Study of the Book of the congregation, Week of February 27 to March 5, 2023, Let us be grateful for the gift of life, Lesson 38 points 5, Summary, review and "Determine this". Answers.

Study of the Book of the congregation, 27-February-5-March-2023, Lesson 38, points 5, Summary, review and "Resolve this". Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 38 point 5, summary, review, and “Aim for this.”

5. Respect the life of the unborn baby

For Jehovah, when does a person's life begin: when he is born, or when his mother becomes pregnant?

Jehovah considers that it is a life from conception, since the text says that Jehovah is watching us since we are an embryo and takes care of us, since he considers that the mother's womb is like a protection for life.


And perhaps we can back this up with verse 16 where he mentions your eyes saw me even when I was an embryo and of course an embryo is before it is born, it is the first thing that happens

According to these texts, the life of the new being begins exactly at the moment of fertilization. These texts also teach us that life begins in the womb as a small cell. They also mention the kidneys that in the Bible refer to the most intimate aspects of a person's personality to make it clear to us that although the new being is hidden in the womb of his mother, Jehovah already knows him deeply.

Because in reality, life begins at the moment of conception, so that's when the program that carries the DNA is put into operation and then everything is already programmed, what color of eyes is everyone going to have, so that argument that they say that it begins when the organs are already developed is not correct, because of what verse 16 says that Jehovah sees even when they are still being formed.

In the photo or the drawing, you don't see an 8-month-old or a 9-month-old belly, you can see that there is obviously a life in there, so life begins from the moment of conception.

How did Jehovah view someone inadvertently ending the life of an unborn baby?

Jehovah considers the life of an unborn to be of equal value with the life of a person, since if a person by mistake caused the mother to lose her baby causing her death, the law mandated that that person should die showing. So he was paying the same price for the life he had taken.


Jehovah regards human life as precious, including that of unborn babies. In the Law of Moses, Jehovah pointed out what should be done when someone hurts a pregnant woman. If she or the child "died", the aggressor would be guilty of murder and would pay with her life, applying the principle of Exodus 21:22 and 23, of "soul for soul". This highlights how Jehovah viewed this matter.

Well, I did not see it well because the text mentions that if this happened that person had to give his life for the one he had lost, so for Jehovah life is very important, even that being that is in the womb of a mother.

In the eyes of Jehovah, the death of this unborn creature was the same as the death of this man who had caused that damage, so for Jehovah there is no difference between a great person who is perhaps 40 years old and a being with a life behind him. a newly formed baby. 

So how will you feel if someone does it on purpose?

For Jehovah it is a very serious sin. So this person who commits this is sure to earn Jehovah's total disapproval because he is committing murder.


For Jehovah life is very valuable. In view of what Exodus 21:22 and 23 shows us, we imagine that Jehovah feels wounded in his heart when a woman does not value the gift of being a mother and decides to have an abortion, or when someone participates in some way in a premeditated abortion. Abortion is murder and those who participate are murderers.

Well Jehovah feels very sad he feels very sad because life is a gift from Jehovah and no one is authorized to take it from anyone and it is interesting to note that here the reference also speaks of if in the past someone has made a mistake and today is a sister Jehovah forgives this situation but Jehovah feels very sad.

For Jehovah, life is very valuable, for this reason it is also mentioned that if there is an abortion on purpose it is as if a murder were committed and in the Mosaic Law it was required that if someone killed someone on purpose their life had to be poured out as well. 

And to you, what do you think about what God thinks?

It teaches me that Jehovah is an impartial God, because he considers all people equally. That fills me with love to want to continue serving him and to know that the life of any human is precious to him, it makes me think that I should also respect the life of others. others and also take care of life avoiding putting it at risk.


I think it's fine. Jehovah is the Creator of life and the one who gives everything to sustain it. So he has the right to make laws to protect her and to feel sad to see how some do not respect his laws or value the gift of life.

Well, taking into account the value that lives have regardless of how long they exist, it is totally justified and we also know that Jehovah is the giver of life, so he is entitled to have that point of view and it really is fair for this case. 

Watch the video.

VIDEO: Let's give life the same value that God gives it (5:00)

If a woman is pressured to have an abortion, who should she ask for help? Because?

You should ask Jehovah for help, because he is the one who will give you the strength and help you need to endure this situation and get ahead with your baby.


You can also search for information in our Christian publications and meditate on biblical texts such as Exodus 21:22 and 23, which shows that even an abortion caused by accident is considered by Jehovah as a serious sin, even more so if it is premeditated no matter what. be the reason. In these cases, Jehovah can give the woman the courage to withstand the pressure and remain loyal to Jehovah's standards and with a clear conscience.

The Text of Isaiah 41:10 teaches us that we should not be afraid because he is with us. He also promises to give us the strength to withstand the pressures and keep our fears under control. He also promises to help us and support us with his strong hand. Jehovah shows us that we are not alone. He knows what we are going through and hears our prayers as if he were with us. We could see this in the case of the sister in the video. She did what Jehovah expected of her, that is why he never lost her approval and could feel how he comforted her.

As we have just seen, we must go to Jehovah because there it says do not be afraid because I am with you, so in these cases we should go to Jehovah.

In this case, the sister did very well to take refuge in Jehovah in praying and maintaining her faith, because Jehovah knows very well everything we feel and everything that one is told, the pressure from both doctors and family members is something that It would not be desired on anyone, but Jehovah knows very well everything we feel and he is ready to help us.

And not listening to the family that many times tells them well, do what you want is your life and your decision, but not us, we have to respect our life, the one we carry inside a baby, and that of our neighbor and ignore it. to ears that sometimes think badly because the family sometimes puts a lot of pressure and you have to be very careful, so we love the life that God has given us.

What convinces you that Jehovah values ​​the life of a pregnant woman and the child within her equally?

I am convinced by the fact that the Psalmist makes it clear, that Jehovah notices us from the time we are an embryo and knowing that in Ancient Israel Jehovah gave the law to know if someone accidentally caused a woman to abort He had to pay with his own life.


The fact that he has made laws to protect both the unborn baby and the pregnant woman shows that he values ​​both lives equally. Also the fact that she knows the babies yet or born intimately also shows how much she loves their lives.

And even if it were the case that the doctors are right, the video showed a text that the sister meditated on and that was the story of Exodus 21:22 and 23, which for Jehovah is just as important if the mother died or the son died. baby life is life and for him there is no difference between which is more important. 


Life is a gift from Jehovah. The Bible teaches us to respect, protect and love both our lives and those of others.


How do we know that Jehovah values ​​human life?

Why Jehovah is our creator and also because he gave him laws to protect the lives of others, and he gives us every day everything necessary to continue living, and one more example is that he wants us to continue living for this reason he gives us the opportunity to preserve our life serving him.

We know this because it has made laws to protect it from the moment of fertilization and because it teaches us with its Biblical principles to love, respect and value both our lives and the lives of others, including unborn babies. 

How does Jehovah feel when someone intentionally ends his own life or someone else's?

It hurts him deeply when he ends his own life on purpose or someone else ends the life of another person, because as we have already seen, human life is valuable to him.


Jehovah's laws and principles teach us that Jehovah feels hurt, sad, wounded in his heart when someone takes their own life on purpose or takes it from someone else.

In Exodus 20:13 we clearly see that it is a command not to murder and we know that Jehovah would be very hurt if someone ended his own life with the life of another person, that is why we do well to protect ourselves and others by respecting life that Jehovah has given us.

What do you like most about the gift of life?

What I like the most is that we can enjoy many things, such as the fact that we can serve Almighty God, because we should feel privileged that Jehovah is our creator.


What I like the most is that the lives of human beings are a sample of Jehovah's immense love for us. He created us perfect, he made us superior to the rest of living beings, he gives us what is necessary so that we can sustain our life and also helps us protect it with his Just rules and does not teach us to love, respect and value it with his wonderful principles.

Well, something very beautiful is that apart from the fact that Jehovah gave us the privilege of having life, he not only gave us that, but as Acts 14:17 say, he gave us life so that we can enjoy them with the varieties and so that our hearts are full of happiness. 
