APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of February 27 to March 5, 2023, First Conversation, Overcome a Common Objection in Your Territory, Lesson 1, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 27-February-5-March-2023, First conversation, Lesson 1, Assignment Prepared. 

First conversation (3 min.): Use the topic of ideas to talk and overcome a common objection in your territory (th lesson 1).

PUBLISHER: Good morning.

HOME LOVE: Good morning, what do you want?

POSTER: We were visiting your neighbors and asking a question.

HOUSEHOLD: If so, which one does God hear people's prayers?

PUBLISHER: Well, I already have my religion.

HOME LOVE: Well, all people already have their religion.

POSTER: Even so, God invites all people of any religion to pray to him.

HOME LOVE: And how do you know that?

POSTER: Look what the text of Psalms 65: 2 says I would like you to read it.

HOUSEHOLD: It's okay.

PUBLISHER: If we look at the Bible it says that God listens to prayers but he noticed who would come to him.

HOME LOVE: Well, people of all kinds say.

PUBLISHER: This group includes all kinds of people of different nationalities or also of different religions.

HOUSEHOLD: I didn't know about this text.

PUBLISHER: However, even when the Bible invites us to pray to them, we have to know what to pray about.

HOUSEHOLD: Why do you say that, don't all prayers reach God?

PUBLICATOR: What do you think if we talk about that next time?

HOUSEHOLD: It's okay.
