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Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 38 points 1-4.
Let's appreciate the gift of life
1. Why should we value life?
Because it is a gift that God has given us and he gives us what is necessary such as food, shelter and everything we need so that each one of us continues to take care of that gift.
Also, just as we value a gift from a dear friend, we must also value this wonderful gift from God, we also know that it is very important for him that we take care of this gift, that is why he has given us everything we need to take care of it.
Acts 17:25 mentions that he gives all people life, breath and all things, so everything we possess to sustain our lives comes from Jehovah.
Also in Acts 14:17. at the beginning it says that he did not stop giving testimony of himself then the fact that Jehovah exists is the creator is closely connected to the fact that we value life if we value it and feel happy for the things we see and know, then it is because he has given us that and we value for having done it.
2. How can we show Jehovah that we appreciate the gift of life?
Respecting people's lives and also taking care of our own lives, so we can be thankful that Jehovah gave us life.
Taking care of both our lives and that of other people, that is why we avoid putting our lives in unnecessary dangers or that we do not take precautions to protect the lives of ourselves or those around us.
Psalm 139:16 says that your eyes saw me even when I was an embryo, then Jehovah sees it as a very valuable life until a little baby that is just being formed, we see here that Jehovah sees it as a person like it was also living, then we see that Jehovah is so loving and it would hurt him if we also endangered, for example, a pregnant woman or ourselves or other people.
Perhaps we can give the example of a gift to the student, when someone gives us something we take care of it and try not to knock it down, it is also with life not to expose it on purpose for things that are dangerous, also in this way we show Jehovah that we value the gift that we receive gave.
And thinking that Jehovah has always lived, whether a person lives one hour or lives 100 years for him is a life and how beautiful that idea since our parents conceived us and Jehovah took notice of us as a life.
Jehovah wants us to be grateful for life but he understands to the point that one has feelings, as Psalm 34:18 says, that he has a broken heart and is sunk in discouragement and then today we would say that it is depression, then those feelings can make one I came to think about suicide but it is not because I want to but because it is a mental disorder, and Jehovah understands this and you help us and this magazine mentions that we can first look for a professional but also think of people in real life who had those feelings like Job o Elijah and that we talk to Jehovah about this so that he will help us to overcome it.
Yes, there are also other details, this paragraph talks about how Jehovah would hurt him if we did not take precautions, we endangered the life of another, for example, when we do the cleaning here, a sign is put up saying that it is wet, someone could fall and if they have an accident and lose life would be tragic for that, so that would really be tragic, that's why we always try to be very careful here in the Kingdom hall as well.
Let's look at some ways to show appreciation for the gift of life.
3. Take care of your health
Christians who have promised Jehovah to do his will always use their lives as he wants. They have offered his body to God as if it were a holy sacrifice, so they have a duty to care for it. Read Romans 12:1, 2 and discuss the following:
Why should you take care of your health?
As the text of Romans 12:1 says, our body serves to serve Jehovah, for this reason one reason why we want to stay healthy is because we want to give the best of ourselves to Jehovah.
The text tells us that we want to offer our bodies as a holy living sacrifice and that it pleases God, it is not only for us that we want to take care of our health but also for Jehovah, our body belongs to him because he created us, and that is why we want to honor him him.
Of course, we can do a lot to take care of our health, but there are times when we may have to go to the doctor because perhaps taking a pill or eating healthy, I don't know, does not cure the illness or disease we have, but if we then go to the doctor and We don't pay attention to it or we look for a medical doctor until one tells us that we're fine and nothing happens, it's as if we weren't paying attention to the advice we saw before to take care of our health and thus appreciate the gift of life.
In what ways can you do it?
We can take into account some laws that were given to ancient Israel. For example: having good hygiene in the place where we live. In addition to taking care of the food we eat, since we must see that they are clean and in good condition and have good judgment so as not to fall into gluttony, another thing we can do is get enough sleep and exercise.
We can also listen to our body when, for example, my liver hurts and I stopped eating junk food.
In the illustration we can see a pregnant mother taking care of both her health and the child inside her. Which teaches us that we must also be responsible for the life that Jehovah has entrusted to our care. It could be the children or also if we take care of our aging parents.
It is good that the Bible gives us a beginning like the one in Roman 12 where it says that we offer our bodies as a holy living sacrifice, one that pleases God, meditate on that then we are going to say well how do I do this I see this, because it also talks about the ability to reason so that you try it, then say for yourselves which one is good and accept it, for example, a magazine is now appearing, one of the latest ones that talks about mental health that gives very good advice when we are depressed or someone who has more problems than things he could do to present to Jehovah the best he has.A pregnant woman talking to her doctor.
4. Watch out for your safety and that of others
Read Proverbs 22:3 and discuss how someone can help create a safe environment…
In his house.
As we can see in the video, if we have small children we must be careful with things that can cause them harm. For example: move away hot things such as food or electrical appliances, also be careful with the cables that can be left hanging, which can cause an accident.
We must also take into account that if the electrical outlets are within the reach of children, they must have protection, as well as avoiding electrical cables in poor condition, that is, we must repair them.
In the video it was mentioned or it was also seen how a mother had different care since she had a small baby so when she was cooking she already put the pot towards the bottom when she had to plug in something she also thought it would be the best, so there are different circumstances in which we have to be prudent, if we are going to change a light bulb use a ladder not climb on a chair or simply also be careful with toys not leave them in the middle and also in the video it was mentioned that Jehovah put the law to protect to the Israelites as well, in that the roof had to also have a wall of protection, so there are many measures we can take.
At work.
At work we must use the necessary protections to take care of things that can harm our body, and replace tools in poor condition or give them proper maintenance.
Safety measures sometimes in South America you never put on a seat belt, but unfortunately you have to do it because we love life, here it is mandatory the law obliges us and if we work on it, we still have to do it, we still have to look ahead to use insight in order to thus be able to avoid dangers and not be guilty of bloodshed.
At work, sometimes the easy and fast way is sought, they do not wear glasses, they do not wear a helmet and use tools that are visible at that moment, but it is good to use those things that are important for our protection, even the brothers go further In the video it was shown that when they go to the construction they are in charge of giving homework to those who have knowledge and have no limitations and if children go they are supervised, that is, we really take these rules very seriously.
When doing sports.
When we do sports we will avoid sports that endanger our lives and not practice them only in order to feel adrenaline, we will also avoid mechanical games that have a certain degree of danger.
Well, in sports that are played with a team, you have to be careful with emotions and there is a Watchtower that mentions something interesting, she says that although it is reasonable to expect that there will be emotion, spontaneous manifestations of enthusiasm or that praise is given to teammates We must not give free rein to emotions or brag, when emotions are given free rein, accidents happen, perhaps we act too strongly against another member of the team, we hurt ourselves or we do ourselves.
Sometimes in sports only one element could change from becoming an extreme sport to a risky sport, someone who likes to ski for example is not the same as skiing in a controlled environment on an open slope to going to the slopes more high in a wild environment, then obviously we have to have an account but we must also help the student to make sure that any sport he does has to do it with the security measures that are appropriate so as not to endanger life .
When going behind the wheel or passenger.
We must avoid speeding, always thinking that an unforeseen event may appear, such as a failure or at the crosswalk. So how to keep the vehicle in good condition also avoid driving if we have ingested alcoholic beverages, and if we are passengers we must use safety items and respect the capacities of the vehicle.
Here we can take into account that our overconfidence, whether at home or when doing sports or in this case when driving, we may say I control our overconfidence, but getting distracted for a second can cost someone's life, so we have to put on to think that if we have a clear conscience towards Jehovah since we respect the value of our lives and that of others.
And the passenger can also contribute to this, perhaps not showing him a photo or video while he is driving because he can get distracted and as they already mentioned, a second could already have great consequences.
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