LET'S BE A BETTER TEACHER, Week of February 13-19, 2023, Return Visit, Offer a Teaching Kit Publication, Lesson 7, Prepared Assignmen.

LET'S BE BETTER TEACHERS: February 13-19-2023, Return Visit, Lesson 7, Assignment Prepared.

Return Visit (4 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then offer a teaching kit post (th lec. 7).

PUBLISHER: Mrs. Doris to answer the pending question: What things can we pray about? I invite you to please read to whom the Bible the text of the first of John 5:14….

HOUSEHOLD: It's okay, Maria, it says there...

PUBLISHER: Last time we saw that the Bible teaches that Jehovah is the hearer of prayer and that all kinds of people turn to him. Now according to 1John 5:14, what requirement must we meet for these prayers to be heard by God?

HOUSEHOLD: It says we can ask for anything, as long as those things are in accordance with God's will.

POSTER: Very well, we have already answered two key points about prayer, Jehovah is the hearer of prayer, so we should not pray to anyone else. If we want our prayers to be heard by God, they must be in accordance with his will, but what about this will where we know and learn?

HOUSEHOLD: I imagine that in the Bible, well now I think so because when we talked before you used the Bible.

PUBLISHER: If that is true, Mrs. Doris, only by studying the Bible can we come to know and understand Jehovah's way of thinking, what he loves, what he hates, what he expects of us and how to apply his mandates, laws and principles. What do you think?

HOUSEHOLD: Yes, from what I've seen so far, I believe that the only way to know God is by studying the Bible.

PUBLISHER: I'm glad you think so, I just brought you this booklet called Enjoy Life, it contains the basic teachings of the Bible, presented in a simple and practical orderly manner. visit her another day to continue talking.

HOUSEHOLD: Of course, MarĂ­a, these conversations are very interesting and instructive, and they are helping me to see points that I had never seen before.

PUBLISHER: Excellent, so on my next visit we will talk a little more about prayer and we will see the answer that the Bible gives to this question, how does God answer prayers? I will also explain some details of the brochure. And if you want we analyze a portion of lesson 1.

HOUSEHOLD: I'm fine, Maria, I'll be waiting for you.
