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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023
Friday March 24
When he came near the city and saw it, he wept for it (Luke 19:41).
Jesus was very sad because he knew that most of the Jews would not accept the message of the Kingdom. For that reason, Jerusalem would be destroyed and those Jews who managed to survive would be taken prisoner (Luke 21:20-24). Unfortunately, just as Jesus had predicted, most people rejected him. How do people generally respond to the Kingdom message in the area where you live? If, despite your efforts to teach them the truth, few respond favorably, what can you learn from Jesus' tears? Jehovah loves people. Jesus' tears remind us how much Jehovah cares about people. "He does not desire that any should be destroyed, but that all come to repentance" (2 Pet. 3:9). We show that we love our neighbor by willingly continuing to strive for the good news to reach his heart (Matt. 22:39). w22.01 16 paras. 10-12.
How did Jesus show that he had compassion for people? And how can we demonstrate that quality?
Jesus worked very hard in the ministry. Because he loved people, he took every opportunity to teach them (Luke 19:47, 48). The compassion he felt for them compelled him to do it. Sometimes so many people wanted to hear his teaching that he and his disciples “couldn't even eat” (Mark 3:20). And when a man came to see him at night, Jesus was willing to talk with him (John 3:1, 2). It is true that most of the people who heard Jesus did not become his disciples, but all of them received a complete testimony. Today, we want to give everyone the opportunity to hear the good news (Acts 10:42). To achieve this, we may have to make some changes in our ministry.
Be willing to make the necessary changes. If we always preach at the same times, we may not find those who would like to hear the good news. A pioneer named Matilda recounts: “My husband and I try to preach at different times. Early in the morning, we preach in business. At noon, when there are a lot of people on the street, we use the carts. And later in the day we managed to find more people in their homes.” Instead of choosing the time that suits us, let's preach at the times when we are most likely to find people. If we do, we can be sure that Jehovah will be very happy.
What did Jesus do the night before he died, as we read in Luke 22:39-44?
15 Late on the night of Nisan 14 in the year 33, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane and there he poured out his heart to Jehovah (read Luke 22:39-44). In those difficult moments, he “offered requests […] with loud cries and tears” (Heb. 5:7). What did Jesus ask for that night before he died? He asked Jehovah to give him strength to remain loyal and to do his will. Jehovah heard the fervent prayer of his Son and sent an angel to strengthen him.
Why did Jesus feel distressed while praying in the Garden of Gethsemane?
No doubt Jesus wept while praying in the Garden of Gethsemane because he was distressed by the idea that people would think he had blasphemed God. He was also aware of the enormous responsibility he had: to vindicate or defend his Father's name. If you are going through a difficult situation that tests your loyalty to Jehovah, what can you learn from the tears of Jesus? We are going to see three lessons.
What does the fact that he answered Jesus' intense prayers teach us about Jehovah?
Jehovah listens to your requests. Jehovah heard the intense pleas of his Son. Because? Because the most important thing for Jesus was to stay loyal to his Father and defend his name. If the most important thing for us is to stay loyal to Jehovah and defend his name, he will answer us when we ask for help (Ps. 145: 18, 19).
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