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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023
Monday February 27
Jehovah's reminders are reliable, they make the inexperienced wise (Ps. 19:7).
Jehovah knows that it takes time and effort to give up bad thoughts and habits.—Ps. 103:13, 14. But he gives us the wisdom, strength, and support we need to change through his Word, his spirit, and his organization. He used the Bible to do a good self-exam. God's Word is like a mirror, so it can help you examine how you think, speak, and act (James 1:22-25). And Jehovah is always ready to lend a helping hand. No one better than him to help him, because he knows what is in his heart (Prov. 14:10; 15:11). Therefore, he adopts the habit of praying to him and studying his Word every day. Convince yourself that Jehovah's standards are the best. Everything Jehovah tells us is for our good. Those who respect his standards improve his self-esteem and achieve a life with meaning and true happiness (Ps. 19:8-11). w22.03 10:8-10.
What things does Jehovah hate?
Learn to hate what Jehovah hates (Ps. 97:10). The Bible says that Jehovah hates “proud eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.”—Prov. 6:16, 17. He also “hates violent and deceitful people” (Ps. 5:6). Jehovah is so repulsed by these attitudes and actions that he put an end to all the wicked of Noah's day because they had filled the earth with violence (Gen. 6:13). Another thing that Jehovah hates is what he mentioned through the prophet Malachi: someone betraying his innocent spouse so that the marriage ends in divorce. God rejects the worship of those who do this and will hold them accountable (Mal. 2:13-16; Heb. 13:4).
What does it mean to hate what is bad?
Jehovah commands us: “Hate what is bad” (Rom. 12:9). The word hate suggests a strong emotional reaction. It implies feeling aversion, disgust or rejection for something. Imagine how we would react if we were asked to eat a plate of rotten food. Just thinking about it would turn our stomachs. We should feel the same way just thinking about doing something that Jehovah says is wrong.
Why should we be careful what we think?
Be careful what you think. What we think influences what we do. That is why Jesus taught that we should reject any thought that could lead us to commit serious sin (Matt. 5:21, 22, 28, 29). Don't we want to please our heavenly Father? In that case, it is very important that we immediately reject any bad thoughts.
What do our words say about us, and what questions should we ask ourselves?
Control your words. Jesus said, "The things that come out of the mouth come from the heart" (Matt. 15:18). That's how it is. Our words say a lot about who we are inside. Ask yourself: “Do I always tell the truth, even if it hurts me to do so? If I'm married, am I careful not to flirt with other people? Do I completely avoid immoral conversations? Do I respond calmly when someone annoys me?" Spend time thinking about these questions. Words are in our personality like the seams in a garment. If we strive to avoid name-calling, lies, and immoral talk, the old personality will no longer have "seams" to hold it up.
What must we do to nail our old personality to the stake?
Act decisively. The apostle Paul used a very powerful image to help us understand that making the necessary changes is a very serious matter. He said that we must nail the old personality to the stake (Rom. 6:6). Jesus was willing to be nailed to the tree because he wanted to please Jehovah. Similarly, if we want to please God, we must be willing to break with attitudes and customs that he hates. Only if we do this will we have a clean conscience and the hope of living forever (John 17:3; 1 Pet. 3:21). Let us remember that Jehovah will not change his rules to please us. Rather, it is we who must change to conform to his standards (Is. 1:16-18; 55:9).
Why should you be determined to keep fighting with your weaknesses?
Keep fighting with your weaknesses. Even after you are baptized, you will still have to fight evil desires. Think about the experience of MaurĂcio, who from a young age led a homosexual life. In time, he met Jehovah's Witnesses and began to study the Bible. He made changes in his life and was baptized in 2002. Although he has been serving Jehovah for many years, he says: “I admit that I have had to fight evil desires more than once.” But he does not let this discourage him, for he adds: “It comforts me to know that if I do not carry them out, Jehovah is pleased with me.”d
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