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“Do not let their hearts be distressed or discouraged” (JOHN 14:27).
1. What is “the peace of God,” and how does it benefit us? (Philippians 4:6, 7).
It is the calm that the person who has a close relationship with his heavenly Father feels, that is why when we have God's peace, we feel safe, and in this way we benefit because we enjoy the friendship of those who love Jehovah and a strong friendship with the “God of peace”.
We can also define the peace of God as the tranquility that Jehovah makes us feel, and this is so, because we trust him and obey him, this peace benefits us, because it reassures our hearts when we face distressing and difficult situations.
2. Why do we know that it is possible to have the peace of God?
We know this because Jesus said in John 14:27 that the peace he gives us should not make us feel anguished or intimidated.
Another reason is that there are experiences of many brothers and sisters who have felt in their lives how Jehovah's peace has helped them face very difficult trials.
3. How could an epidemic or pandemic take away our peace?
In one study, more than half of those surveyed said they had had sleep problems during this pandemic. There was also a considerable increase in cases of anxiety and depression, alcohol and drug use, domestic violence and suicide attempts.
For example, with the pandemic that we have just experienced, many of us suffer negative effects that have already been mentioned. So an epidemic drastically affects our routine or even turns our lives upside down.
4. Why does knowing Jesus' prophecy about the last days give us peace?
Because we already knew it was going to happen, it doesn't take us by surprise. That is why we follow the advice that he left for those who lived in the time of the end. He said: “Be careful, do not be alarmed” just as Matthew mentions. 24:6.
Also because having knowledge about the prophecies does not make us feel alarmed, bewildered and amazed by the things that happen, rather we see how these are fulfilled just as Jesus said, so knowing the prophecies helps us understand our times from the perspective of God, and that gives us Peace.
5. (a) According to Philippians 4:8, 9, what should we ask of Jehovah when an outbreak occurs?
As these texts say, we must ask him for the peace that only he can give us. So we need to pray specifically for Jehovah to help us calm down and think about positive things.
Although, to be honest, calming down and thinking about positive things is not easy, because it is normal for us to feel uncertainty or fear in difficult situations such as the pandemic, but we must be convinced that Jehovah can help us focus on the things that contribute to Let's have inner peace.
5. b) How does listening to audio recordings of the Bible help us?
Our sister in the illustration says that in order to “listen” to Jehovah, she would play the audio recordings of the Bible and that calmed her anxiety and reminded her that Jehovah cares about her.
Listening to the audio recordings brings us many benefits, for example it makes us see that we are not alone and that we have the help of our loving heavenly Father, it also increases our knowledge about him. Therefore we know that he will give us the strength and courage we need to endure and as we see in the drawing he helps us to have peace of mind and feel joy despite the problems we are facing.
A sister is wearing headphones or headphones and listening to an audio recording on her tablet. Bible audio recordings can help us have peace of mind during an outbreak. (See paragraph 5).
6. How can personal study and meeting attendance help us?
Personal study and regular meeting attendance help us stay strong. For example, it strengthens us to read in our publications or videos the experiences of our brothers who have remained loyal and faced problems similar to ours.
It also makes us see that just as Jehovah has helped them, he will help us, and attending meetings helps us fill our minds with positive Biblical ideas and gives us the opportunity to encourage others and receive encouragement.
7. How can we imitate the apostle John?
The apostle John had a friend named Gallo, but for a time he could not have him physically, so John sent him a personal letter expressing his appreciation. In the same way, if we could not see our brothers in person, a good idea is to make a call or a video call or send them a text message, so we show them our love and they will not feel alone.
Also something else that can help us if we are very distressed is to talk to the elderly and accept the loving encouragement they give us.
8. How can an emergency situation steal your peace?
Emergency situations can rob us of peace, when we lose a loved one or our material things, which can produce feelings of pain, sadness or even anger in us.
For example, if we have been victims of a flood, an earthquake or a fire, we may feel a lot of anxiety, or if we have lost a loved one, material things, we may have feelings of pain, sadness or even anger. This situation is complicated, and it can rob us of peace.
9. How do the words of Jesus help us to be prepared for any emergency situation?
They help us because Jesus never said that these situations would only affect those who are far from Jehovah, and we say this because many faithful servants of God have suffered because of disasters. That is why Jehovah may not miraculously protect us from all emergency situations, but he will give us what is necessary to be calm and at peace.
Jesus mentioned many of the events that would occur in our time, for example he said that there would be great earthquakes, catastrophes and horrifying scenes, he also prophesied the increase in evil, in none of these prophecies did he mention that the servants of God would not be affected. What he did say is that Jehovah would give us what is necessary for us to be calm and at peace, therefore this makes us see that we must be prepared for any emergency that arises.
10. Why do we say that preparing for an emergency situation shows that we have faith? (Proverbs 22:3).
We say this because the Bible advises us to take precautionary measures in the face of dangers. That's why preparing well for an emergency actually shows that we do have faith that he will take care of us.
Because Jehovah himself advises us in his word the Bible, that we must take precautionary measures in the face of dangers. For example, Proverbs 22:3 says that the prudent see danger and hide, but the fact that we hide does not mean that we are afraid, it means that we trust in Jehovah and by preparing ourselves we show that we have faith that Jehovah will take care of us.
We have also been receiving a lot of advice through Jehovah's organization, whether in our publications or specific announcements given to us at meetings, if we are obedient to them now before an emergency occurs we show that we trust Jehovah.
11. What do we learn from Margaret's example?
It teaches us that being well prepared in an emergency can save our lives, and that is the case of our sister Margaret, how well prepared she managed to survive, since in her bag she carried a map that she used to follow an alternative route and She had already traveled this route before to escape easily in case of an emergency, thanks to her good preparation she was able to save herself, just like her, we can also prepare for any situation from now on, since we do not know exactly when a situation will happen of emergency.
We learn that being cautious, being prepared, and following instructions are the keys to saving ourselves from an emergency situation. Thanks to the fact that our sister was well prepared and knew what to do when an emergency arose, she managed to survive. For example, she says that in her bag she carried a map that she used to follow an alternative route, she had also taken this route beforehand to escape that way, so her good preparation saved her life. Which teaches us that good preparations can also save us.
A sister inside her car consulting a map. Bring bottles of water and other essentials. Preparing for an emergency in advance can help us survive. (See paragraph 11).
12. Why do we follow instructions for emergencies?
We do it in order to protect ourselves or maintain a certain order, since Jehovah's organization gives us instructions to protect ourselves, that is why if we do not obey, we could endanger our lives and that of the elders, who are faithful men who care for us. .
Because the Bible invites us to be obedient in first Peter 2:13,14 it says that because of the Lord we submit to someone superior or to the rulers, that is why if the authorities of our country ask us to evacuate or a curfew is ordered , we must obey willingly, this includes being obedient to the instructions that Jehovah's organization gives us Through the elders, we must not do things our way, because otherwise we would be endangering our lives and theirs, who would All they want is to protect us and take care of us.
13. What do many displaced Christians do to maintain happiness and peace?
They do everything possible to adapt to their new situation and immediately resume theocratic activities and the preaching helps them to think about the Kingdom and not about their problems. This is how they preserve happiness and peace
What our brothers do is adapt to their new situation and resume theocratic activities immediately. It is admirable how they continue declaring the good news of the Kingdom, which helps them to think about the divine promises, and not about their problems, thus preserving the happiness and peace.
14. Why can persecution rob us of peace?
Persecution can take away many things that normally help us feel peace and happiness, such as meeting freely, preaching without restrictions, and carrying out daily activities without fear of arrest by the authorities. Care must be taken so that persecution does not make us lose faith, just as Jesus warned his disciples.
Because persecution takes away the freedoms of any human being, therefore it also affects us, since we could not carry out our daily or spiritual activities normally or calmly, it makes us feel anguished with fear that the authorities will arrest us, but we must to be careful so that these feelings do not dominate us and make us lose faith.
15. Why shouldn't we fear persecution? (John 15:20; 16:33).
It is true that Jesus told us that we would be persecuted, but he also assured us that we can be loyal.
Other brothers left the matter in the hands of Jehovah and did not think that they would never be arrested, they knew that this was a possibility, and they did not feel so anguished.
We must also keep in mind that those who are afraid are in a continuous condition of anxiety and worry about many things that may never happen. So the most sensible thing to do is trust in Jehovah and leave this matter in his hands.
16. What instructions should we obey when persecuted?
The branch office or the elders may give us instructions to protect ourselves, to continue to receive spiritual nourishment, and to continue preaching as much as possible, so we must be obedient, even if we don't fully understand why they are giving us those instructions.
We must obey all the instructions given to us by the branch or the elders in order to continue receiving spiritual nourishment and to continue preaching. We even have to obey those instructions that we do not fully understand.
In addition, we should never give information about our brothers or the activities of the congregation to those who do not have the right to know.
17. Like the apostles, what are we determined to do?
Like the apostles we are determined to preach and teach the truth despite opposition, this will fill us with joy and peace.
In the first century, when the Jewish authorities ordered the apostles to stop preaching, they were faithful and obeyed God. They kept preaching, and they were happy.
During a lunch break, a brother talks to a co-worker and shows him a Bible text on his phone. What will help us feel peace even in difficult times? (See paragraph 17).
18. Where does the peace we need come from?
We must bear in mind that the peace we need is that of God, that is, the peace that only Jehovah can give us.
The peace we need comes from Jehovah, let us be sure that as Philippians 4:9 says, if we do the things we have learned, the peace of God will be with us.
The paragraph encourages us to hold on to his organization and think about the wonderful future that he promises us. If we do, "the God of peace" will be with us.
When an epidemic outbreak arises.
As Philippians 4, 8 and 9 says, we must ask Jehovah in prayer to help us calm down and think about positive things, we must also not neglect our personal study or attendance at meetings.
In addition, another help is to listen to the audio recordings of the Bible, this will help us to have inner peace.
In an emergency situation.
In an emergency situation, being prepared and following instructions will help us stay calm. The Bible says in the first of Peter 2:13,14, that because of the Lord, we submit to someone superior or to the rulers, so if the authorities of our country ask us to evacuate or a curfew is ordered, we willingly obey , this includes being obedient to the instructions given to us by Jehovah's organization through the elders.
We also know that Jehovah will not miraculously protect us from all emergencies, but he will provide us with what is necessary to keep us calm and at peace.
Faced with persecution.
We know that persecution takes away our freedom to go about our daily and spiritual routine, but we must keep in mind that those who are afraid are in a continuous condition of anxiety and worry about many things that may never happen. So the most sensible thing to do is trust in Jehovah and leave this matter in his hands. Therefore, Christians are determined to continue preaching, so we will feel the peace that makes Jehovah happy.
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