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“Do not let their hearts be distressed or discouraged” (JOHN 14:27).
1. What is “the peace of God,” and how does it benefit us? (Philippians 4:6, 7).
The peace of God is the calm that the person who has a close relationship with his heavenly father feels, this Peace makes us feel safe, and because we know him well, because we trust him and because we are willing to obey. Therefore, when we face problems or distressing situations, that Peace reassures our hearts.
Philippians 4, 6 and 7 shows us that people who believe in God can pray to him to find the relief they need when they are very worried and feel anxious, for his part Jehovah God promises to give them inner peace that helps them control anxiety , and protects their mind and heart, that is, their thoughts and emotions.
It is the calm that those of us who have a close relationship with Jehovah come to feel and this Peace is capable of calming us down even when we feel very distressed.
And we can achieve that peace when we know Jehovah, trust him and obey him.
We can also notice that it is a peace that this world does not know or want to know, because God is also making it accessible to this world so that they can also enjoy that Peace. Therefore, we feel privileged to know that Jehovah, through his organization, is not only giving peace to us, but is also giving people the opportunity to have it as well.
2. Why do we know that it is possible to have the peace of God?
Jesus gave this advice to his disciples that their hearts not be distressed or cowardly.
We know this because many of us have gone through moments of crisis, such as epidemic outbreaks, emergency situations, social conflicts or persecution, situations that can easily destabilize anyone emotionally, however, with Jehovah's help, we have been able to face the trials.
In situations like the ones mentioned above, it is possible to have the peace of God, if we apply the advice of Jesus recorded in John 14:27, which says that our hearts should not be anguished and intimidated, because he gives us his peace and this peace that Jesus gives to his disciples, is the sense of comfort we feel knowing that we have the love and approval of both Jesus and Jehovah, so we have nothing to fear.
And we know that this is possible because we all know brothers and sisters who have faced trials and who have listened to this advice, and who have had Peace when facing difficult moments, so it is good to have a relationship with our brothers and learn about their experiences, because they are going to help us too. And also, many of us throughout our lives have been tested by circumstances. And then we have seen the hand of Jehovah in them, that is, we ourselves know that the peace of God surpasses all thought.
And also, many of us throughout our lives have been tested by circumstances. And then we have seen the hand of Jehovah in them, that is, we ourselves know that the peace of God surpasses all thought.
Yes, as has been commented and from experience that we see in some magazines, there are brothers and sisters who have passed impossible tests, that if it were not for the fact that they have Jehovah through them, they could not have endured them, and also to the brothers who have commented before When they reject any of us when we go and preach they do not reject us, but they do not reject the father and the son, since we have a mandate from the two of them, as it says in Ezekiel and as Matthew 28:19,20 says.
I really like that in the paragraph it says that these difficulties can scare anyone, that is, the fact of having the peace of Jehovah, does not mean that we are scared, but what it will do to us is to have a balance of being able to have the heart and the mind in peace and to be able to face the difficulties as they come.
3. How could an epidemic or pandemic take away our peace?
An epidemic or a pandemic can take away our peace, because it can completely change our lives. An example of this has been the Covid 19 pandemic, which has not only caused many deaths, but has also altered our entire way of life, generating anxiety, depression, sleep loss, alcohol and drug use, domestic violence, and suicide attempts.
In a study, more than half of the respondents said that during this pandemic they had had sleep problems, there were many people who had had domestic violence, suicides, many things.
Well, we have all just lived through the Covid pandemic and we were all able to see how our lives changed overnight in one day and there have been many studies that have shown that all anxiety and depression problems, including suicides, have increased a lot due to to this pandemic.
4. Why does knowing Jesus' prophecy about the last days give us peace?
It gives us peace firstly because Jesus warned us what would happen in the last days. So we are not ignorant, that is why in Luke 21:11 Jesus said that there would be epidemics in one place after another, and secondly because he also left us the advice that is recorded in Matthew 24:6 to be careful and to let us not be alarmed, because these things must happen, but it is not yet the end.
Because we already knew what was going to happen, Jesus Christ himself predicted in Luke 21:11 that there would be earthquakes, famine and added epidemics in one place after another, therefore we are not surprised that this type of thing can happen.
Rather, we follow the advice of the Bible in Matthew 24:6 to be careful not to be alarmed but to be calm because although this is happening we know that it is not the end.
In addition, not only does it not catch us by surprise because it is already written, but for how many years we have been reminded in meetings in assemblies or in special meetings in publications that this was going to happen that we put our minds on a simple life model that things were going to get worse and as has already been said things are getting worse but we are already aware of that.
5. (a) According to Philippians 4:8, 9, what should we ask of Jehovah when an outbreak occurs?
In these situations we must ask Jehovah in specific prayers to help us calm down and think about positive things, as Philippians 4:8,9 advises. So instead of letting the epidemic become the focus of our conversations, we rather strive to talk about things that will strengthen our faith and trust in Jehovah, in this way we will prove who we are and what we have learned , accepted, heard and seen as disciples of Christ.
Well, we must ask him to help us calm down and think about positive things as Philippians said about things that are true, you would be just, that inspire love, things that help us calm down.
We have a good example of this in the sister mentioned in the paragraph. After the death of her relatives due to Covid 19, she was afraid of catching it and infecting her aging mother, she was also afraid of losing her job and not having money to support herself and the rent, so she applied Philippians 4:8,9 and it helped her calm down and think positively.
5. b) How does listening to audio recordings of the Bible help us?
Listening to the calm voices of the readers can calm the anxiety that is felt under these circumstances, another beneficial effect of listening to the audio recordings of the Bible, is that they help us to remember that Jehovah cares for us individually as he shows us Psalm 94:19, and as we can see in the image for this paragraph.
These voices, which are usually put by the brothers to make them more relaxing, help us when we hear these audios because they do not remember that Jehovah does not leave us and that he cares for us, as Psalm 94:19 says, when worries overwhelmed me, you helped me. you comforted and reassured me.
And we all know the effect of what we hear or what we see, I remember that at the beginning of the pandemic we were advised to avoid seeing too much negative news about what was happening in the world, so we want to fill our minds with positive aspects and only We get it by going to our website watching videos that are going to help us or in this case how the image we see is mentioned and illustrated very well, then listening to the audio recordings we have of the Bible.
A sister is wearing headphones or headphones and listening to an audio recording on her tablet. Bible audio recordings can help us have peace of mind during an outbreak. (See paragraph 5).
6. How can personal study and meeting attendance help us?
Personal study helps us because in the publications and videos we find experiences of brothers who go through very similar situations, and still remain loyal to Jehovah. Which is an example to imitate, for its part, attendance at meetings helps us fill our minds with positive Biblical ideas, as well as receive encouragement from our brothers and give it to them as well. The meetings will help us meditate on how Jehovah has helped his servants, when they were sick they were afraid or felt alone and that will strengthen our faith and confidence that we will receive the same support from our heavenly father.
The personal study of the Bible from our publications and listening to the recordings encourage us, there we find experiences of other brothers who are going through similar problems and seeing how they remain loyal helps us to be loyal too.
We are also encouraged to fill our minds with positive biblical ideas and they give us the opportunity to encourage others and they will receive encouragement, if we think about how Jehovah has supported his servants when they were sick, afraid or felt alone, our faith will be strengthened and not we will have no doubt that he also supported us.
And the same shows us how important they are for us to attend the meetings with what we already live, we practically did not lose any meeting even though we went from face-to-face to zoom, the spiritual food continued and flowed, it was up to us if we make use of what we Jehovah was giving us, but that shows then that it is very important to Jehovah that we continue to hold our meetings.
7. How can we imitate the apostle John?
We imitate him if under circumstances that limit physical contact with our brothers, we continue to look for ways to maintain contact, the apostle John wanted to see his rooster friend face to face, but for a while this would not be possible. So he sent her a letter. In our case, we can make a phone call or a video call, we can also send a text message, in this way we would not only be fighting against our loneliness and anguish, but we would also be helping the other person to do the same.
Well, he mentions that he was eager to see his rooster friend in person because it was not possible but he maintained contact with him through letters, in our case the same if for some reason we cannot see our brothers in person because we have other means how can it be video calls, phone calls, WhatsApp, which are very helpful in these cases, and then we maintain that contact with our brothers and it is a way that we fight against loneliness but they also because they also receive news from us and that way we are calmer, if the In case the anguish were very serious, then we already have the elderly for that.
Surely we all remember in this pandemic when we have made these calls or video calls with our friends or with our brothers and this helped us, it made us recover our strength and worry less about what was happening outside, so contact with our brothers and our friends helped us It gave us strength and helps us to face the situations that we are going through.
Yes, this is the objective that the elderly should follow or try to achieve, to be a shelter against the wind against the storm, so that the brothers can go to the elderly and when they finish talking to them, they feel encouraged.
8. How can an emergency situation steal your peace?
Emergency situations such as floods, earthquakes and fires can rob us of peace, because they generate a lot of anxiety, pain, sadness or anger, especially when we lose loved ones to death, our home or our workplace. And although feeling like this is not a lack of faith, it is a complicated situation and full of negative reactions. So under such circumstances this type of reaction should not surprise anyone.
Well, the fact of a natural catastrophe, as we often see on television, or a fire, a flood, or an earthquake, that can create in us a feeling of pain, sadness, and even go away, but that does not mean that we have lost faith or that we let's have love for material things, they are complicated situations that happen from time to time and that's it, so there are people who may be surprised by the reactions we can get but what he says in the end is very good because He says that no matter how difficult our situation is, we can feel peace because if we stick to Jehovah, he can give us that peace.
And I also like that the paragraph is related to the text of Job 1:11 reminds us of his example, he was tempted to the limit, he lost his loved ones, he lost his property, he lost his health and obviously he felt sad, he felt bad about all this, however, Jehovah understood him, he was close to him and to this day he is an example of faith.
9. How do the words of Jesus help us to be prepared for any emergency situation?
They help us because they make us understand that although we are servants of Jehovah, natural disasters, major catastrophes, terrorist attacks, evil, crime and violence predicted for the last days, can also affect some of us at any time and anywhere. So we must always be prepared.
They help us to be able to be prepared for what may come, unlike some people in the world who may think that a situation like this will never happen, because it is as Jesus said in Luke 21:11, he told his disciple that before the In the end there would be great earthquakes and other catastrophes, so we are already prepared, we already know that the disasters are going to increase and that some can accept us, but we are calm because we know that we have Jehovah's blessing.
We know that these situations can also affect us, it happened in the past with many servants of Jehovah, for example, in the second letter to the Corinthians, chapter 11:25, it speaks of the apostle Paul who was beaten three times and was about to die in the sea, so this This story shows us that we cannot expect Jehovah to protect us in a miraculous way, but what we are convinced is that he will give us peace to calm our hearts when we face distressing situations.
The paragraph also talks about the evil that would be lived in the last days, we are also calm in this aspect because Jesus already said in Matthew 24:12 that the evil in the last days and the love of the people grows cold as we are seeing lately With all the wars, the problems that exist and people who murder their loved ones, then we are calm because we know that this was going to happen.
10. Why do we say that preparing for an emergency situation shows that we have faith? (Proverbs 22:3).
The Bible with texts such as Proverbs 22:3, advises us to take precautions in the face of danger, we are also given this advice through Magazines, Congregation Meetings, announcements and Jehovah's organization, in fact we are advised in this regard insistently. Therefore obeying and doing everything to be prepared is a show of faith.
Well, because the Bible tells us to take precautionary measures in the face of dangers and that is why Jehovah's organization was insistently telling us that we have to prepare ourselves to face any disaster.
Lately in meetings we are continually reminded of the importance of being prepared for disasters and emergency situations that may arise. Perhaps at one time we thought that these things did not happen in our environment but we see that each time in areas closer to ours in Europe, well, there could be a war, there could be a large-scale earthquake that would make us have to take extraordinary measures, which is why it is so important to be obedient.
In the awakening that is mentioned there, for example, it is very interesting because it gives us advice to be able to save our lives in case of fire, in case of a tsunami or in case of floods, for example, I found it interesting to see that many people try to flee when there is a flood through a car and yet many of the deaths occur at that moment because already with half a meter it is enough to be dragged by the water and be able to die or he also talks about being able to elaborate an escape plan with our family with our children to try it or even lately we have also been recommended in reports from the governing body to have a full gas tank and also have food at home, every time we see the importance of obeying these rules because we have seen that many brothers have saved their lives .
11. What do we learn from Margaret's example?
We learn that if we want to survive a catastrophe we must be obedient and prepare ahead of time and as recommended, Margaret surely kept her car's tank full of fuel, she had her life backpack with everything she needed, her documents , water, food, flashlights, a map of the area, her medicines, since she was an elderly person, and she had even done a kind of escape drill, so despite the smoke caused by the fire and the blocked roads, she was able to endure and survive thanks to its excellent preparation.
Well, I learn that we have to be farsighted and sensible in case one day we face an emergency situation, because when Margaret unfortunately went through this disaster, she was able to buy time thanks to the fact that she meditated on what could happen, that the roads that The best thing would need to escape to a known open site because thanks to that he was able to save time and managed to save himself, so let's also be proactive and think of ways to save time in the face of a possible disaster.
We see that Margaret was already carrying the backpack, she had several provisions, so to speak, and apart from that, she had a very good preparation and not only that, but in the paragraph she also says that she had already traveled an alternative route before, just in case there was a traffic jam, whatever. , then we see his great preparation and that he had everything prepared.
A sister inside her car consulting a map. Bring bottles of water and other essentials. Preparing for an emergency in advance can help us survive. (See paragraph 11).
12. Why do we follow instructions for emergencies?
We follow them to protect ourselves and to maintain a certain order that favors the measures of the authorities, such as a curfew, an evacuation or some other measure, because unlike other people we obey the authorities, as 1 Peter 2 advises us: 13,14 in the same way we also follow the protection instructions of the Jehovah's Organization, for this reason we give our updated information to the elders of the congregation so that in case of emergency they can locate us and so they can give us instructions and can supply us with supplies aid if necessary. Following instructions in an emergency can save our lives.
We must be obedient to the authorities like our first from Peter 2:13 and 14 that we must submit to that human creation, it may be that sometimes it gives us in some measures that other people may resist, but it is precisely the distinction between it can save or not it is in that to obey them and also not only the authorities but the organization also always gives us instructions to protect us for that reason the important thing of all is that we obey them.
Because not doing so endangers our lives but also that of other people because if they are worried about looking for us and others who are wasting time that they may need to help others, then it is important that we obey the instructions.
If it is possible that we think well in an emergency, the authorities are here and all I have to do is take care of myself and my family and nothing else, however the organization has thought about this very carefully, there are established guidelines that The elders know them in case of action against disasters and following these guidelines and also that all the brothers and sisters are very attentive to follow them to the letter then with this demonstrate not only that we are obedient but that we care and We trust how Jehovah has everything prepared if any problem occurs, any disaster or any emergency.
13. What do many displaced Christians do to maintain happiness and peace?
They do everything possible to adapt to their new situation and immediately resume theocratic activities just as the first Christians did when they were scattered due to persecution, since preaching helps them think about the Kingdom and not about their own problems, in this way they can preserve happiness and peace.
Well, it says that they do everything possible to adapt to their new situation and immediately return to their theocratic activities, which is to continue declaring the good news as it happened in ancient times according to facts, it says that the Christians were in a revolt in Jerusalem and they had to flee to samaria but they quickly adapted to that situation in those countries because he says that they began to declare the good news and thinking about the kingdom makes them not think about the problems they have.
14. Why can persecution rob us of peace?
We should not fear persecution because when we are persecuted, we are being confirmed that we are true disciples of Christ, because the second Timothy 3:12 prophecy would be fulfilled in us. So if we are persecuted rather Trust in Jehovah and leave the matter in his hands, even though we may be arrested, Jehovah will give us his peace and we can go through those problems without ceasing to be loyal.
Jesus was persecuted and still remained faithful until his death, there we have our example to imitate, if we are true Christians we can also be brave and overcome persecution as the text of John 16:33 encourages us.
It can steal our peace because it takes away everything that helps us to be happy in this world. The stress and anguish of not being able to meet with our brothers or not being able to go out and preach for fear of being arrested can make us feel very sad and Jesus knew that this could happen to us because he already warned his disciples that they should be careful because this type of situation could cause them to lose faith.
15. Why shouldn't we fear persecution? (John 15:20; 16:33).
It is true that Jesus told us that we would be persecuted, but he also assured us that we can be loyal.
Other brothers left the matter in the hands of Jehovah and did not think that they would never be arrested, they knew that this was a possibility, and they did not feel so anguished.
We must also keep in mind that those who are afraid are in a continuous condition of anxiety and worry about many things that may never happen. So the most sensible thing to do is trust in Jehovah and leave this matter in his hands.
As with natural disasters and other difficult circumstances, the Bible already warned us that this was not going to happen, but it also tells us that we can endure Jesus himself also endured that persecution and gives us all the necessary help so that we can do it. .
The same as denying that nothing will happen to us in a natural disaster only makes things worse because if it comes we will not be prepared, because to think that they will never persecute us is also to deny reality because when it arrives maybe not we are prepared then the best thing is to accept the situation the probability prepare ourselves then Jehovah will help us later.
16. What instructions should we obey when persecuted?
When the work is restricted or prohibited somewhere, the elders of the congregation or branches give instructions to protect us and to continue receiving spiritual nourishment and to continue preaching as much as possible. This is why it is of the utmost importance that we be obedient, even if we do not fully understand the instructions given to us. One of these instructions is not to give information about our brothers or the activities of the congregation to those who do not have the right to know it.
When the time comes when our work is prohibited, we have to be obedient first to the branch and to the elders because what they are going to do is give us instructions to protect ourselves and so that we receive spiritual food and so that we can continue preaching as much as we can still with the restrictions that we have and although we often do not understand why they are giving us instructions, what we have to do is obey them because as James 3:17 says, the wisdom from above is pure in the first place.
17. Like the apostles, what are we determined to do?
We are determined not to let Satan and his world scare us, just like the apostles when ordered by the Jewish authorities to stop preaching, they were obedient and loyal to Jehovah and happily continued to preach despite persecution. Under such circumstances we will be prudent, but we will do our best to bring the life-saving message to other people, in this way we will also feel the peace that makes Jehovah happy.
Like the first century apostles we are determined not to allow Satan and his world to frighten us through opposition and restriction and to preach and teach the truth with happiness and peace.
He also advises us that if at some point or when the time comes for our work to be restricted, well, we do have to continue preaching, we have to do it carefully as well to take care of ourselves and take care of the rest of the brothers as well.
We see a brother of ours who is possibly preaching in the workplace but he is doing it in a discreetly prudent way because he is doing it precisely in a city or a country where the work is prohibited and he does it very cautiously.
During a lunch break, a brother talks to a co-worker and shows him a Bible text on his phone. What will help us feel peace even in difficult times? (See paragraph 17).
18. Where does the peace we need come from?
The peace we need is the peace of God, that is, the peace that only Jehovah can give us.
The peace we need comes from Jehovah God, so to have it we must only trust Jehovah, cling to his organization and meditate on the wonderful future that he promises us, if we do so, Philippians 4:9 promises that the God of peace He will be with us no matter what trial we have to face.
When an epidemic outbreak arises.
We must remember that it is part of the sign of the last days, if we remember this, when a new outbreak happens it will not take us by surprise. We must also not isolate ourselves from our brothers, without a doubt an epidemic outbreak causes many disruptions in our routine but we must not allow this to affect our personal study or attendance at meetings.
And in our publications and videos we can find experiences that remind us that our brothers are going through similar problems and remain loyal to Jehovah. Meetings help us fill our minds with positive Biblical ideas and give us an opportunity to encourage others and receive encouragement.
Well, it is important not to isolate ourselves from the congregation but to continue being in contact with the brothers and going to the meetings to have a head full of positive ideas.
Well, also praying to Jehovah and as the sister said, making specific prayers to ask Jehovah to give us that peace that we need and also sometimes listening to recordings of the Bible when one is like this from experience one hears it and calms down.
In an emergency situation.
If we prepare well for an emergency, we will actually show that we do have faith in Jehovah to take care of us. But we must follow the advice that the Bible gives us in Proverbs 22:3, to take precautionary measures in the face of dangers, if we do so we will feel peace when an emergency situation arises.
Due to catastrophes, wars and social conflicts, there are many displaced brothers. They do everything possible to adapt to their new situation and immediately resume theocratic activities, and they demonstrate it by declaring the good news of the word of God.
The keys that we had been given was knowing how to know that these things were going to happen, preparing ourselves well for the different situations that could occur, being emotionally and physically prepared and obeying both the organization and the brothers and then continuing to fulfill all our spiritual obligations.
Faced with persecution.
We can feel peace in the face of persecution by not letting fear paralyze or torment us. Having a Balanced viewpoint when our work is prohibited or severely restricted, the branch to the elders may give us instructions to protect ourselves so that we continue to receive spiritual nourishment and so that we continue preaching as much as possible.
And the paragraph encourages us to never give information about our brothers or the activities of the congregation to those who do not have the right to know it, if we follow these instructions we will be protecting the congregation and our dear brothers.
Well, being obedient to both the organization and the elders when they give us instructions that although sometimes we do not understand why those instructions, but we have to be obedient because that will give us peace and also never give information about brothers or activities that are related to the organization to People who don't need to know anything.
And the importance of continuing to act with our spiritual activities since these are the ones that keep us at peace, they will give us joy because we know that it is temporary.
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