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"Do not stop doing good to those who should do it if it is within your power to help them" (PROV. 3:27).
1. What does Jehovah often do to answer the prayers of his servants?
DID you KNOW that Jehovah can use you to answer a brother's plea? It does not matter if we are old, ministerial servants, pioneers, publishers, young, old, male or female. When someone who loves Jehovah pleads for his help, our God often uses elders and other servants of his to be “a source of great comfort” to that person (Col. 4:11). It is a great honor to serve Jehovah and our brothers in this way. We can do it when epidemic outbreaks arise, in emergency situations or in the face of persecution.
2. Why can it be difficult to help siblings when outbreaks occur?
2 During an outbreak it may be more difficult to help each other. For example, we may want to visit siblings at home, but it is not safe to do so. Or perhaps we would like to invite those who have economic problems to eat with us, but that is not possible either. We may have every desire to help others, but our own family is suffering. Even so, we want to help the brothers, and Jehovah is happy to see that we do everything in our power (Prov. 3:27; 19:17). So what can we do?
3. What does the example of the elders of the Desi congregation teach us? (Jeremiah 23:4).
3 What the elderly can do. If you are a congregation elder, know the sheep well (read Jeremiah 23:4). Desi, mentioned in the previous article, recounts: "The elders in my preaching group already had the habit of preaching with me and the other brothers, and they did things with us." Because of what they had done, it was easier for these pastors to help Desi when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out and she lost some of her family members to the virus.
4. Why were the elders able to help Desi, and what is the lesson?
4 Desi explains, “The old people were already my friends, so it was easy for me to tell them how I felt and what I was worried about.” What is the lesson for the elderly? Shepherd the sheep and be their friends before moments of crisis. If due to an outbreak you cannot visit them at home, find other ways to stay in touch with them. Desi recalls, “Sometimes several elders would call or text me on the same day. The texts they shared with me touched my heart, even though I already knew them well”.
5. How can the elders know the needs of the brothers, and how can they help them?
5 One way that the elders can know what the needs of the brothers are is by asking prudent questions (Prov. 20:5). Are your basic needs, such as food or medicine, covered? Could they lose their job or home? Do you need us to give you a hand to apply for some government aid? In Desi's case, some brothers helped her materially. But what helped her the most was the emotional and spiritual support that the elders gave her. She says: “The elders prayed with me. I don't remember the specific words they said, but I do remember how I felt. It was as if Jehovah were telling me 'You are not alone'” (Is. 41:10, 13).
6. How can we help each other in the congregation? (See photos).
6 What the congregation can do. We know that the elderly are the first to attend to the needs of the brothers. But Jehovah asks all of us to encourage and help others (Gal. 6:10). Even a small detail that shows our care can mean a lot to someone who is sick. The children could make a card or picture to cheer up a sibling. Young men could offer to run an errand or shop for a sister. Others might prepare a meal for a sick person and leave it at home. Of course, when a disease is widespread, everyone in the congregation needs encouragement. So perhaps it is good that we stay a little longer after the meeting to talk with the brothers, either in person or by videoconference.And the elderly also need encouragement. Some brothers write thank-you notes to the elderly, who are usually busier than ever during an outbreak. How good it is that we all strive to follow this Biblical advice: “Keep encouraging one another and building one another up” (1 Thess. 5:11).
Picture series: 1. A brother leads a face-to-face meeting at the Kingdom Hall. He uses the tablet to see a sick brother who has connected by video conference. 2. The older brother who has connected from his house raises his hand to make a comment. He breathes with the help of a tube that is connected to an oxygen tank. The brother who leads part of the meeting is happy to hear the encouraging comments from the many present in the Hall and from a sick brother who has to participate by videoconference. (See paragraph 6)
7. What can be the effects of an emergency situation?
7 An emergency situation can turn a person's life upside down in the blink of an eye. You may lose your material possessions, your home, or even a loved one. And this also happens to our brothers. How can we help?
8. What should elders and parents do before an emergency situation?
8 What the elderly can do. Elders, help the brothers to prepare for an emergency situation. Make sure everyone in the congregation knows what they need to do to stay safe and get in touch with you. Margaret, mentioned in the previous article, recounts: “In a speech about the needs of the congregation, the elders reminded us that the fire season was not over and to leave immediately if the authorities told us to evacuate or if the situation It became very dangerous." That speech was very timely because five weeks later a terrible fire broke out. Parents, in family worship, discuss what each of you should do in an emergency situation.If you and your children are ready, you are more likely to stay calm at those times.
9. What do the elderly have to do before and after an emergency situation?
9 If you are a group overseer, do not wait for an emergency situation to make sure you have the correct contact information for all the brothers in your group. Make a list and keep it up to date. Thus, in an emergency, you can contact each publisher and assess their needs. Give this information to the coordinator of the body of elders, and he will contact the circuit overseer. Teamwork will yield good results. After the fire, the circuit overseer in Margaret spent 36 sleepless hours coordinating the work of elders trying to locate and care for some 450 displaced brothers.—2 Cor. 11:27. Thanks to that, he found accommodation for everyone who needed it.
10. Why is it so important for the elders to take care of the sheep? (John 21:15).
10 The elders have the responsibility to give spiritual and emotional support to the brothers (1 Pet. 5:2). When disaster strikes, they must first make sure each brother is safe and has food, clothing, and shelter. But victims are likely to need spiritual and emotional support for many months (see John 21:15). Harold, who is a member of a Branch Committee and has spoken with many disaster victims, says: “Recovery takes time. Siblings may start to return to normal, but memories can come back again and again, whether they are of a loved one who passed away, a dear family item or a dangerous situation they lived through. Memories can awaken pain again. But this does not mean that they lack faith; It's a normal reaction."
11. What help will families need for a while?
11 It is important that the elders follow this advice: “Mourn with those who mourn” (Rom. 12:15). Those who have survived a disaster need to be reminded that they still have the love of Jehovah and his brothers. The elders can help families maintain their spiritual activities, such as prayer, study, meeting attendance, and preaching work. They can also encourage parents to help their children keep in mind that there are things that a disaster cannot destroy. Parents, remind your children that Jehovah will always be their friend and by their side. Explain that they will always have a worldwide family of brothers and sisters who are there, ready to help them (1 Pet. 2:17).
12. What can the congregation do to help with relief efforts? (See photo).
12 What the congregation can do. If a disaster occurs near where you live, ask the elders how you can help. Perhaps you can offer your house for a while to accommodate displaced brothers or those involved in relief efforts. Maybe you can help with the delivery of groceries and other essentials. And, if the emergency situation has occurred far from you, you also have the opportunity to help. As? Praying for the victims and supporting relief efforts with your donations for the world work (2 Cor. 1:8-11; 8:2-5). And, if your circumstances allow you to travel to that area, ask the elders how to help.If you are invited, you will most likely be trained to help when and where you are most needed.
A couple brings food and other things to a mother and her child, who are in a temporary shelter. If a disaster occurs in the area where we live, can we offer to help? (See paragraph 12).
13. What difficulties do brothers face in places where our work is prohibited?
13 Persecution makes life even more difficult for brothers. Those who live where our work is banned continue to struggle financially, get sick, and lose loved ones. Due to the restrictions, the elderly may not have freedom of movement or may not be able to speak calmly with those who need encouragement. That was what happened to Andrei, mentioned in the previous article. A sister in her preaching group was experiencing financial difficulties and then had a car accident. She went through several operations and was unable to work. Despite the restrictions from the authorities and the pandemic, her brothers did everything they could to help her, and Jehovah was very aware of the situation.
14. How do elders show that they trust in Jehovah?
14 What the elderly can do. Andrei prayed to Jehovah and did what he could. And how did Jehovah respond? He used other brothers who had greater freedom of movement to do what they could. Some took the sister to medical appointments and others gave her financial help. Jehovah blessed his unity and all these courageous actions (Heb. 13:16). Elders, when our work is restricted, delegate (Jer. 36:5, 6). But above all, lean on Jehovah. He will help them so that they can meet the needs of the brothers.
15. What must we do to stay together in times of persecution?
15 What the congregation can do. In times of persecution, we may only be able to meet in small groups. So it's more important than ever to be at peace with others. Let's fight Satan, not each other. Let us forgive the mistakes of the brothers and solve any disagreement immediately (Prov. 19:11; Eph. 4:26). Let's take the initiative to support one another (Titus 3:14). The help that Andrei's preaching group gave the sister had a positive effect on everyone. They became closer, like a family (Ps. 133:1).
16. According to Colossians 4:3, 18, what can we do for the brothers who are being persecuted?
16 Thousands and thousands of our brothers serve Jehovah despite the restrictions of the authorities. Some are imprisoned for their beliefs. Pray for them, for their families, and for those who risk their own freedom to give them spiritual, physical, and legal help (read Colossians 4:3, 18). Let us never underestimate the power of our prayers (2 Thess. 3:1, 2; 1 Tim. 2:1, 2).
17. How can we now prepare for persecution?
17 You and your family can now prepare for persecution (Acts 14:22). Don't think about all the bad things that could happen. Rather, strengthen your friendship with Jehovah and help your children to do the same. If at any time you feel distressed, take it out on Jehovah (Ps. 62:7, 8). As a family, talk about all the reasons we have to trust him. Just as it is good to prepare children for an emergency situation, it is also good to prepare them for persecution and teach them to trust in Jehovah. So they will be brave and stay calm.
A couple with their two children during family worship. The boy is commenting on a detail from the video "Daniel, a man of faith." How can he prepare his family for persecution now? (See paragraph 17).
18. What future awaits us?
18 God's peace makes us feel safe (Phil. 4:6, 7). Through it, Jehovah calms us in the face of epidemic outbreaks, emergency situations, or persecution. He uses the elders, who diligently care for the sheep, and gives all of us the honor of helping one another. This peace prepares us to face greater trials in the future, including the “great tribulation” (Matt. 24:21). During that time, it will be important that we remain calm and help others to do the same. But, after the great tribulation, we will no longer experience moments of crisis that fill us with anxiety. At last we will enjoy what Jehovah always wanted for us: perfect and eternal peace (Is. 26:3, 4).
When an epidemic outbreak occurs.
Even a small detail that shows our care can mean a lot to someone who is sick with an outbreak. The children could make a card or picture to cheer up a sibling. Young men could offer to run an errand or shop for a sister. Others might prepare a meal for a sick person and leave it at home.
If you are a congregation elder, know the sheep well
We can ask prudent questions. Are your basic needs, such as food or medicine, covered? Could they lose their job or home? Do they need us to give them a hand to request some aid from the Government?
We can help them materially. But what is most important and valuable in those moments is emotional and spiritual support.
In an emergency situation.
One way we can help is by praying for the victims and supporting relief efforts with our donations to the global effort.
Elders should not wait for an emergency situation to make sure they have the correct contact details for all the siblings in their group. Make a list and keep it up to date. Thus, in an emergency, you can contact each publisher and assess their needs.
The elders can help the brothers prepare for an emergency situation, and they do this by making sure that the entire congregation knows what to do to stay safe and how to contact the elders.
The elders can help families maintain their spiritual activities, such as prayer, study, meeting attendance, and preaching work. They can also encourage parents to help their children keep in mind that there are things that a disaster cannot destroy. Parents, remind your children that Jehovah will always be their friend and by their side.
Faced with persecution.
Elders, when our work is restricted, delegate. But above all, lean on Jehovah.
Some are imprisoned for their beliefs. Let us pray for them, for their families and for those who risk their own freedom to give them spiritual, physical and legal help. Let's never underestimate the power of our prayers.
Let's forgive the mistakes of the brothers and solve any disagreement immediately. Let's take the initiative to support each other.
Don't think about all the bad things that could happen. Rather, strengthen your friendship with Jehovah and help your children to do the same.
If at any time you feel distressed, take it out on Jehovah. As a family, talk about all the reasons we have to trust him.
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