayers. We usually don't tell others what we pray to God for or for whom we pray, but imagine if you would make a transcript of what you prayed for today, yesterday before going to bed, and so on. What is it about? What is it that is usually repeated in your prayers? It is good to think about what specific things we ask God for in prayer, it helps us to examine ourselves and reveal what is really important to us.
For example, if we are full of good thoughts, our prayers will be like Solomon's, we will ask for things that are in accordance with God's will, or so to speak, we will ask for good things. And also if we see that our prayers are becoming mechanical or have become repetitive, then we should worry, since it is a sign that we are failing in our spiritual nourishment and that is why we should do everything possible to analyze what types of prayers we are doing. That is why we must eat well in a spiritual sense and in this way we can improve in our prayers that we do.
We see that Jehovah knew what Solomon's heart longed for. So we must think about what the prayers we make to God reveal, and we can realize it by asking ourselves these questions: Do they reflect that we yearn for knowledge, wisdom and discernment? Do kingdom interests hold an important place in my heart? . So if our prayers have become mechanical and superficial, perhaps it is a sign that we need to meditate on the works of Jehovah, and be attentive to what our prayers reveal.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
2 Chronicles 1:10,11. It shows how Solomon asks Jehovah in prayer to grant him wisdom and knowledge to be able to lead the people of Israel well. In response, Jehovah grants his heart's desire because he did not ask for material things or a long life, nor the death of those who hated him. This teaches me that the prayers we raise to God reveal what we have in our hearts, which is why we do well to analyze what we say in them.
2 Chronicles 2:5. This is a text that we can use in the Ministry, to clarify that there is only one true God and he is superior to all the other gods that people may have, and it is also for this reason that he deserves that we give him the best of ourselves.
2 Chronicles 1:9. We see that Solomon turns to Jehovah to ask him to fulfill the promise that Jehovah has made to David. This teaches us that the fulfillment of God's promises is also a topic that we can include in our prayers.
2 Chronicles 1:6. We see that in ancient Israel, burnt offerings were made to Jehovah, currently we are no longer asked for that, but Jehovah continues to expect offerings from us, how are they, our comments in meetings, the time we dedicate to theocratic activities and our voluntary donations.
2 Chronicles 1:1. He says that Jehovah was with Solomon, that is why his reign was getting stronger and stronger. This teaches us that if Jehovah is with us we can fulfill any goal we set for ourselves, as long as he is in accordance with his purpose.
2 Chronicles 1:10-12, We see that Solomon was a very wise man because his great knowledge came from Jehovah, which teaches us that we must also ask for Jehovah's help while we wait in the study of his word, in order to reach understand it correctly, because we know that if our prayers are constant and sincere, they will not go unanswered.
2 Chronicles 1:12. It shows us that Solomon came to accumulate a great heritage, but this does not mean that it was matter, because the materialist is not the one who has, but rather makes them the main thing, so regardless of our economic situation, let's try not to fall into the trap of materialism, since the power of wealth is deceptive and can drown out our spirituality.
2 Chronicles 3:13. We can use this text in preaching and teaching when someone asks us why the illustrations in our Christian publications show angels as winged beings. This verse not only proves that Angels have wings, but also describes the size of the cherubim's outstretched wings by saying that they span 20 cubits in length.
2 Chronicles 3:3. We see that exact measurements were used for the construction of the temple. Pointing out that no work was done without prior planning. This teaches me that as a good servant of Jehovah I must also plan well when carrying out my projects to make sure not only that everything will go well, but also to have the blessing of Jehovah, who will be very happy to see that I strive for imitate him in this regard.
2 Chronicles 4:18-22. These verses describe the utensils of the temple. Verse 18 says that the weight of the copper was never known. This teaches a lesson for those who tend to keep strict account of their donations or contributions to the work of the Kingdom, since the highest form of devotion disregards such calculation. What we give to Jehovah, be it a lot or a little, must be with the right motivation. That is, with a full heart.
2 Chronicles 4:1. He mentions an important aspect of the temple: the copper altar where sacrifices to Jehovah were slaughtered. Today the servants of Jehovah do not make animal sacrifices, but lip sacrifices for praise. But in the same way, we must strive to correctly speak the truth to others in order to offer Jehovah a sacrifice worthy of him.
2 Chronicles 3:5:17. This text can be useful to us in the Ministry to teach that the Bible does not contradict itself when it condemns idolatry and the use of images in worship of God, since verse 5 clearly says that all the images that are named in these verses were only decorative objects of the temple, including the angels or cherubs that are mentioned.
2 Chronicles 3:3. It shows how Solomon laid strong and solid foundations according to the ancient measure to build the temple. This teaches me the importance of solidly establishing not only my faith, but also my knowledge and understanding, since they are the foundation of my spirituality as Jehovah's servant.
2 Chronicles 2:5. We see Solomon saying that Jehovah is a God superior to all other gods. We can use this text in the Ministry to teach people that on earth there are almost as many gods as there are religions. However, those gods are all false. only Jehovah is the true god, The Almighty, and superior to all those other gods.
2 Chronicles 2:3-10. He shows that the cedar timber supplied to Solomon by Tire for the construction of the temple was much, and required hard work from the time of its felling to the time it reached the established place in Israel. These verses also show that it was all done by means of a contract between Solomon and Hiram. This teaches me that Jehovah is a God of order who does everything by arrangement and leaves all his commandments, regulations and judicial regulations in writing. Therefore, as his servants, we must imitate his behavior. Especially in what refers to the purchase and sale, negotiations, treaties, inheritance agreements and companies.
2 Chronicles 2:11-16. It shows that Hiram King of Tire blessed Jehovah and thus entered into a covenant of friendship between Tire and Israel. With this, Solomon obtained labor and materials for the building of the temple and shot large quantities of wheat, barley and oil as payment. This teaches me that Jehovah can use anyone, believer or not, to fulfill his purpose.
2 Chronicles 2:7. We see how Solomon asks the king of tire to send him a skilled craftsman working metals, threads, wool and sculptures to work together with the craftsmen provided by his father David. This teaches me that Jehovah did not see a bad use of skilled Gentile labor in the construction of the, just as today he does not see a bad use of technology and other useful resources for preaching, teaching and meetings, made by people who do not belong his people. An example of this was the use of Zoom Telegram and other resources during the Covid-19 pandemic.
2 Chronicles 2:2. It shows how Solomon organizes the workers so that there are overseers of work over them. Even being a wise man, Solomon trusted and delegated other very important tasks. This teaches me that even though we are highly trained and knowledgeable, we must remain humble. And a sign of this humility is delegating tasks and trusting that other people can also do the job well.
2 Chronicles 1:11,12. We see that although Solomon only asks for wisdom and knowledge to govern Israel well, Jehovah, upon examining his heart, decides to also give him riches, goods and glory, as no king had in any previous government. This teaches me that when we ask Jehovah for something in prayer, He searches our hearts. And if what he sees is to his liking, our request will be heard and answered, and his blessings towards us will be abundant.
2 Chronicles 2:2,3. We see how Solomon appeals to Hiram, the king of Tire, based on the good relationship that Hiram had with his father, King David. This shows that David did not consider all the neighboring nations as enemies all the time. It also shows that David knowingly built business alliances that later also benefited his son Solomon. This teaches me the importance that as servants of Jehovah we get along with those who do not serve God, because perhaps what we have not achieved by preaching the message of the kingdom, our children or our grandchildren will achieve.
2 Chronicles 1:11,12. This text in another application shows the response from Jehovah to the request for wisdom and knowledge that Solomon requested, since everything that Solomon left aside for these two things, Jehovah granted them to him with full hands. This teaches me an example of overflowing love and generosity from Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 1:1. In the reading we could see that Solomon had the blessing of Jehovah and this relationship was getting stronger every day. This teaches us that we too can count on Jehovah's approval, if we are loyal to him, since if we do so he will show us his love at all times of our lives.
2 Chronicles 1:11. In this verse Jehovah shows us where Solomon's motives come from: he Says they have turned out to be in his heart. That is, Solomon wanted to be wise with all his being. This teaches me that Jehovah's servants must not only want to do what is right, we must be determined to do it. So we must cultivate in our hearts the correct motivations from Jehovah's point of view.
2 Chronicles 1:10. We see that just like Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge, we too can ask Jehovah to provide us with wisdom and knowledge to make good decisions in our Christian living.
2 Chronicles 2:1,15. This reading teaches us that Jehovah, being our creator, deserves everything we have, including our material things. So everything belongs to Jehovah as our giver of life.
2 Chronicles 2:5. In this text he teaches us the importance of participating in the construction of Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls, that is why we must enjoy this wonderful work to participate in this wonderful work. When we participate in this facet of service we glorify our God.
2 Chronicles 2:11,12. In the reading we were able to notice how this king was not a worshiper of Jehovah, he gave Glory and Praise to Jehovah. This teaches us that in our preaching we must get people who have a receptive heart. And just like this king, they too can give Praise to Jehovah and can become part of his people.
2 Chronicles 1:9. We see that Solomon asked him to fulfill God's promise, this teaches us that we can ask for the day that God's promises will be fulfilled, that makes us think about specific promises that we read in the Bible that we appreciate and long to see fulfilled.
2 Chronicles 1:5. It teaches us that if we are deficient in wisdom we can and should ask God, the Bible says that the fear of God is wisdom and the beginning of knowledge, recognizing God and giving him his place was the key to Solomon's success, and it can be in our case.
2 Chronicles 1:11. Mention those who hated Solomon, this reminds us of a truth of life, we are not going to be liked by everyone, many times there are people who for no reason come to hate us from the moment they see us, that is not because we did something wrong It happened to Solomon and our Lord Jesus Christ, but it is good to remember that we seek God's approval instead of pleasing everyone.
2 Chronicles 2:5. Jehovah is greater than all other gods, and no one is like him, this text teaches us that there is no god on earth and nowhere in the universe as great as our God Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 3:3. We see that Solomon laid strong foundations in the house of, this reminds us of the foundation or foundation of our faith, which we would say is the foundation of our faith, Jesus said that if we put our faith in him we will not be disappointed. Therefore, our faith must be firmly founded on absolute confidence in Jehovah and in his son Jesus Christ, so when storms and doubts come, our faith will remain firm.
2 Chronicles 3:5,6. This text can be useful for us to reason in the Ministry About what is and what is not idolatry, it says that palm trees, cherubs were carved on the walls, this is a fact, but with an important meaning, a holy and dignified ornament to the house of Jehovah, at no time do we read that someone worshiped these images of palm trees and angels, which means that these objects had a purpose and it was to worship Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 3:13. This verse can help us, since some have asked why in our illustrations or drawings angels are painted with wings, in this verse the Bible mentions that cherubs have wings, which serves as a biblical basis or foundation to answer said question.
2 Chronicles 4:11,16. From this text we can see that Iran was a skilled craftsman who had the great honor of using his skills to further the worship of Jehovah. This teaches me that all Christians have the privilege of using our abilities in favor of the Kingdom. Which is why we should never hesitate to accept any organizational project because we think we have little or no experience. Let us remember that Jehovah through his holy spirit can enhance our abilities and capacities to carry out any mission that he wants us to do. So, we must strive to have more abilities, in this way new doors of service to God will be opened for us.
2 Chronicles 2:11,16. During the reign of Solomon, the people of Tire supplied materials and artisan labor for the construction of the temple. This was an excellent opportunity for many Tyrians to learn about Jehovah and realize how good it is to serve the true god. This teaches me that today we also have the opportunity to share the good news with people at work, when we go shopping, when visiting relatives or neighbors. Certainly, informal preaching can be very effective, and since our work is urgent, we should not leave this feature of service to chance, but we want to always be ready to give a good witness.
2 Chronicles 3:3. The foundation that Solomon used to build the house of Jehovah was very solid. The stability of the temple structure depended to a great extent on the solidity of its foundations. This teaches me that similarly, the stability of our faith depends to a great extent on the word of God. That is why it is important to read and study the Bible every day so that our faith will become strong, and more importantly, our actions must show that we have a firm faith. In view of how close the great Tribulation is, that is why we must make sure that our faith is solid and that way we will preserve our life.
2 Chronicles 2:4. It shows us that the adoration that was given to Jehovah in the past, It was an organized duration, it had days and times, which makes us think that Jehovah is a God of order, that is why today for our meetings and preaching we have schedules, which we must strive to fulfill, in order to arrive serving Jehovah in an orderly manner.
2 Chronicles 1:1,11. It is said that Solomon established himself firmly in his kingdom and that Jehovah his God was with him and greatly magnified him. Verse 11 also highlights Solomon's wisdom and discernment. These verses show us that Solomon's wisdom was one of the reasons why his reign was so successful, and it was all thanks to Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 1:10. We see that despite his success and his wisdom, Solomon shows humility by recognizing that he is not capable of governing the people of God without the help of Jehovah, and that is why Solomon asks God to grant him wisdom and understanding to govern the world. town. This teaches us that if we want to be successful, we must always go to Jehovah to ask for his help.
2 Chronicles 1:6. We see Solomon going to the Tent of Meeting at Gibeon to offer sacrifices to God. This demonstrates the importance that Solomon gave to the Worship and service of God. Which teaches us that we should also give due importance to all things spiritual. For example, we can also make sacrifices of service, such as going to preach in isolated places or places where there is a need.
2 Chronicles 1:12. He shows that God promises Solomon that he will grant him wisdom and understanding, but he also promises him riches, honor, and long life if he obeys God's commandments. This shows us that when we seek God's wisdom and understanding we can also expect blessings from him.
2 Chronicles 1:1. He teaches us that Jehovah looks at the humble and lifts him up, but he sees the proud from a distance and lowers him.
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