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"I assure you today: you will be with me in Paradise" (LUC. 23:43).
1. Shortly before dying, what did Jesus say to a criminal who was next to him? (Luke 23:39-43).
Despite the fact that this delinquent had been making fun of Jesus, he had a change of attitude and told Jesus remember me when you enter your Kingdom to which Jesus responds what is recorded in Luke 23:39-43, you will be with me in paradise referring to the earthly paradise that would be on earth in the future.
2. What makes us think that the repentant offender was a Jew?
What makes us think that the offender was a Jew was the question he asked the other offender who was hanging with him, and which is recorded in Luke 23:40, don't you have any fear of God, now that you have received the same punishment. If these criminals had not been Jews the question would have been, don't you fear the gods? because only the Jews worshiped one God, while the people of the nations believed in many gods.
Other details that make us think that the offender was a Jew is the fact that Jesus generally preached to Jews and not to people from other nations and also the detail that God had revealed to the Israelites that he would raise the dead. , all of which suggests that the repentant offender knew and understood that Jehovah would resurrect Jesus to rule the Kingdom of God, which also gave him the hope of resurrection.
Jesus nailed to the torture stake. A delinquent who is next to him speaks to him. What conclusion do we come to about the criminal who talked to Jesus and what he knew? (See paragraphs 2 and 3).
3. What was the repentant offender possibly thinking when Jesus mentioned Paradise? (Genesis 2:15).
The repentant offender was a Jew, and probably knew of the paradise in which Jehovah had placed Adam and Eve, so perhaps he thought that the paradise that Jesus mentioned would be a beautiful garden here on earth as mentioned in Genesis 2:15.
4. What should what Jesus said to the offender make us think about?
What Jesus said to the delinquent should make us think about what life in paradise will be like, remember that the Bible teaches that Solomon's reign was a time of peace and that it also describes Jesus as someone greater than Solomon, that tells us He must give the assurance that paradise will be a wonderful place, because Jesus and those who reign with him will see to it that this is so.
And another thing we have to think about is what we have to learn and do in order to live in paradise.
5. How do you imagine life in Paradise?
Reflecting on Genesis 2:7-9 leads me to think that paradise will be a beautiful park like the Garden of Eden, and texts like Psalms 72:16 and Micah 4:3,4 lead me to imagine that paradise will be a beautiful place, where I can enjoy abundant and tasty food together with my resurrected friends and family while we breathe in the delicious aroma of the plant and flowers.
6. What will we do in Paradise? (See drawing).
Taking into account that Jehovah has made us with the ability to enjoy our work. The Millennium Reign will be a period of Great Activity and the resurrected people will need clothes, food and a place to live, we will have a lot of work to do, but continuing to support the work of the Kingdom to turn the Earth into a beautiful paradise will be a rewarding job. .
In addition, we will continue to teach about Jehovah and his purposes to those who did not have the opportunity to learn before they died, and we will also have to update the faithful servants who died before Jesus was on earth.
The older brother from the previous article is now young and is in Paradise teaching the truth to the criminal who was executed next to Jesus. We will have the important task of teaching the resurrected. (See paragraph 6).
7. What can we be sure of, and why?
We can be sure that peace, prosperity and order will reign in paradise. Through the account of Solomon's reign, Jehovah helps us to get an idea of what life will be like when Jesus rules the earth. So the more we analyze it, the greater this conviction will be in us.
8. How was Psalm 37:10, 11, 29 fulfilled in the past? (See the “Questions From Readers” section of this magazine.)
During the reign of Solomon, the words of Psalms 37:10,11 and 29 were fulfilled, in the sense that it was a time of peace, prosperity, abundance of food and security, where no one had to feel afraid. We must remember that what David wrote in this Psalm was inspired by God, on the other hand in the prophecy of Psalm 110. David makes it clear that Jesus the Greater Solomon would sit on the throne to dominate the enemies of God and execute sentence against The nations which shows that Jehovah led David to write things that would have a first fulfillment in his day, but a greater one in the future.
9. What did the Queen of Sheba say about Solomon's reign?
Since Solomon's reign had a great reputation for peace and prosperity, the Queen of Sheba traveled far away to see it with her own eyes. After arriving in Jerusalem and verifying it personally, she said she had not told me even half, happy your men and happy your servants who are always with you, listening to your wisdom.
10. Why is Jesus superior to Solomon?
Jesus is superior, because while Solomon was an imperfect man who made serious errors in judgment that harmed the people of Israel, he is a perfect ruler who is never wrong.
Furthermore, Jesus overcame all of Satan's terrible tests, thus proving that he will never sin and never do anything to harm the loyal citizens of the Kingdom.
11. What help will Jesus have?
It will have the help of 144,000 Kings and together they will take care of humanity and fulfill Jehovah's purpose for the earth, this help will be very beneficial because they, like Jesus, have gone through many difficulties here on earth as men and women, for which will be very understanding with us.
12. What task will Jehovah give the 144,000?
Jehovah has given them the great honor of being in charge of billions of people all over the planet.
13. What special role will those who rule with Jesus play?
Like Jesus, they will be kings and priests, which is why Hebrews 10:1 makes us think that their special function will be to attend to the spiritual health of the people of God, in this way those who live in paradise will have the guidance they need.
14. What relationship is there between the “other sheep” and the “little flock”?
The relationship between the small flock and the other sheep is that both groups of people will form a single flock that will listen to the voice of its shepherd Jesus Christ, and will be under his care as John 10:16 shows. Both groups already work in Unity and will continue to do so when the earth is a paradise, the small flock in heaven and the other sheep in the earthly paradise.
15. a) How do “the other sheep” support Christ's brothers?
The other sheep support Christ's brothers by enthusiastically participating in the preaching and disciple-making work. That is why we strive to know, understand and use well the Bible study tools that they give us, for example the book Enjoy Life.
15. b) How can you follow the example of the brother in the photograph?
I can do it by setting myself the goal of offering Bible courses to as many people as I can, for this I can imitate the example of the brother in the image and take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself and also creating those opportunities. For example, when I go to pharmacies for my medicines, when I go to the supermarket for my food, also at public transport stops, in squares and markets, among many other places and occasions that may arise.
The same older brother discusses the “Enjoy Life” brochure with a pharmacist. From now on we can demonstrate that we are preparing to live in Paradise. (See paragraph 15).
16. What can we do from now on to prepare to live in Paradise?
We must work on ourselves now to become the kind of people Jehovah wants to live there. So we can start by being more and more honest in what we say and do, by being balanced in life by being loyal to Jehovah to spouse and siblings by being obedient even though it is not easy in this wicked world, and by developing skills and qualities that show that we are Prepared to live in paradise.
In addition, since in paradise we will have to carry out several important tasks, including turning the earth into a paradise and caring for and teaching the resurrected, we must prepare ourselves for it. So from now on we can work to be more in cleaning our meeting places, offering ourselves for Relief work, cultivating in us the quality of hospitality, improving our skills as Bible teachers and participating more actively in educational programs. provided by our organization.
17. Why shouldn't we let the guilt over our past sins weigh us down?
We should not allow the guilt for the sins of the past to crush us, because it is very important that we are convinced that Jehovah has generously forgiven us as Isaiah 55 7 and Acts 3:19 say, in this case remember what Jesus said to the Pharisees and which is recorded in Matthew 9 13 will be of great help, there Jesus said I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. This assures us that all our sins can be forgiven thanks to the ransom.
18. What would you like to talk about with the criminal who died next to Jesus?
I would like to talk about how grateful I am to Jehovah and Jesus for the fulfillment of their promises of the Kingdom and for having made it possible for millions of people to enjoy living in paradise, I would also like to ask you how you feel to see that Jesus fulfilled it what he promised her on the tree, and how he intends to show his appreciation for such generosity. Surely I would also ask him many questions about what life was like in his time and about events that happened in his time and of course I would tell him what life was like in the Last Days of Satan's World that I had to live, and of course I would not let go the opportunity to offer him a Bible study. Of course if the new laws allow me.
19. Why won't life in Paradise be boring? (See cover drawing.)
It won't be boring because there will always be interesting people to talk to and fulfilling work to do. In addition we will continue learning about Jehovah and his creation, we will also have many gifts from him to enjoy.
Another thing we will do is preach and teach the resurrected from the Bible. So each day will bring new and wonderful things so we will be active and without the opportunity to get bored.
The same older brother is now young and is in Paradise painting a picture while a sister watches him. They are surrounded by beautiful mountains, trees and flowers. They have close lions, rabbits and ibex, and all live in peace. In the Millennium, a brother enjoys honing a talent he's always wanted to cultivate. (See paragraph 19).
What will life be like in Paradise?
We will enjoy teaching the millions of resurrected people who knew very little about Jehovah and his purposes. In addition, we will be able to update the faithful servants of God who died long before Jesus was on Earth.
How will Jesus' anointed brothers help make earth a paradise?
Those who rule in the Kingdom of God will be in charge of billions of people all over the planet.
It is logical to think that those who will govern with Jesus will perform a special function: to care for the physical and spiritual health of the people of God.
What must the “other sheep” do to be able to live in Paradise?
From now on we can strive to be honest in what we say and do, and to lead a balanced life. And we must also be loyal to Jehovah, to our husband or wife, and to our brothers.
If we do our best to obey God's rules now that we live in this evil world, it will be easier for us to do so in Paradise.
In addition, we can develop skills and qualities to show that we are already preparing to live there.
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