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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023
Wednesday February 22
To him they are all alive (Luke 20:38).
How does Jehovah feel when he thinks of faithful men and women who have died? He is looking forward to seeing them again (Job 14:15). Can we imagine how much Abraham misses his friend? (James 2:23). Or to Moses, to whom he spoke “face to face”? (Ex. 33:11). And how he longs to hear David and other psalmists sing his beautiful praises to him again! (Ps. 104:33). Although these friends of his are sleeping in death, he has not forgotten them (Is. 49:15). Jehovah remembers every detail of his personality. One day, he will bring them back to life and again he will accept his sincere prayers and take pleasure in his adoration. Isn't it true that these ideas comfort those of us who have lost a loved one? When the rebellion broke out in the Garden of Eden, Jehovah knew that things would get worse before they could be resolved. He hates evil the injustice and violence we see today. w21.07 10 par. eleven; 12 para. 12.
What does Psalm 22:23, 24 teach us about Jehovah?
The suffering of his beloved servants. Jehovah is a compassionate God. That's why it hurts him to see us suffer, be it because of persecution, illness, or our imperfections (read Psalm 22:23, 24). He feels our pain. He wants to end it, and he will (compare Exodus 3:7, 8; Isaiah 63:9). The day will come when he will fulfill this promise: “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will there be sadness, nor crying, nor pain” (Rev. 21:4).
What moral corruption does Jehovah see in the human family, and what will he do about it?
The moral corruption of the human family. Humans are made in the image of God, but Satan loves to corrupt us. In the days of Noah, when “the Lord saw the wickedness of man increase,” he “regretted that he had created man on the earth; he was wounded in the heart ”(Gen. 6: 5, 6, note, 11). Has the world improved since then? Of course not. The Devil likes to see that all kinds of immoral sexual acts, whether between people of the same or different sexes, have become so common (Eph. 4:18, 19). And he is especially happy when a servant of Jehovah sins. When Jehovah's patience runs out, he will show how much he hates all kinds of sexual immorality.
What is man doing to the Earth and the animals?
The destruction of the planet he created. Apart from the fact that “man has dominated man to his own evil”, he is not caring for the Earth or the animals, as Jehovah wanted him to do (Eccl. 8: 9; Gen. 1:28). Some scientists say that in the next few years humans could drive a million species to extinction.b No wonder they are so worried! That is why we are so grateful for Jehovah's promise that he will “destroy those who are destroying the earth” and that he will make this planet a paradise (Rev. 11:18; Is. 35:1).
What should prompt us to endure with Jehovah? Explain it with an example.
Think of all the problems our heavenly Father has been enduring for thousands of years (see the sidebar “What Jehovah Is Enduring”). Jehovah could end this wicked world at any time. But how much his patience has benefited us! Consider the following example. Imagine that expectant parents are told that their baby will be born with serious physical problems and that she will have a short and difficult life. Although the parents know that they will face many difficulties, they receive it with great affection. Out of love, they put up with whatever problems they are in order to give their son the best possible quality of life.
Similarly, all of Adam and Eve's descendants are born imperfect. Even so, Jehovah loves us and cares for us (1 John 4:19). But unlike the parents in the example, Jehovah can do something for us. He has already set the day to end all the suffering of his children (Matt. 24:36). Shouldn't his love drive us to stick with him as long as it takes?
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