Friday, February 3, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of February 6 to 12, 2023, Revisit, Analyze the video How are our Bible courses?, but do not put it, Lesson 6, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: February 6-12-2023, Return Visit, Lesson 6, Assignment Prepared.

Return Visit (4 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then present and discuss the video How are our Bible courses?, but do not play it (th lec. 6).

PUBLISHER: Good morning, well (....) on my previous visit we had left a question pending about what things can we pray for?

HOUSEHOLD: Yes I remember and the answer, will it be based on the Bible as you did in our previous conversation?

PUBLISHER: That's right, we always make sure that the Bible is the one that answers, we want the person to know the truth of the Bible and who better than Jehovah God through his word the Bible to teach us, in fact to answer the question about what things we can pray I invite you to read in the Bible the text of the first of John 5:14.

HOUSEHOLDER: Okay, I read it there, it says....

PUBLISHER: According to the text on what things can we pray with the certainty that God will listen to us?

HOME LOVE: According to what I read, you only need to pray for things that are in accordance with God's will. But remember I am not a religious person can you please explain to me a little more what these things are

PUBLISHER: Don't worry, I'll do it in our last conversation I offered you a Bible course today I'm going to show you a short video titled how our Bible courses are, you'll see how practical this course is and how through it you can get the answers that the Bible gives that question and also many more questions, for example, in your case you say that God does not listen to you because you do not see a result or an answer to what you are asking for in your prayer, so you should ask yourself, listen to God all the prayers, how should I pray so that God listens to me and A very interesting question is how God answers prayers. Let's watch the video please.................. (After watching the video ask) What did you think?

HOUSEHOLD: I really liked what is shown in the video. What I like the most is that the course does not commit or oblige me to anything and I can determine its duration.

PUBLISHER: That's right, here I show you the brochure Enjoy life, with this manual we give the course if you like you can use your own Bible or you can download the JW library application so you can have the Bible and brochure and videos on your phone like me, I which makes the course very dynamic and interactive.

HOUSEHOLDER: That course is so good, as shown in the video and as I was saying, what I like the most is that the course doesn't commit or oblige me to anything and I can determine its duration. That's perfect for me

PUBLISHER: Excellent! i'm glad you liked it.

HOME LOVE: But please show me how to download the app so I'll be ready on Saturday.

PUBLISHER: Of course you have to enter ..................................

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