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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
2Ch 6:29, 30. Why are we comforted by what Solomon said in his prayer? (w10 12/1 11 par. 7)
We take comfort in what Solomon said because there may not be anyone around us who fully understands what we are going through. But Jehovah loves us very much and he knows the pain of our hearts. Therefore, we do well to tell them about our concerns that weigh us down. Since we can be sure that he will help us carry our burdens, the Bible encourages us to cast our worries on Jehovah because he cares for us as mentioned in 1 Peter 5:7.
What Solomon said comforts us, because sometimes we are going through such difficult situations that we may think that those around us do not understand us, but we are sure that if Jehovah does not understand himself and understands our pain, that is why we must Tell Jehovah our worries and our burdens and we can be sure that he will help us carry our burdens.
Solomon said that only Jehovah knows our hearts well. Consequently, Jehovah knows what overwhelms us, what worries us, and the pain we have inside. So Solomon's words comfort us, because they teach us that Jehovah fully understands everything we are going through. He also comforts us because he reminds us that Jehovah loves us and cares about us. In addition, these words of Solomon give us the assurance that Jehovah will help us carry our burdens.
And it comforts us because many people don't know what another person is going through, but Jehovah knows what is in our hearts. That is why we can be sure that when we are going through some trial, we can feel free to open our hearts to Jehovah in prayer and he will help us bear our burdens, because he is the hearer of prayer.
At some point in our lives we have felt drowned in a sea of problems and have a feeling that no one can understand suffering or sympathize with our pain, even in those moments we can be sure that there is someone who understands us perfectly, not we refer to our God Jehovah. Solomon was very clear about that and that is why he asks Jehovah to listen to the prayers of his servants.
That is why we must tell Jehovah the worries that weigh us down. We can be completely sure that Jehovah is attentive to our needs or our problems and he is willing to help us carry these heavy loads that we alone could not bear. We may not have anyone around us who fully understands what we are going through, but Jehovah loves us very much and knows the pain in our hearts.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
2 Chronicles 5:1. It teaches us that it is important to finish what we start, for example our Dedication Promise, this undoubtedly reinforces our sense of commitment and responsibility, qualities that are scarce these days, many get married but fail their spouse, many are baptized and the months no longer meet, and this is so because it is not easy to lead a Christian life as Jehovah asks us, but we must understand that Jehovah deserves that we be faithful until the end.
2 Chronicles 6:14,15. Solomon directs a beautiful prayer to Jehovah, in this he praises him for being a Loyal God, who fulfills his promises. This teaches me that Jehovah has demonstrated for centuries that he is a loyal and trustworthy God. The reason for his loyalty is because he is born out of the love he has for us. And he is a God who keeps his promises because he has both the ability and the will to fulfill what he has proposed. He does not create false expectations in us, but rather, he does promise something and he fulfills it. Therefore, we place full trust in Jehovah, our Loyal God and in his Kingdom promises, these are really good news that will come true.
2 Chronicles 5:12,13. The musical organization of Israel reached its maximum expression in the temple of Solomon. the greatness and magnitude of this can be appreciated by the number of trumpeters, these amounted to 120, and apart, there were also singers who were praising and giving thanks to Jehovah, all at the same time. This teaches me and reminds me that Christians should value the work that our brothers in the Orchestra or Watchtower do to prepare the orchestrated recordings of the songs of the kingdom. Also, let us keep in mind that regardless of whether we are experts or apprentices, we all have the opportunity and the Duty to unite our voices to praise and give thanks to Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 5:13. This text shows that when the temple was inaugurated, Jehovah showed his approval by filling his house of worship with a cloud. Today Jehovah no longer shows his approval in a portentous way, but if we are attentive we will surely be able to perceive if what we are doing is sacred to Jehovah or not. If he gives us his approval, or if on the contrary he rejects us.
2 Chronicles 7:12-14. These verses show that Jehovah prophesied to Solomon that Israel would cease to be in a healthy condition from him, thus it would appear to be the punishment of the plagues. But Jehovah also told him in what way it would be possible to make the earth recover its health again. This teaches me that Jehovah does not change, because for the last days he also has prophesied in advance the punishment that will come to the world. But in the same way, he has recorded in the Bible what things we can do to be forgiven and obtain salvation and eternal life.
2 Chronicles 7:1-3. These verses show that the fire from heaven that kindled the wood on the new altar and that consumed the sacrifices, were a demonstration that Jehovah had accepted both the temple and the altar from it. And that furthermore, he had approved the transfer of his worship from the Old tabernacle to this temple. This teaches me that Jehovah will dwell in the halls of his kingdom as long as his instructions are followed and our worship is kept pure, because these things are essential to have his approval.
2 Chronicles 5:13. This verse says that the sound of the trumpets, yes, rang out as they praised Jehovah, and that at that moment a cloud filled the temple. This shows that Jehovah heard that praise in the form of a melody and with the cloud indicated that he liked him. This teaches me how much Jehovah loves it when we sing at the Kingdom hall. Hence, it is so important to arrive early to the meetings to be able to sing to Jehovah in Unity with our spiritual brothers.
2 Chronicles 6:4. This verse shows Solomon's sincere thanks to Jehovah because he fulfilled the promise he had made to his father David of him. This teaches me that the gratitude we feel towards Jehovah should prompt us to bless him with praise and true love.
2 Chronicles 6:18-21. These verses show us that while no constructed building can contain the glory of God, the temple in Jerusalem would be the nucleus of his worship. From this I learn that currently, that role is played by our Kingdom halls. So I must respect them in every way, since symbolically they represent the house of Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 5:11,12. These verses show that although normally the priests and the Levites worked in the temple according to a rigorous schedule, on this day all the priests and the Levites were in the service of Jehovah. This bears a similarity to what we, Jehovah's servants, experience today in the seasons of the overseers' visits and in the seasons of commemoration. And it is that, although the pioneers and publishers in general already have their service planned, for these dates we all make a greater effort to support the Ministry more.
2 Chronicles 6:32,33. These verses teach me that Jehovah makes himself accessible to all people, including those who are not part of his people. Here we see how from the king, to the humblest servant of Israel and also the foreigners who truly sought God, could find him because he would leave himself yesterday for them.
2 Chronicles 7:10: This verse shows how the people were happy and glad-hearted because of the goodness that Jehovah had shown David, Solomon, and Israel. This teaches me that when we receive a blessing from Jehovah we can show our gratitude by being happy and joyful for the benefit received.
2 Chronicles 7:12. This verse shows that Jehovah heard Solomon's prayer. This teaches me that just as he listened to Solomon, Jehovah will also listen to my prayer. Therefore, I should never stop praying or doubt that Jehovah will listen to me and that he will answer my prayer whenever he deems it appropriate.
2 Chronicles 6:17. This verse shows how Solomon in prayer asks Jehovah to be faithful to the word that his father David gave him. This prayer reveals that Solomon was not questioning Jehovah's faithfulness, rather he was expressing to him what he felt in the depths of his heart. From this I learn that our prayers reveal what is in our hearts. Hence, we must be attentive to what we say in them in order to self-examine.
2 Chronicles 5:13. This verse highlights one of Jehovah's most beautiful qualities, his loving-kindness or his royal love. From this I learn that if Jehovah displays this quality, I as his imitator can and should also show loyal love to others, especially to my spiritual brothers. And one way to do it is by greeting everyone with affection, supporting them to the best of my ability and not showing any kind of favoritism towards some of our brothers.
2 Chronicles 6:32,33. These texts show us that as true Jehovah's Witnesses we should welcome people of different nationalities and treat them equally. As Jehovah's Witnesses we practice the brotherhood of every race and nationality.
2 Chronicles 6:14. This text shows us that Jehovah shows his loyal love to those who are his friends, he has a wonderful purpose for all of us. Knowing that Jehovah is by our side gives us joy and the strength we need to face our problems.
2 Chronicles 6:21. This text teaches me the importance of seeing Jehovah as, and being convinced that he listens to us. When we pray we must speak to Jehovah about concrete things. If we tell him from the heart everything that concerns us, he will come closer to us.
2 Chronicles 6:21. This text teaches me the importance of seeing Jehovah as a Father, and being convinced that he listens to us. When we pray we must speak to Jehovah about concrete things. If we tell him from the heart everything that concerns us, he will come closer to us.
2 Chronicles 6:19. This text teaches us that prayer is a gift from God. we can address Jehovah with respect anytime and anywhere. Jehovah is never too busy to listen to us, he always gives us his attention. That is why we have the certainty that our father not only listens to them but also answers them.
2 Chronicles 6:10. This text shows us that Jehovah always keeps his promises. In the Bible a series of Divine promises that were fulfilled in the past are being fulfilled today. And we can be sure that all the promises that Jehovah has made to us will come true in the future, that is why it is very important to read the Bible, in this way we will be convinced that God always keeps his promises.
2 Chronicles 7:21. We see that Jehovah said that even though his temple was in Jerusalem if the Israelites disobeyed, this temple would become a heap of ruins. This text teaches us that Jehovah is not carried away by the appearances that people can show, what he wants is that we give him a worship that comes from the heart.
2 Chronicles 7:13. It teaches us what we need if one day we sin and seek forgiveness, the text says that we must humble ourselves, this means that we must accept Jehovah's discipline, because if we humble ourselves we will show sincere repentance and not just say that we are repentant to avoid the shame of being disciplined by Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 7:12. In this text we see that Jehovah heard Solomon's prayer, which indicates that he will also listen to our prayers, so we should never doubt that Jehovah wants to listen to us, since he always does. It may not be at the time we want, but he answers us when he sees fit to do so.
2 Chronicles 6:17. We see that Solomon asks Jehovah in prayer to be faithful, these words that Solomon uses in his prayer can make us understand that Jehovah was never faithful to him, but in reality what this prayer does not reveal is that Solomon is praying from the beginning. heart and expressed what he felt, and we see that Jehovah listened. This teaches us that in the same way we may sometimes feel so hurt that our prayers don't make sense, but even so Jehovah listens to us and understands what we are going through.
2 Chronicles 5:13. In this text we see that Solomon highlights one of Jehovah's qualities. His loving-kindness or his loyal love, and what he teaches us is that just as Jehovah displays this beautiful quality, we as imitators of God can do it too. And this is evidenced in how we treat our brothers if we are interested in them, for example when they arrive at the meeting we approach them and ask them about their well-being, if we do not do so we will be being kind and imitating this beautiful quality of our God Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 5:10. It is mentioned that inside the ark were the two tables with the ten commandments of God, we too can keep God's commandments in our hearts, this is more than just knowing a piece of information, or memorizing information.
2 Chronicles 5:10. It is interesting to see that the ark served as a sacred archive to keep certain items that served as reminders or testimony. the two tables of testimony or the 10 commandments were its main content. A golden jar containing Manna and Aaron's rod which cast buttons were also kept in it, but later, sometime before Solomon's temple was built, they were removed from it.
2 Chronicles 5:13. It motivates us to value and appreciate from the heart the songs of praise to Jehovah that we sing in the congregation meetings. Since our meetings usually begin with a song and the kingdom. That's why we do well to make sure we arrive on time to take part in this aspect of our worship, and we should do the same to stay until We Sing the concluding song, which shows respect for Jehovah and his organization.
2 Chronicles 5:14. If we sing the songs of the kingdom while our thoughts are on other things and do not fully appreciate the meaning of the words, we would resemble to some degree some who, while praising God with their lips, their hearts were far removed from him, therefore By singing them properly, we not only encourage ourselves, but also our young brothers.
2 Chronicles 6:3. We see that Solomon blessed his brothers, this reminds us of the importance of praying and blessing our brothers, even those who have offended us. In the common world it is wishing evil, but we choose to follow the biblical principles of forgiving our brothers and blessing them.
2 Chronicles 6:18-21. Although no building can contain God, the temple would be the nucleus of the worship of Jehovah. Likewise, the Kingdom halls of Jehovah's Witnesses are today the nucleus of true worship.
2 Chronicles 6:4. Sincere appreciation for Jehovah's loving-kindness and benignity should prompt us to bless ourselves, that is, to praise him with affection and gratitude.
2 Chronicles 6:21. This text teaches us that Jehovah listens to the prayers of his servants who seek him with a sincere heart and in the way that he has established.
2 Chronicles 6:23. This text teaches us that we can trust in the justice of, since he gives each one what corresponds to him, and no one can mock him and his justice.
2 Chronicles 6:29. This text speaks of the plague and pain that everyone has, this encourages us, since we can approach Jehovah in prayer to talk about our own plague or so to speak of our own pain or everything that causes us affliction . And it comforts us to know that he doesn't understand himself and that he cares about us.
2 Chronicles 6:29. We see how Solomon reacts as he helps us see that each one bears his own affliction. In the case of some people it can be a physical illness. In the case of others, emotional distress. Some may be saddened by the death of a loved one, unemployment, economic difficulties and family tensions also frequently afflict people in these difficult times.
2 Chronicles 6:20. This text teaches us that perhaps there is no one around us who fully understands what we are going through, but Jehovah loves us very much and knows the pain in our hearts.
2 Chronicles 6:30. This text motivates us, encourages us not to get tired of doing good, and if we see that others do not do the right thing, we should not allow it to be an excuse to do the same as them, since at the Due time, in this or in the next comes, Jehovah will repay each one according to his conduct.
2 Chronicles 6:36-39. This text teaches us that when we sin we hurt ourselves and our family, even so we can return to Jehovah who will show mercy if we seek it correctly, it is more than just saying I committed a sin and forgive me, or even though I am sinning you bless me , and we say this because in the text we can perceive that there is a change of sincere repentance.
2 Chronicles 7:14. We see in the text that Jehovah said that: If a sinner humbles himself and prays and seeks his face and turns from his evil ways, then he himself will hear from heaven and his sin endures. This reminds us that if we lead a double life, we cannot expect Jehovah's blessing, but if we repent and seek him, he will help us as he helped his people in the past.
2 Chronicles 6:18. In this text we can see that Solomon recognized that Jehovah's dwelling place is in heaven. This teaches us that we do not necessarily have to be in the Kingdom Halls to pray to Jehovah, he listens to us wherever we are and proof of this is that he has answered the prayers of our brothers who are in prison and has given them the courage and stamina they need to be loyal.
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