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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023
Monday March 27
Wisdom accompanies those who ask for advice (Prov. 13:10).
Those who ask for advice rather than wait for it often make more spiritual progress. So let's take the initiative and ask for advice. In what situations might we ask someone in the congregation for advice? Let's see some. 1) A sister asks an experienced publisher to go with her to teach a class and then asks what she can improve herself. 2) A single sister wants to buy some pants, so she asks a mature sister to give her honest opinion on the ones she has chosen. 3) A brother is giving his first public talk in the congregation and asks an experienced speaker to listen carefully when he introduces it and then gives him some suggestions. Even those who have been giving speeches for many years do well to ask other brothers for advice and put it into practice (Prov. 19:20). w22. 02 13 paras. 15-17.
How did Job react when he was counseled?
In the Bible, we also find examples of people who accepted advice, and God blessed them for it. Let's see the case of Job. Although he wanted to please God, he was not perfect. When he was under a lot of pressure, he said things that weren't right. And that is why he received direct advice from Elihu and Jehovah. What was Job's reaction? He was humble and accepted the advice. He said, "I spoke without understanding." And he added: "I take back what I said and repent in dust and ashes." Jehovah blessed Job for being humble (Job 42:3-6, 12-17).
How did Moses react when Jehovah corrected him, and why is he a good example for us?
Moses is a good example of someone who accepted Jehovah's correction after making a serious mistake. On one occasion, he was carried away by anger and did not give honor to Jehovah. Therefore, he lost the opportunity to enter the Promised Land (Num. 20: 1-13). When Moses expressed to Jehovah how disappointed he was with that decision, he told him: “Never speak to me about it again” (Deut. 3:23-27). Instead of becoming bitter, Moses accepted that decision, and Jehovah continued to use him as the leader of the nation of Israel (Deut. 4:1). Job and Moses are good examples for us. Job changed his way of seeing things and did not try to justify himself. And Moses demonstrated that he accepted Jehovah's correction by serving him faithfully even after losing something very valuable to him.
According to Proverbs 4:10-13, how does accepting advice benefit us? And what good attitude have some brothers shown?
If we follow the example of faithful men like Job and Moses, we will do well (read Proverbs 4:10-13). Many brothers have done that. Emmanuel, a brother who lives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, received advice from some brothers. Let's see what he says: “Some older brothers in my congregation realized that I was about to sink spiritually and came to help me. I followed his advice, and thanks to that I have avoided many problems”. A pioneer from Canada named Megan confesses: “The advice I have received has not always been what I wanted to hear, but it was always what I needed to hear.” And a brother from Croatia named Marko says, “I lost a service privilege, but I reckon the advice they gave me helped me regain balance spiritually.”
How does humility help us accept advice? (Psalm 141:5).
Humility will help us accept advice. This quality reminds us of how imperfect we are and how foolish we can be at times. As we have already seen, Job had a wrong way of thinking, but he later corrected it. He was humble and accepted Elihu's advice even though he was a much younger man than he was (Job 32:6, 7). Jehovah blessed Job for being humble. Humility also helps us to follow advice, even when we think we don't need it or when the person giving us advice is younger than us. An elderly man from Canada says: “We don't see ourselves the way others see us. So how are we going to progress if nobody advises us? Who doesn't need to keep cultivating the fruit of the spirit and keep improving as a teacher? (Read Psalm 141:5.)
How should we view the advice we receive?
Let's see the advice as a sample of God's love. Jehovah wants the best for us (Prov. 4:20-22). When he gives us advice through his Word, a Bible publication, or a mature brother, he shows us that he loves us. And, as Hebrews 12:9, 10 says, he "he does it for our benefit."
What should we focus on when we are given advice?
Let's focus on what they tell us, not how they tell us. Sometimes it may seem to us that the person who gave us advice did not do it in the best way. Sure, someone who gives advice should strive to give it in a way that makes it easy to accept (Gal. 6:1).d But if we're the ones receiving the advice, we need to focus on the message, even if we don't think we're getting it. they gave in the best way. We might ask ourselves, “Even though I don't like the way the person gave me the advice, is he right? Can I overlook his shortcomings and benefit from what he told me? It would be good if we found a way to take advantage of any advice we are given (Prov. 15:31).
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