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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
1Ch 16:31. What did the Levites mean when they sang “Jehovah has become King!”? (w14 1/15 10 ¶14)
It is clear that Jehovah is the King of Eternity. So this statement of the Levites meant that Jehovah at certain times, can become King in the sense of taking care of a certain situation or making use of his authority directly, or to assign someone to be his representative. . This shows a far-reaching significance of Jehovah's sovereignty.
We have an example of this in King David, to whom Jehovah promised an offspring that would rise after him, that would come out of his bowels. And what would be firmly established as a Kingdom, this was fulfilled after more than 1000 years, when that descendant of David appeared, namely Jesus Christ, who would be the king of the Kingdom of God.
Jehovah becomes King when, since at a certain moment he is in charge of some situation, he makes use of his authority. This aspect of his sovereignty has far-reaching significance. Before David died, Jehovah promised him that his Kingship would continue indefinitely: “I will raise up your seed after you, coming out of your bowels, and I will really establish his Kingdom firmly” as mentioned in 2 Sam. 7:12,13. And so it was: after more than a thousand years that “offspring” of David appeared.
Jehovah has always been king for all eternity and his sovereignty is well recognized. This joyful declaration of the Levites was when the ark of the covenant was brought to Jerusalem. However, by saying: “Jehovah himself has become king!” he has to do with something of great interest.
At certain times Jehovah becomes king when at a certain time or to take care of a situation, he makes use of his authority directly or assigns someone to represent him. This aspect of his sovereignty has far-reaching significance as when he promised David that his kingdom would be firmly established through his offspring who was Jesus Christ.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
1 Chronicles 14:14. This text shows how David inquires of Jehovah to know what he should do, thereby showing that he trusts Jehovah more than his own wisdom. In this case Jehovah's response unexpectedly was that he not immediately raid the Philistines. This teaches us that Jehovah can answer our prayers in ways that surprise us or that we do not expect. Even so, like David, we must trust more in divine wisdom than in our own.
1 Chronicles 16:30. It is very interesting, because it clarifies the meaning of the Biblical phrase, that the whole earth trembles before him referring to Jehovah, and it is that the Bible uses this phrase many times in a figurative sense to denote the reverential fear and high esteem that we should feel for Jehovah.
1 Chronicles 14: 14. It says that David always consulted Jehovah, which teaches me that I should always pray to Jehovah before making a decision in my life, so that it goes well for me.
1 Chronicles 16:9. This verse invites us to thank Jehovah when our hearts are overflowing with joy for being part of his worshipers, a means to do so are meetings where we sing praises and worship Jehovah in unity with our spiritual brothers.
1 Chronicles 14:12. He talks about false gods, surely idols, and says that David gave the order that they be burned, which leaves us with the lesson that we must get rid of everything that has to do with false religion.
1 Chronicles 14: 1,2. We see that David as a king appointed by God had made a good name for himself before the nations, which teaches us that as his servants, as a chosen people, we must exalt the name of our God before the people, so that they can also glorify him.
1 Chronicles 13: 14. It teaches us that as long as we walk on the right path we can count on the complete blessing of our heavenly father, therefore our life will go well and everything we do Jehovah will bless.
1 Chronicles 13: 11. It says that David is angry with Jehovah for what happened, but this teaches us that instead of getting angry with Jehovah and blaming him for what is wrong with us, we must analyze the situation to determine the true cause, which will surely be our mistakes.
1 Chronicles 13: 8. It shows us that since the past, music has been a fundamental part of the worship of God, and indeed, it continues to be so today, which is why in each meeting or assembly we must sing with great enthusiasm the songs of the Kingdom, and even highly value the music videos that Jehovah's organization prepares time after time.
1 Chronicles 13:7. He tells us that they carry the ark of the covenant on a new cart, but we know that these were not Jehovah's indications, since it had to go on the shoulders of the Levites, which resulted in the death of a man, leaving us as a lesson that If we really want to please Jehovah, we must always do things just as he tells us.
Reading 1 Chronicles 13: 2. It made me meditate that I must always take Jehovah into account before making a decision and see if what we are going to decide is in accordance with his principles exposed in the Bible.
1 Chronicles 15:13. It teaches us the importance of acknowledging our mistakes and making sure we do things correctly. In these last days, there are people in authority who make mistakes and almost never admit it, much less apologize for the damage caused. It would certainly be a shame to act like this in the congregation. Since we want to strive to make sure that we do things as Jehovah wants to have the humility to recognize and rectify our mistakes.
1 Chronicles 15:29. There he mentions that David danced for joy with the people, being the king he got off the Throne and had the humility that always characterized him, he did not allow a privilege to rise to his head and come to see others as nothing or inferior, He didn't even think about saving appearances. Undoubtedly, we could end up having many privileges within the organization, but the brothers know and feel the way we treat them. If we are humble, that is why we must encourage ourselves to continue working with our brothers shoulder shoulder congratulate them to share with them instead of limiting our circle are those who according to us are at our level because the moment our pride rises is when we crash.
1 Chronicles 14:10. Before making any decision that may influence our spirituality we should always pray to Jehovah and seek his guidance.
1 Chronicles 13: 1. It shows us that David was humble, because despite the fact that he had a position of authority, he consulted others before making decisions, in this case the leaders of the people, which undoubtedly leaves us a great lesson in humility, because regardless of the privileges we may have, we must remain humble and not believe ourselves to be superior to anyone.
1 Chronicles 13:2. We see that David wanted everyone to serve God in unity, but as the basis of true worship and the commandments of Jehovah. In our days we hear of faith union movements and no one forces anyone to join in the end, each person has the decision, but we see that their objectives are not to take into account Jehovah and his commandments, but other selfish reasons, which in the end They are to dominate the masses. Without a doubt, discerning the biblical model and what is around us helps us to perceive what Jehovah thinks of the matter.
1 Chronicles 13:10. We must guard against viewing spiritual matters with contempt or as anything. Uzza was not unaware of God's commandments, the ark was related to the presence of Jehovah and the law stipulated that unauthorized persons should not touch it and explicitly warned that offenders would be punished by death. Therefore, the transfer of this sacred chest was not a task that could be taken lightly, without a doubt if we have student assignments, certain privileges, we must have a say and do it appropriately.
1 Chronicles 13:11. Instead of getting angry with Jehovah and blaming him for our failures, we must analyze the situation to determine the true cause, for sure that is what David did, he learned from his mistake and later he safely brought the ark to Jerusalem using the appropriate means.
1 Chronicles 13:11. This verse teaches us the importance of following Jehovah's instructions. Since if we do things our way and not Jehovah's way, things will eventually go wrong and this could affect us and our brothers.
1 Chronicles 13:4. David sets a good example for those who lead or take the lead. Instead of imposing arbitrarily, he proposed and took into account what others thought, not to seek to please others, but was interested in knowing what they felt and this resulted in good decisions for everyone. There is certainly a big difference between leading and leading and working in unity with a team in the congregation.
1 Chronicles 13:3. He encourages us to participate in the cleaning of the Kingdom Hall, as he says that the ark had been neglected in our days and during the lockdown, we could have neglected our places of worship, but thanks to the reminders and diligent support of our local brothers , it was possible to give timely maintenance to the places of worship. Without a doubt, cleaning is a way of giving testimony and glory to Jehovah.
1 Chronicles 13:10. From being a brave and experienced warrior to having knocked down giants and many enemies, David consulted others and took into account their opinions, he did not think he knew everything. This is a good example of listening to and valuing our loved ones who want to see us well, because if we go through life believing that we know everything and we do not listen to advice from Jehovah, or from our parents, or from our siblings, it will hurt us. go wrong in life
1 Chronicles 13:11. This text shows that David was angered by Jehovah's action of killing Uzah, perhaps because he thought it was an exaggerated measure, because at first glance it seemed that a worm did something so serious. This text teaches us that within our imperfection we can come to think that on certain occasions Jehovah's discipline is very radical, but we must remember that only Jehovah knows all the details of the matter and the intentions of the heart. In addition to him, justice and love are born, therefore we must accept Jehovah's discipline with the correct attitude.
1 Chronicles 15:13. This text shows David remembering the unfortunate situation that the people had to go through when Uzah died because he touched the ark in a way that did not conform to the word of Jehovah. This teaches us that Jehovah has established certain procedures to do things within his congregation, so we must respect them, and in any case, if something had to be changed, it should be done faithfully following the principles and rules of God's word.
1 Chronicles 16:9. This verse invites us to thank Jehovah when our hearts are overflowing with joy for being part of his worshipers, a means to do so are meetings where we sing praises and worship Jehovah in unity with our spiritual brothers.
1 Chronicles 16:30. This text is very interesting, because it clarifies the meaning of the Biblical phrase, that the whole earth trembles before him referring to Jehovah, and it is that the Bible uses this phrase many times in a figurative sense to denote the reverential fear and high esteem that we owe feel for Jehovah.
1 Chronicles 13:11. It teaches us that instead of getting angry with Jehovah for our failures, we must analyze the situation to determine the true cause for sure, that is what David learned from his mistake. So he later brought the ark to Jerusalem safely, using the proper means.
1 Chronicles 14:10. This text shows us that before making a decision that could influence our spirituality, we should always pray to Jehovah and seek his direction.
1 Chronicles 16:23-29. He teaches us that worshiping Jehovah should be the primary goal of our lives.
1 Chronicles 13:1-11. This account shows that David became angry with Jehovah because he had broken out his fury against Uzzah. However, this should not lead us to think that Jehovah is unfair, since we have to remember that it is impossible for Jehovah to act unfairly, because if he did, he would be undermining the very foundation of his sovereignty. We must also remember that Uzah was not unaware of God's commandments, and the ark was related to the presence of Jehovah, so the law stipulated that unauthorized persons should not touch it, and explicitly warned that offenders would be punished with death. Therefore, the transfer of this sacred chest was not a task that could be taken lightly, and although Uzza was not a priest, she was apparently a Levite so she must know the law well.
1 Chronicles 15:12,13 and 15. These texts show us that King David had to learn that although it was an excellent thing to introduce the ark of the covenant of Jehovah in Jerusalem, to please him, to those it had to be done just as it was done. Jehovah himself had commanded through Moses. In fact, David himself admitted such a thing, when he said that since you did not take it the first time, the anger of Jehovah our God broke out against us, because we did not make sure what was the correct way to do it. This teaches us that Jehovah's instructions must be obeyed to the letter, so that we do not lose his approval and do well.
1 Chronicles 16:31. This text shows that although Jehovah's sovereignty dates from the beginning of his creation, he purposed to give specific expression to his rulership in order to settle forever the question of the properness of his sovereignty. This expression was the Heavenly Messianic Kingdom and the terrestrial Kingdom that Jehovah established over the Nation of Israel, served as a small-scale representation of this Kingdom. Consequently, when King David brought the ark of the covenant to the City of Jerusalem, he was able to sing with joy that the heavens rejoice, that the earth rejoice, declare among the nations, Jehovah has become king, this because Jehovah had come to Being king of all Israel, in a special sense, was a time of great joy. David wanted to declare that marvelous event everywhere.
1 Chronicles 16:1-8. These texts show that the ark was finally brought to Jerusalem and that it was appropriately transported by Levites, this great occasion moved to be the following expression of praise give thanks to Jehovah invoke in his name, make known his acts among the towns. This teaches us that doing things correctly from Jehovah's point of view should be a reason for joy and celebration for us.
1 Chronicles 16:29. It motivates us to take our worship of Jehovah seriously by bringing our freewill offerings to the congregation by dressing wisely and cleanly while participating in theocratic activities. No doubt Jehovah is pleased to see that we are giving him our best effort.
1 Chronicles 16:8. We must always be grateful to Jehovah, we live in a world where people have been molded to feel that they owe nothing to anyone, and it is rare for someone to say thank you, we must show that we are grateful to Jehovah at all times and above all with our Actions.
1 Chronicles 13:5. Here the expression "The river of Egypt" appears, although some have said that this expression alludes to a branch of the Nile River, the general consensus is that it refers to the "torrential valley of Egypt", a long gorge that marked the southwestern border of the Promised Land.
1 Chronicles 13:11. Instead of getting angry with Jehovah and blaming him for our failures, we should analyze the situation to determine the true cause. Surely that was what David did. He learned from his mistake and later brought the Ark to Jerusalem safely using the proper means.
1 Chronicles 14:11. In obedience to Jehovah's word, David inflicted a severe defeat on the mighty Philistine army at Baal-perazim. But the Philistines did not give up. They soon returned to once again wreak havoc and loot in the low plain of Refaim, and David once again sought direction from Jehovah, always seeking God's guidance is something that all servants must do.
1 Chronicles 14:15. Some botanists believe that baká refers to a balsam tree of the poplar family mainly because of the ease with which the breeze moves its leaves producing an audible rustle, it could have been a simple whisper used as a signal or, according to other opinions, a noise. strong caused by an impetuous wind that could hide the sound of a marching army or even simulate it.
1 Chronicles 15:20. Alamot is a musical term meaning 'maidens' or 'young women'. It is likely that it refers to the soprano voice of young women and that it was used to indicate that a certain piece or musical accompaniment had to be performed in a high register.
1 Chronicles 15:21. Seminit is another musical term that literally means 'the eighth' and can refer to a lower musical register or mode. Applied to instruments, it probably refers to those that emit the lowest tones of the musical scale. Applied to songs, it is quite possible that it indicates that they should have a musical accompaniment in a lower register and be sung in that same register.
1 Chronicles 13:10. In this text we can also see that Jehovah sees hearts. Since his word qualifies what Uzza did as an irreverent act, it is possible that Jehovah saw some selfish motivation that will not be expressly revealed in the story, which is why the question arises: Was he perhaps an insolent man prone to taking too many attributions? ? Or could it be that he thought he was very important when he carried in front of everyone the chest that his family had kept privately? Or perhaps he had so little faith that he thought Jehovah's hand was too short to hold the sacred chest that symbolized his presence? or also Could it be that he perhaps wanted to look like the Hero who saved the ark from falling? This teaches us to be careful with what we have in our hearts and to want to be the center of attention.
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