Saturday, February 4, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of February 6 to 12, 2023, Bible Course, Lesson 09 introduction and points, Lesson 18, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: February 6-12-2023, Bible Course, Lesson 18, Prepared Assignment.

Bible course (5 min.): lff lesson 09 introduction and points 1-3 (th lec. 18).

PUBLISHER: (…..) what a joy to see how you have progressed in the study, we have already reached lesson 9 the prayer brings us closer to God let's begin please read the introductory paragraph. 

STUDENT: I ​​am also very happy. Ok the introductory paragraph goes like this……

POSTER: Thank you for your reading, the study of the Bible has helped you in many aspects, but you feel that you still need guidance in your life. Even though up to this point in the study the Bible has answered many important questions and has also clarified doubts, do you still have questions without answers? 

STUDENT: Yes, right now thanks to the fact that I started this study of the Bible I have realized that there are many things that I don't know and also that I need Jehovah's guidance.

PUBLISHER: I'm glad to hear that, and over the course of the study we'll be learning and answering a lot of questions. Well, precisely thanks to this lesson we are going to advance in that sense because prayer brings us closer to God, since an intimate and personal communication is given through this means that allows us to ask for and receive Jehovah's guidance and help to cover many needs. Hence, it is so important to carefully analyze how we should pray so that God listens to us and how we can make sure that God is listening to our prayers. Please read the paragraph of point 1. 

STUDENT: The paragraph goes like this…. 

PUBLISHER: Thanks for reading, then the question arises, who should we pray to? After answering, please read the text of Matthew 6:9.

STUDENT: Jesus taught that we should only pray to Jehovah our father who is in heaven, the text of Matthew 6:9 says like this 

PUBLISHER: There it is clearly shown that prayer must be addressed to Jehovah, Jesus also gives us an idea about what things to pray about and shows us that our prayers must be different from those that repeat pre-established phrases, the second question for this paragraph says, What can we talk about in our prayers?

STUDENT: We can talk about practically anything, but for God to answer those prayers they must be in accordance with his will, as shown in 1 John 5:14, on the other hand Jesus in Matthew 6:9-13 gives examples of things that we can include in our prayers, there it is mentioned that we can ask that the name of God be sanctified, that his Kingdom come, that his will be done on earth as it is already done in heaven, we can also ask for daily sustenance, for the forgiveness of sins, so that we are freed from temptations and from Satan, for our own affairs and also for our neighbor. 

PUBLISHER: Excellent, you understood the point very well. Now let's go to point 2, please read the paragraph and then Psalm 62:8. 

STUDENT: Very well there it says so…….

POSTER: Thank you, so according to the text read, how should we pray? 

STUDENT: Psalm 62:8 explains that we must pour out our hearts to Jehovah in our prayers, that is, our prayers must come from the depths of our hearts and must be sincere. 

PUBLISHER: That is correct and what other details are explained in the paragraph 

STUDENT: It says that we can pray aloud or silently, and that we can do it in any position as long as we show respect.

PUBLISHER: Excellent, that's right, now let's move on to paragraph 3, can you please read it. 

STUDENT: Paragraph 3 says like this……… 

POSTER: Very well then, how does God answer our prayers? 

STUDENT: God can answer prayers in different ways, one way is through the Bible when it answers our questions, also when it doesn't give us peace of mind, when we go through trials or difficulties, and when it prompts other people to help us. 

PUBLISHER: Excellent that is so, please read James 1:5 and we will answer in what other ways Jehovah answers prayers.

STUDENT: According to James 1:5, Jehovah can also answer our prayers by granting what we ask for, as long as it is in accordance with his will. For example, if we lack wisdom we can ask for it, because in Psalm 19:7, it shows us that Jehovah wants the inexperienced to become wise, another example that James 1:5 gives us is that if what we ask for in prayer and it is according to the will of Jehovah he will give it generously to whoever asks for it. 

PUBLICATOR: I congratulate you so far you have grasped very well the key teachings of this lesson let's continue…..

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