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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
1Ch 17:16-18. Like David, what can we be sure of? (w20.02 12, inset).
David was sure that Jehovah knew him very well, we are also sure that Jehovah knows what we have in our hearts and that we strive to be loyal to his principles and just like David we know that Jehovah will show his love to his servants.
Jehovah knows us very well, more than we know ourselves. Therefore, through the Bible and his organization, Jehovah confirms to us that he notices the love we show him. Jehovah noticed us even before we were born knows what we have in our hearts and what we are thinking.
We are also sure that Jehovah knows us well because he listens to every prayer we make to him, our actions influence how he feels. Jehovah has brought us to him, he also knows us that if we die he will resurrect us, he will give us a new body and mind, but the memories and personality will be the same. So this text encourages us and strengthens us.
King David recognized that he was not an outstanding person in many ways. However, he also noticed the love Jehovah had for him and his family. We too can be sure that Jehovah pays attention to each one of his servants. He knows us very well and that is why he has attracted us to his organization. Jehovah does not choose his servants because of geographic location or economic or social position.
He watches what we have in our hearts that we think and knows very well how much we love him. That's why he listens carefully to every prayer we make to him. And our actions affect him deeply. He knows us so well that if we die he will resurrect us with a new body and mind but the same memories and personality we had before we died.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
1 Chronicles 18:6. It is mentioned that Jehovah was with David wherever he went, and what we know is that David was a man like us, who had mistakes, but Jehovah did not abandon him. And that teaches us that we have a merciful God who takes pity on his servants and that when we serve him from the heart he does not leave our side.
1 Chronicles 19:16. Hadedezer, king of Zobah, did not recognize that Israel was supported by Jehovah. And despite the defeat he went to look for reinforcements, today there are also people who stand against Jehovah's organization here on earth and do not recognize that they are fighting against God, that is why no matter how hard they try to silence the God's people will not succeed.
1 Chronicles 17:4. When Jehovah told David that he would not build him a house, he was not disappointed, rather he thought about what he could do to support the construction, today we may also set ourselves a goal or want to achieve a privilege in the congregation, but if not When this happens, we must not get discouraged, rather we must see that it is within our reach and continue supporting the brothers with enthusiasm.
1 Chronicles 17:7. In this text we see that David had been a shepherd and with the help of Jehovah had become a great king. This teaches us that no matter where we come from, Jehovah enables us to serve in his organization, so we must be humble and obedient to what he tells us.
1 Chronicles 19: 3. We see that the bad comments made this king make bad decisions, the same happens when disagreements arise due to misunderstandings within the congregation, so if a problem like this arises, the first thing we should do is talk to the brother and not get carried away by gossip so we will maintain peace within the congregation.
1 Chronicles 17:4. This is a text that leaves us a good lesson for older brothers, since sometimes we cannot participate in certain spiritual activities due to age; health and other factors. If that is our case, like David, we must keep ourselves busy and focused on those that are within their reach.
1 Chronicles 17:2-4. The prophet Nathan urged King David to do what was in his heart regarding the construction of a house for the worship of Jehovah. But then Jehovah told Nathan to inform David that he would not be the one to build it, the prophet humbly "rectified the matter." This teaches me that, in the same way, humility motivates us to "set matters straight" when we have made the mistake of saying or doing something rashly. In addition, this example also teaches us that Jehovah does not condemn the one who makes a mistake, but the one who, being able, does not correct it. So let's correct wrong ways of thinking, thoughtless words or unfortunate actions.
1 Chronicles 18:4. King David kept in mind Jehovah's prohibition against taking many horses. By doing this, he avoided falling into the trap of trusting in that resource of warfare, David leaned on Jehovah for his protection. This teaches me that contrary to this, governments have placed their trust in the design and creation of weapons without any restrictions. It is ironic that their insecurity and fear of each other makes them increase the demand for more weapons. But, Jehovah already has the solution to this dilemma: he will eliminate wars completely and forever. Therefore, the only safe protection comes from Jehovah.
1 Chronicles 19:1-4, 6,7. After the death of Nahas, king of Ammon, David sent messengers to comfort his son Hanun, however, that visit was interpreted as a spy operation, which resulted in the humiliation of the envoys, then there was a war with Israel: all because good intentions were misinterpreted. This teaches me that misunderstandings can have serious consequences, so the wisest course is to clear things up. It's never nice to feel misunderstood, but if we take steps to clear things up and apply Biblical principles that promote love and forgiveness, we will most likely achieve good results.
1 Chronicles 17:1. We see how David's life takes another different and positive turn, and despite his comforts, he continued to be humble, and his priority was the house of Jehovah first, this motivates us to be generous according to the blessings we have received, we see that our brothers give to Jehovah, and many times those who have less are the ones who share the most, those who give the most, we can say that Jehovah is pleased with those who are generous but does not look with favor on those who have the means of this world but they become selfish.
1 Chronicles 17:7. It teaches us that Jehovah exalts the humble, lifts him up, but humiliates the proud, for many David was nobody, but for Jehovah David was his Anointed, therefore, if we put ourselves in Jehovah's hands we will see the wonderful purposes that He has for us.
1 Chronicles 17:16. David's humility teaches us, despite having knocked down giants, conquered lands, defeated hundreds of thousands, he knew that it was thanks to Jehovah and that one is nothing, God could have chosen another in his place, but he looks at each one of his servants, is without a doubt the attitude that we want to maintain, it is easy to be humble when we start but to maintain humility when we begin to receive blessings or privileges, that is what Jehovah sees.
1 Chronicles 17:26. Jehovah is the True God and always keeps his promises, it would be an injustice on his part not to keep his promises or reward his faithful for his works says Hebrews 11: 6.
1 Chronicles 18:10. This verse teaches us the importance of not blindly believing anyone, as a wise man once said: an intelligent person believes only half of what he is told, and a wise person knows which half to believe.
1 Chronicles 18:3. Jehovah is the One who fulfills his promises. Through David, he fulfilled the promise to give the descendants of Abraham all the land of Canaan, "from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates" as mentioned in the texts of Genesis 15:18 and 1 Chronicles 13: 5.
1 Chronicles 19:2. It teaches us that we should not forget those who have been kind to us in difficult times, and if in the future they need help we could be kind too, sadly the system molds us to be ungrateful and return evil for good, even to be indifferent to acts of kindness, without a doubt, Jehovah wants us to be grateful and share with others.
1 Chronicles 19:12. In the war, mutual support was vital, in a similar way, in our Christian life the support between brothers in the congregation is of vital importance, it would be very sad if we stabbed someone in the back, or that we were not even kind to each other, Jehovah He expects us to work as a team and support each other, and not give rise to envy or betrayal.
1 Chronicles 19:13. There are situations in life that shake us and hurt us a lot, in those moments Jehovah tells us that we must be strong for Him, our family, and He will do what He has to do and we do our part.
1 Chronicles 17:7. It shows that Jehovah told David through the prophet Nathan "I took you from where you were to become leader of my people Israel", this phrase leads us to think that Jehovah took David personally as his servant. As for us, the witnesses of him, it has also been he who has brought us to be his servants. This teaches us that Jehovah takes us into account in a personal way and it is a privilege that we must value.
1 Chronicles 18:6. Here it is shown that Jehovah was with David wherever he went, it is a privilege that Jehovah is so close to a human being and gives him his full support. This teaches us that if we act loyally Jehovah will be loyal to us and he will not lean on where we are, regardless of the circumstances.
1 Chronicles 19:6. It shows that Hadadezer, king of Zobah, belonging to the Syrian kingdom, did not recognize that the people of Israel were being supported by Jehovah, so much so that despite having been defeated at the hands of Israel, he went back to look for reinforcements to go back to battle against they. This reminds the people of the territory time after time they treat us badly when we preach house to house because they proudly refuse to accept the message of the kingdom and the fruits of God's people.
1 Chronicles 18:3. He says that David defeated King Hadadezer king of Zobah near Hamath as he was on his way to establish his rule on the Euphrates River. This teaches us that Jehovah fulfills all his promises in due time, since through David he fulfilled the promise to give Abraham's descendants all the land of Canaan, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates.
1 Chronicles 17:2-6. He shows that Jehovah corrected the prophet Nathan's hasty approval of David's plan to build a temple. This teaches us that even for the highest plans we must take Jehovah into account and also that we should not want to do more than what Jehovah has strictly commanded us to do.
1 Chronicles 17:16-22. It shows us an extraordinary lesson in humility on the part of King David, since in this sentence he repeats the phrase your servant ten times, with this he shows that he accepted with negative humility from Jehovah his desire to build the temple, it also shows that in instead of murmuring David prayed and accepted the provisions of Jehovah.
1 Chronicles 17:23. It shows that David's prayer was used in telling Jehovah now Jehovah keep forever the promise you made about your servant and his house and fulfill what you have promised, but when we analyze the context, we notice that this did not mean arrogance on David's part , but rather his conviction in the fulfillment of Jehovah's promises.
1 Chronicles 18:4-6 . It shows that David captured 1000 chariots of the Syrian army and lame 900 of the horses of these war chariots, with this David showed that he did not trust in his military structure, but in the power of Jehovah to defeat King Hadadezer of Zobah and in Verse 6, we see that Jehovah gave him the victory. This teaches us that we should not trust our future in money, in governments and their military forces, or in our abilities, but in Jehovah, because only he can guarantee us the life that really is life.
1 Chronicles 18:9-13. He shows that not all the pagan nations surrounding Israel were hostile to the people or to Jehovah. This teaches us that we make a mistake if we treat each unbeliever as if he were an enemy of Jehovah, on the contrary, it is with these people that we must make the most effort in terms of bringing them the message of the good news of the Kingdom of God.
1 Chronicles 18:9-13. It shows that Hadoram brought David all kinds of gold, silver and copper objects and also congratulated him for having defeated Hadadezer, for his part David received them and sanctified Jehovah because he was aware that this praise and glory belonged to his God if not him. This teaches us that regardless of what we stand out for or what things we achieve in this world, we must give honor and glory to Jehovah because it is he who gives us the talents or gifts and who allows us to achieve these successes.
1 Chronicles 19:6-8. He shows that the Ammonites sent 1000 talents of silver to hire chariots and horsemen from Mesopotamia, because they had no hope of protecting themselves. So they hired mercenary armies. This reminds us of the enemies of pure worship today, in the sense that they unite to attack Jehovah's servants, but just as they were defeated of old, so too will they be defeated very shortly by Jehovah.
1 Chronicles 17:1. For almost five hundred years, the ark of the covenant had no fixed location. King David dreamed of taking the sacred ark out of the tent and building a proper house for Jehovah to place it in. Jehovah decreed that he would not be the one to build it. However, such a decision did not stifle David's generous spirit. He managed to gather a large number of workers and decided to supply the materials that would be used in the construction of the temple. This teaches us that in our case, some of us may not be able to personally participate in building places of worship for Jehovah, or in cleaning kingdom halls, or in some other activity. But that cannot prevent us from being generous with Jehovah and contributing so that it serves an honorable purpose.
1 Chronicles 18:6. It had long been shown that the gods of the nations, including those of Syria, were worthless. During David's reign Jehovah's superiority over the gods of Syria had been clearly seen when the Syrians became David's servants. This teaches us that money and material goods are among the main gods worshiped today. In reality, most people, including many who are religious, “put their hope in uncertain riches” let us use that riches very carefully and ask God in prayer to give us strength and wisdom to face different situations. Then let us confidently await Jehovah's blessing.
1 Chronicles 18:12. The text of Samuel 8:13 states that David struck down 108 Edomites in the Valley of Salt, but in 1 Chronicles 18:12 this achievement is attributed to Abishai, and in the superscription of Psalm 60 it says that it was Joab who defeated them. What is this about? It is evident that the three records present the defeat of the Edomites from different points of view. In 2 Samuel, victory is attributed to David because he was the king, the supreme commander of the Israelite army, and the one who authorized the battle. This teaches us that there is no contradiction in the Bible. Even today it is customary to attribute a particular feat to the person who has authorized it or who has had a prominent part in its successful completion. That is why when we read a biblical text we must analyze the context to understand the point.
1 Chronicles 19:2, 3. In dealing with friends, relatives, associates, associates, and particularly with fellow Christians, we must assume that they are innocent rather than guilty. It is better to be disappointed once in a while than to be unduly suspicious, as if everyone is out to take advantage of you. This teaches us that we must learn to enjoy what others do by noticing their good points instead of being overly aware of their faults. Therefore, for your own good and in the interest of good relations with other people, guard against unkind thoughts.
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