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"I assure you today: you will be with me in Paradise" (LUC. 23:43).
1. Shortly before dying, what did Jesus say to a criminal who was next to him? (Luke 23:39-43).
He told him I assure you today you will be with me in paradise.
According to the Biblical story, Jesus assured him that he would be with him in paradise and he was referring to the terrestrial paradise that would exist in the future.
And what makes us think that this paradise was on earth, is that this delinquent was not a disciple of Jesus, in fact he and the other man had been making fun of Jesus and therefore they could not expect the kingdom of heaven like the disciples of Christ had to be a paradise on earth.
Jesus told him "I assure you today you will be with me in paradise." We must be clear that nowhere in the Bible does it show that this man was a disciple of Jesus and that he had told him that he would enter his Kingdom. Therefore it is understood that Jesus was speaking to him of an earthly paradise.
2. What makes us think that the repentant offender was a Jew?
It is possible that this man was a Jew because they were known to worship only one God, and not like other nations who believed in many gods. That's why when the other delinquent kept making fun of Jesus, he asked him if he didn't have any fear of God, he didn't tell the gods.
In addition, another detail is that Jehovah had revealed to the Jews that there would be a resurrection of the dead, if this criminal knew about this then he had hope that God would resurrect him.
If we know that Jesus was sent to preach to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel, then it stands to reason that he was a Jew because he did not regularly preach to other nations.
And that can be seen because from the words that Jesus said, remember me when you are in your Kingdom, Jesus was going to die like him, so he spoke of a future and for a future Jehovah had to resurrect Jesus.
Jesus nailed to the torture stake. A delinquent who is next to him speaks to him. What conclusion do we come to about the criminal who talked to Jesus and what he knew? (See paragraphs 2 and 3).
3. What was the repentant offender possibly thinking when Jesus mentioned Paradise? (Genesis 2:15).
It is possible that he thought of a garden on earth.
If this criminal was a Jew then he knew about the paradise in which Jehovah had placed Adam and Eve. So hearing Jesus mention paradise, it may be that he was thinking of a beautiful garden here on earth.
Yes, it had to be very nice for him to feel that he was recovering his hope, paragraph 1 said that he had a change of attitude and upon hearing those words of Jesus that now you can recover your hope you will be with me in paradise, because it had to be very encouraging for him.
Well, it is possible that he thought of a beautiful terrestrial paradise as it had been the garden of Eden where God put our first parents.
Thinking that he was a Jew who knew what had been written in the Bible, he would not be thinking of going to heaven, since with the goodness that could be offered at that moment, could he be on earth in that paradise that Adam and Eve lost .
4. What should what Jesus said to the offender make us think about?
It should make us think about what life on earth will be like.
And we could think, for example, of the time of peace that existed in the reign of Solomon, since the Bible says that Jesus is someone who is more than Solomon, so we can be sure that Jesus and those who rule with him will make the earth A beautiful place.
It should make us think about what life in paradise will be like and what we have to do to live in it. Let's remember that the Bible says that Jesus is someone other than Solomon and Solomon's reign was a prosperous and peaceful time. Therefore, this makes us think and be sure that under the Reign of Jesus we will enjoy living in a wonderful and perfect paradise.
So we can be sure that Jesus and those who will reign with him will make the earth a wonderful place.
Well, as support for that idea we see what Jesus said in Matthew 12:42 said here is someone who is more than Solomon and we know that Solomon's reign was a time of peace and then we can think that he was going to see eternal peace and much prosperity in paradise and of course if we think about that we want to be there we have to think about what we have to do so that God makes us be there.
5. How do you imagine life in Paradise?
Well, I imagine myself very beautiful, I think of a park or a giant garden where there is a lot of food, there is everything in abundance, there is no pollution, where everyone around me is happy and we spend beautiful moments together, and also with those who have been resurrected.
Many biblical prophecies tell us what paradise will be like, so we know that it will be a beautiful garden where we will fully enjoy everything good with our family and friends. In addition, there will be complete security, abundant food and we will see our loved ones who have died again, but the Bible also tells us that there will be pleasant work to do.
I am going to sit down on the subject of the resurrected, because the worst thing that can happen to a person in this world was said by a sister, because it is losing a loved one, a child, when that is reversed it will be the best of life and we will live such special moments that I do not know they will ever forget, besides I imagine how God is an ordered God resurrecting the people who are resurrecting the reverse of how they were living then we will live history backwards, they will be moments like they have never been lived and It never matters that we live forever, we will never forget them.
Also in Isaiah 65:21 and 22 it says that we will be able to build our own houses and live in them and also enjoy eating the fruit of what we plant even at the end it says that we will enjoy our work.
And the wonderful hope of Psalm 72:16 that when today a few children die at the end of the day from hunger, starvation and for lack of their parents not even knowing what to give them to eat makes us suffer a lot and think that there will be abundance until the end of the day. top of the mountains.
6. What will we do in Paradise? (See drawing).
Well, there will be a lot of work, since we will have to turn the earth into a beautiful paradise and we will have to help cover the needs of the needy of all the survivors and those who are resurrected. We will also teach the resurrected about Jehovah and update forgiveness to God's servants of the past.
We will have the honor and rewarding job of turning the earth into a paradise. In addition, we will teach about Jehovah and his purposes to the millions of resurrected people who did not know about him. And as we see in the drawing we will have to update the faithful servants of God who died long before Jesus was on earth.
As we have seen in the previous paragraph we will have the opportunity to be with the resurrected, we will also have the opportunity to help them get clothes, food and a roof to sleep and we will also be able to enjoy their company as we saw in the photo.
And one very important thing that we can do is that we can teach about God to people who knew little about Jehovah and we can also update faithful servants of the past who were before Jesus was on earth.
And who knows if this student is the delinquent who was hanging next to Jesus, so it will be very nice to be able to share things with people who do not know anything about Jehovah and yet now they will be able to enjoy a wonderful hope but most importantly being able to get to know and become friends with Jehovah as well.
The older brother from the previous article is now young and is in Paradise teaching the truth to the criminal who was executed next to Jesus. We will have the important task of teaching the resurrected. (See paragraph 6).
7. What can we be sure of, and why?
We can be sure that peace, prosperity and order will reign in paradise.
Because looking at the story of Solomon's reign we can get an idea of what life will be like when his perfect son rules the earth.
Well, we can be sure that in paradise there will only be peace, prosperity and order. Because with the account of the Reign of Solomon, Jehovah helps us to imagine what the earth will be like when Jesus rules.
We can be sure that peace, prosperity and order will reign in paradise, we say this because Jehovah through the reign of Solomon wants us to get an idea of what life will be like when Jesus rules the earth.
8. How was Psalm 37:10, 11, 29 fulfilled in the past? (See the “Questions From Readers” section of this magazine.)
For in the days of King Solomon the Israelites enjoyed much peace and prosperity in the land abounding with milk and honey. So these verses from Psalm 37 describe both the condition that existed in ancient Israel, and the condition that we will enjoy in the future throughout the world when Jehovah fulfills his promises.
The explanation given in the article is that David, on the one hand, was resolved to serve Jehovah throughout his life, that is, throughout his life, but he knew he was going to die, but Jehovah inspired him to write in the psalms, for example, the possibility that there would be eternal life, so he knew that when he was resurrected he would also have the opportunity to continue praising Jehovah for eternity.
It was fulfilled in the time of King Solomon, Jehovah had promised David that in the days of his son Solomon Israel would have peace and tranquility and so the land overflowed with milk and honey, people lived safely this period illustrated what will happen later scale in the future when under the perfect rule of Jesus, the family will be blessed with peace and prosperity to the full degree.
In the question section, some words that David said in Psalms 61:8 are analyzed, there he expressed that he would praise the name of Jehovah forever, someone might think that David was unrealistic or exaggerated in saying this, but what he meant it was that he was determined to praise God while he was alive, we can say that his words have only had a pause because as we all know he died, but in the future when Jehovah brings him back to life his words will continue to be valid, because being alive he will be able to keep praising Jehovah forever. So this example helps us understand that the good conditions that he enjoyed from Israel and spoke to David in Psalms 37: 10,11 and 29, we will also enjoy in the future under the Government of Jesus.
9. What did the Queen of Sheba say about Solomon's reign?
Well, this woman was amazed to see how Solomon's reign worked, that is why she said that they had not told her even half, and she also exclaimed happy your men and happy your servants who are always with you listening to your wisdom.
So this confirms to us that the conditions that existed under the reign of Solomon, are only a preview of what Jehovah will do for humanity when Jesus rules the Earth.
And the queen of Sheba said it, a woman who probably had a lot of abundance would have all the comforts even with excellent qualities, however she was surprised to see Solomon with so much wisdom and that gives us an understanding of how Jehovah will give us the opportunity to live under his kingdom.
If we must not forget, as First Kings 10:1 says, Solomon achieved this fame and that his reign was so prosperous thanks to the name of Jehovah because he followed the statutes of Jehovah, so what we have to remember is that it is Jehovah who will make it possible again that we can live in that prosperity again.
10. Why is Jesus superior to Solomon?
Because Jesus is perfect instead Solomon was an imperfect man who made serious mistakes. Jesus surpasses him in every way he has shown that he is a perfect ruler who will never sin or do anything to harm the loyal citizens of the Kingdom.
And he can also overcome all the tests that Satan put him, thus indicating that he will never sin or do anything that harms those who are Under his Reign.
We also know that Jehovah used and continues to use the Lord Jesus more than Solomon, Hebrews 4:14 and 15 tells us that a high priest is also in heaven and we join this public statement that he wants us to talk about his son of the Lord Jesus to others and now how it has been commented the Lord Jesus has been tested in every way but without sin unlike Solomon.
11. What help will Jesus have?
He will have the help of the 144,000 Anointed Christians, who will be Kings and who will help him take care of humanity and fulfill Jehovah's purpose.
And with the help of these Anointed Christians, together they will fulfill Jehovah's purpose for the earth.
12. What task will Jehovah give the 144,000?
They will be in charge of an immense task, since the billions of people who inhabit the entire planet are the ones who will be under their care.
The 144,000 will have a lot of work to do, as Jehovah grants them the privilege of looking after billions of people all over the planet.
He will have the 144,000 who are people who have gone through the same hardships or difficulties as us, so they will understand us very well.
13. What special role will those who rule with Jesus play?
Revelation 5:10 says that the 144,000 will be kings and priests. So they will play the special role of caring for the physical and spiritual health of God's people.
These will be Kings and Priests and we know why in the past the role of priests was to protect the physical and spiritual health of the people. So the role played by those who govern with Jesus will be to care for the physical and spiritual health of God's people.
In apocalypse it says that they will be kings and priests, therefore what they will do is attend to the physical and spiritual health of the people of God, we do not know how it says how they will communicate with those of us who live on earth but what we do know is that they will attend all the needs of the inhabitants of the Earth.
We don't know how they are going to communicate with kingdom citizens here on earth, but if Revelation 21:3 says that God's tent will be with humanity, the pure worship book explained that Jehovah and Jesus will use an administration or group of chosen elders here on earth and in close collaboration with the rulers of the Kingdom of God to lead the subjects here on earth, then indeed it will be a blessing to have these brothers.
This gives us the assurance that, whatever it may be, we will continue to have the guidance we need at that time, just like today, these are difficult times and we are having Jehovah's guidance at all times, the guidance we need, but we are going to also have the guide we need at that time.
14. What relationship is there between the “other sheep” and the “little flock”?
Jesus in John 10:16 said the relationship between these two groups mentioned that they form a single flock. At present the two groups work in Unity as a single flock and we will continue to do so in the future when the earth is a paradise.
These two groups form a single flock, that is why at present we all work in unity, so it will also be in the future the little flock will be in heaven, the other sheep will have hope of living forever on earth.
That these two groups form a single flock, at present they work in unity and when the earth is a paradise they will also do so even if they are separated, some in heaven and others on earth.
Well, if it is perceived, it is fully perceived, not only in work but also in preaching, in everything that we are helping the faithful and prudent slave.
15. a) How do “the other sheep” support Christ's brothers?
One way to support Christ's brothers is by enthusiastically participating in the preaching and disciple-making work. That's why we use the Bible study tools they give us.
And among the tools is the book Enjoy life, with which we enthusiastically teach the people of our territory and in this way we also support the other sheep of Christ.
The anointed are now a very small group but the preaching is reaching every corner of the earth if it were not for the other sheep it could not be like this, in this way we are showing worldwide that we support this small group these days.
15. b) How can you follow the example of the brother in the photograph?
Setting myself the goal of getting Biblical studies and for this as the brother of the Enlightenment I must offer Biblical Courses to as many people as I can.
We observe that the brother is preaching informally to a client who has come to buy medicine, it is possible that he is showing lesson 33 of the book enjoyment, which talks about the things that the Kingdom of God will achieve, including that there will be health perfect, therefore you will no longer need medication. So we, like this brother, must take advantage of any opportunity to speak to people about what the Kingdom of God will do.
Today we can follow the example of the brother in the photograph offering the Bible course because to everyone we can take advantage of the opportunity, this brother, due to his advanced age or illness, seems to visit the pharmacy a lot. We saw last week that he had many pills on the table, so he doesn't think that because he's older he can't anymore, he also does it the slave way he does it with the brochure he enjoys offering him a Bible course to show that he's ready as it says under the photograph he's ready to live in paradise, he is not only going to give the study to those who are resurrected, but now he is helping other people.
The same older brother discusses the “Enjoy Life” brochure with a pharmacist. From now on we can demonstrate that we are preparing to live in Paradise. (See paragraph 15).
16. What can we do from now on to prepare to live in Paradise?
For example, from now on we must strive to be honest in all aspects of our lives, to lead a balanced life, to be loyal to Jehovah, to our spouse if we are married, and to our brothers in faith. Well, if from now on we strive to obey Jehovah's regulations, surely it will not be easier when we live in paradise.
In addition, we can develop skills and qualities that we will also need in the new world and we must strive to obey God's rules so it will be easier for us to be obedient in paradise.
And if we now do our best to obey God's rules living in this wicked world in paradise it will be much easier for us to do so.
Also, the article that is mentioned said, are you ready to inherit the earth and it talked about teaching to be ready to teach the resurrected, and there it says that we will demonstrate that we are ready if we take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to us now and how the brother did in the previous image he was preaching in an informal way had been presented with that opportunity and he did not miss it, so we can do that now too.
We must also be loyal to Jehovah to our spouse and to our brothers, this has also made me think that the brothers who are in prison are being loyal to the organization and also to their brothers.
Yes, we can also develop skills and qualities to show that we are ready to live there, for example, it can be better in cleaning our surroundings, also in relief work.
We can keep our home and also our environment clean and tidy even though our neighbors do not, these are qualities that we can begin to develop now without the need for other people to do the same.
17. Why shouldn't we let the guilt over our past sins weigh us down?
Because if we have already repented, we have sought the help of both Jehovah and the elders and we have changed, we can be sure that we have been forgiven, also remember that Jesus himself said that he did not come to call the righteous but sinners.
Why we should not let the guilt for our past sins crush us, since we must be sure that Jehovah has generously forgiven us through the ransom. So we must not allow feelings of guilt to discourage us, we must be clear that if we have repented from the heart and have sought the help of Jehovah and the elders, we have obtained forgiveness thanks to the ransom.
We know the importance of the ransom in our life, but we cannot take this as an excuse to do what we want to sin, but we have to see the ransom as something that allows us if we are really sorry for something that we have done some serious sin and if we seek help from Jehovah and the elders to change our way of acting then we will be sure that Jehovah wants to forgive us because as Acts 3:19 says, he who turns from his sins makes his sins erased.
And this same idea is said by Isaiah, there he says that the one who returns to Jehovah returns to Jehovah sincerely with sincere repentance, we see that the result will be that Jehovah will have mercy on him and will forgive him generously.
Well, we are under the subheading of what the other sheep must do to be able to live in paradise, since those of us who are part of the other sheep have to take these steps and here the paragraph says it very clearly to seek the help of Jehovah and the elders change their attitude repent and in this way we will be forgiven by Jehovah.
18. What would you like to talk about with the criminal who died next to Jesus?
One of the things I would like to ask you is what you felt when Jesus made you the promise that you would live in paradise.
I would like to ask him how the last hours of his life and of Jesus' life on Earth were like, and how he himself dared to make a request to the son of God. Also how he felt when Jesus responded by telling him that he would bring him back to life.
I would like to ask him how Jesus looked at you when he said that, because it had to be something that pierced his heart and I think it is very related to strengthening our hope, if only Jesus could look at each one of us and give us that breath of encouragement what it would be super encouraging.
Yes we have to be prepared because we may have wondered what life was like in the last days of Satan's world what are the days that we are living in, then we will have to be prepared to explain to them how we made a personality change in the midst of adverse circumstances, but how this helped us to be close to Jehovah and to have more firmly rooted the hope of being able to live in paradise.
19. Why won't life in Paradise be boring? (See cover drawing.)
Above all we will have a job that will give us satisfaction because we will be doing Jehovah's purpose is the most for us.
It will not be boring because in that time we will live in perfect conditions, therefore we will be able to develop or cultivate talents or skills that we cannot today due to circumstances or the short life span we have. Furthermore, in creation there are countless things that we can learn from them and the best of all is that we can continue to know Jehovah and strengthen our friendship with our creator.
Well, there will be a lot of work now, a lot of interesting people who we will be able to talk to, there will be a lot of work, we will be able to really enjoy the work that we have, not how it happens now, and we will also be able to continue to know Jehovah better, enjoying what he gives us and everything that beneficial it is to live on earth in a paradise.
Because there will be many interesting people with whom we can talk, there will also be many jobs that we can do, and above all, every day we will be able to get to know Jehovah more and more, so our love for him will increase.
Well, we see the older brother there, the older brother who was talking to the pharmacist before is now young and is doing what he likes: painting a picture next to a sister and we see the beautiful landscape that surrounds him.
Well, there are animals nearby that normally would not live in peace but would be afraid of each other, one would be marrying the other, but in the new world the lions will be able to share with fawns the little lions with rabbits, so there will be no fear of the lions. animals was a perfect setting.
The same older brother is now young and is in Paradise painting a picture while a sister watches him. They are surrounded by beautiful mountains, trees and flowers. They have close lions, rabbits and ibex, and all live in peace. In the Millennium, a brother enjoys honing a talent he's always wanted to cultivate. (See paragraph 19).
What will life be like in Paradise?
It will be a perfect life where peace, prosperity and order will reign, in the past the Government of Solomon was known to be a time of peace and prosperity, this was only a preview of what Jehovah will do for humanity when his son Jesus rules the earth. So we can be sure that life in paradise will be wonderful.
We will enjoy teaching the millions of resurrected people who knew very little about Jehovah and his purposes. In addition, we will be able to update the faithful servants of God who died long before Jesus was on Earth.
How will Jesus' anointed brothers help make earth a paradise?
The Bible says that they will be kings and priests, so Jehovah gives them the honor of looking after billions of people all over the planet, and they will also perform the special functions of caring for the physical and spiritual health of God's people.
Those who rule in the Kingdom of God will be in charge of billions of people all over the planet.
It is logical to think that those who will govern with Jesus will perform a special function: to care for the physical and spiritual health of the people of God.
What must the “other sheep” do to be able to live in Paradise?
One of the things we must do is support the brothers of Christ, so we enthusiastically participate in the work of preaching and making disciples. We also strive to be honest in what we say and do, we lead a balanced life, we are loyal to Jehovah to our spouse and to our brothers. In addition, we can develop skills and qualities that we will also need in the new world, and we must strive to obey God's rules, so it will be easier for us to be obedient in paradise.
From now on we can strive to be honest in what we say and do, and to lead a balanced life. And we must also be loyal to Jehovah, to our husband or wife, and to our brothers.
If we do our best to obey God's rules now that we live in this evil world, it will be easier for us to do so in Paradise.
In addition, we can develop skills and qualities to show that we are already preparing to live there.
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