APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of February 27 to March 5, 2023, Speech, Youth, strive to reach baptism, Lesson 16, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 27-February-5-March-2023, Speech, Lesson 16, Assignment Prepared. 

Talk (5 min.): w16.03 10-11 pars. 10-15. Title: Young man, strive to reach baptism (th lec. 16).

If you want to achieve something and for this to be successful, preparation beforehand is always important. Many people have put it into practice, for example, a runner prepares before starting a race. Even when he has already been a runner before, he always prepares in each race.

Even Jehovah Jesus also prepare in advance for example Jehovah prepared a beautiful garden to put his first human couple, Jesus prepared himself before coming to Earth by working with Jehovah, the disciples were prepared by Jesus before beginning the great work that entrusted to them and are you young ready?

Today many young people prepare to succeed in life, but it is a pity that most spend most of their time in acquiring good secular studies, in order to have a paid job, thinking that this will bring them happiness. As servants of Jehovah we know that the only lasting happiness is to serve Jehovah.

And the fact that you are here in this Meeting shows that you have set the goal of serving Jehovah and that you have made a good decision, but as we said before we should not take it lightly, we also need to prepare ourselves if we want to get to baptism, for that it is necessary that we listen to the advice of 2 Peter chapter 3 verse 11 said the following.


Since all these things will dissolve like this, think about the kind of people you must be! They must perform holy acts of conduct and deeds of devotion to God.

For baptism we need to prepare ourselves in two aspects, conduct and your deeds. Peter here said that we must have Holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion. What are the Holy acts of conduct? Well, this means having a clean conduct, ask yourself: In the last 6 months it has been shown that I can distinguish between good and bad.

If you face temptation or pressure from your peers, how do you act if you let yourself be carried away by their words and their behavior? or you act on your own and show that you have a clean conduct, Jehovah expects that all those who have prepared themselves continue to have exemplary conduct, since this can serve as an example and motivate other young people like you to set the goal of serving Jehovah .

And what are the deeds pious devotion? these deeds of pious devotion? They are all the things that one does for God, for example, one of the things that you young man has done is being here in the meetings is an act of pious devotion, preaching counts as another act of pious devotion.

Observe what you have in your hand, your activity guide or if you have your mobile device, see how it is, show that you have prepared beforehand to come. The meeting is a delight and not a burden, something that will also help us to show that we are doing deeds of pious devotion, is that you can review the table that is on page 308 and 309 of the book young people ask practical answers.

Many of the young people like to fill out questionnaires according to what we think or according to our personality, well, pretend that this is a questionnaire. There you will find questions about your daily life, for example one of these questions is how often do you pray? another question says do you go out to preach even when your parents don't? speaking of the meetings, he says, how do you participate in them?

These questions will help you prepare and reach the goal of baptism, for example, Tilda says that this table helped her to set goals, for example, if you observe in this meeting and realize that you failed to prepare, you can set the goal of Prepare yourself in advance and before coming to the meeting, think of a comment to participate in them.

Dedicating yourself to Jehovah is the best decision you can make. Are you ready to take it? Well don't wait any longer. You will surely have many benefits now and in the future.
