APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of March 27 to April 2, 2023, Invitation to the Commemoration, Lesson 3, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:  27-March-2-April-2023, Invitation to the Commemoration, Lesson 3, Assignment Prepared.

Memorial Invitation (3 min.): Use topic ideas for discussion. Then, when the person shows interest, present and discuss the video Remembering Jesus' Death, but don't play it (th lec. 3).

Publisher: Hello, my name is Maria! If she will allow me a minute, I would like to invite her to a special event that will be celebrated by millions of people around the world. It is a very important occasion for all of us who believe in Christ. Do you have faith in Christ? Do you have any idea what special event I'm talking about? If you tell me her name, I would really appreciate it.

Helper: Hello Maria. My name is Isabel. I imagine you are talking about Holy Week or Semana Mayor as we Catholics call it.

Publisher: It's good that you know what I'm talking about. Yes, it is the anniversary of the death of Jesus. take your invitation. There you will be able to see the day, time and place where we will celebrate it. She will be welcome. I also invite you to join us the weekend before Memorial for a special lecture entitled: Look to the Future Without Fear. In the invitation I wrote the schedule.

Helper: Tell me, Maria, why would a Catholic like me have to accompany them “on that occasion?

Publisher: That's an excellent question, Isabel. And through this short video that I will show you, you will be able to come up with an answer for yourself. Watch this video titled: "Remember Jesus' Death."

Helper: (AFTER WATCHING THE VIDEO, MENTION) What a wonderful world God promises and how moving the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus.

Publisher: Isabel, as we saw in the video, why should you and I, Christians of different religions, commemorate the death of Christ?

Helper: Because it is a mandate from Jesus himself. In my church they never taught me that this was a mandate. Yes, I would like to go and I would also like to know a little more about this subject, MarĂ­a.

Publisher: Excellent! Tomorrow around this time I can return to continue the conversation. “I will also show you the answer that the Bible gives to this question: Why did Jesus have to die?

Helper: Sounds good to me. I will be waiting.
