Watchtower Study, Let Nothing Separate You from Jehovah, Week of January 16-22, 2023, Comments and Practical Answers.

Study of the Watchtower, 16-22-January-2023, May nothing separate you from Jehovah, Comments and Answers.

“I, O Jehovah, trust in you” (Ps. 31:14).

1. How do we know that Jehovah wants to be close to us?

Because he himself invites us to be close to him, and for this very reason he answers our prayers, helps us when we are in difficulty, and instructs and cares for us through his organization.

2. How can we draw closer to Jehovah?

We can get closer to him, if we pray to him, read and meditate regularly on the Bible, since that way we will know him better, therefore our love and trust in him will increase.

3. (a) How does the Devil try to separate us from Jehovah?

He tries to do it through problems, since in this way he tries to weaken our trust in God and his organization.

3. b) What do we need to never abandon our God and his organization? (Psalm 31:13, 14).

Well, as the text says, we need a very strong faith and total trust in God so as not to abandon him.

4. What will we talk about in this article?

We will talk about 3 situations that occur outside the congregation and that could damage our trust in Jehovah and in his organization.


5. How might difficulties damage our confidence in Jehovah and his organization?

They can damage our trust in God, when these problems last a long time, we may think that it is something that will never end, then that is when the Devil takes advantage to make us doubt the love of Jehovah, and can even make us blame God or his organization of what is happening to us.

And that was exactly what happened to the Israelites, since at first they believed that Moses and Aaron were sent from God, but when everything got more complicated in Egypt, they blamed these servants of God for everything that was happening to them, Which was totally unfair.

6. What do we learn from Habakkuk's example? (Habakkuk 3:17-19).

This servant of God was very discouraged, so what he did was be very sincere with his feelings before God, and Jehovah for his part answered him, from which we learn that when we go through problems we must pray to Jehovah from the depths of our hearts. heart and tell him exactly how we feel and above all let's lean on him, since without a doubt he will give us the strength we need.

7. What did a family member try to convince Shirley of, and what helped her continue to trust in Jehovah?

Well, this family member wanted to convince our sister that it was useless to serve God, since she was still poor and going through many financial difficulties. She acknowledges that this made her doubt, but she was able to overcome this because she maintained her spiritual routine, that is, He did not slow down, because he kept praying to Jehovah, he kept reading the Bible, preaching and attending meetings


8. What could happen to brothers with responsibilities in the organization?

Well, due to the many lies that are spread about our brothers who take the lead in the congregations, some of them unfortunately end up arrested and accused of being criminals.

9. How did some Christians react when the apostle Paul was arrested?

Some abandoned him, perhaps because they were ashamed of being associated with him, or they may have been afraid of being persecuted and imprisoned as well. In any case, their actions were very bad and selfish because they abandoned him when he needed the most support.

10. What should we remember when persecuting responsible brothers, and why?

We must remember that we are persecuted because we want to live according to what Jehovah tells us. Let's also remember that Satan is behind everything, because what he wants to achieve is that we cower when he attacks those who are ahead so that they stop being loyal.

11. What do we learn from the example of Onesiphorus? (2 Timothy 1:16-18).

From this Christian we learn that we must not let ourselves be won by fear, and that no matter how risky it is, we must be there to offer our support to our brothers and sisters who are facing persecution, we must do everything in our power to defend them and offer them our help.

12. What do we learn from our brothers and sisters in Russia?

Our brothers in Russia, when a brother is taken prisoner, what they do is go to trial, as a show of support for the imprisoned brother in order to show him that he is not alone, from which we learn that we should be scared if one of our brothers is imprisoned brothers, but rather we must pray for him and his family and see how we can help him.


When Christian brothers suffer persecution, trials, and imprisonment for upholding Jehovah's righteous standards and supporting his organization, the rest of us should support them by caring for them and showing our love for them and their families. In the image we have the example of the brave Onesiphorus, supporting the apostle Paul when he was imprisoned in Rome.

We can also see how brothers in Russia appear in court to support a brother who is going to trial. These are examples that we should imitate.

Series of images: 1. Onesiphorus visits the apostle Paul in prison. 2. A group of brothers applaud as they watch a brother being taken to prison in handcuffs.

Although Paul was imprisoned, Onesiphorus was brave and supported him. Today, our brothers support their fellow Christians who are in prison, as shown in this representation. (See paragraphs 11 and 12).


13. How can teasing damage our trust in Jehovah and his organization?

For example, the ridicule of relatives and acquaintances for our beliefs can discourage us, since they could tell us that they like us as people but that our religion is very strict, or referring to our moral norms such as dealing with The expelled could come to tell us how we can treat them like this and say that we love our neighbor, which can lead us to have doubts and damage our confidence in God's organization.

14. How should we react if others make fun of us for keeping Jehovah's standards? (Psalm 119:50-52).

Just like Job, we must not allow others to make us renounce our integrity, we must not let ridicule make us doubt God's standards, but rather let us think of all the benefits that being obedient to Jehovah has brought to our lives and let us continue to boldly support your organization.

And we must have the same attitude of the psalmist who in Psalm 119: 50 - 52 we see that he had the firm conviction that even if people mock him, he would not deviate from God's law.


Jehovah's servants have faced ridicule from ancient times until today. And that will not change as long as we are in this world dominated by Satan, because lies and mockery are his favorite tactics to deceive us and sow doubt in us so that we abandon Jehovah and think badly of his organization. Therefore, studying and imitating the example of faithful Job will be of great help to us, since he did not allow anything or anyone to stop him from being loyal to Jehovah.

Job, covered in ulcers, is sitting on the ground and looking up at the sky. One of the three false friends points to the sky and mocks Job.

Job did not believe the lies of the false friends who made fun of him. He was determined to be loyal to Jehovah. (See paragraph 14).

15. Why did Brizit have to put up with her family's teasing?

For becoming a Jehovah's Witness, and they not only mocked but blamed her for all the misfortunes that befell them, because after being baptized, her husband was left without a job, so they had to move, she had to work again. full time and the nearest congregation was 350 km away, and due to the opposition of her in-laws they had to move again, after that her husband died, and also one of her daughters, but despite all this, she continued to trust in Jehovah and in his people.

16. What blessings did Brizit receive for staying close to Jehovah and his organization?

She had many blessings because when she began to preach in her area, to celebrate meetings in her home, and to have family worship with her daughters, many people began to study the Bible and a good number of them were baptized, she decided to be a pioneer regular and her daughters are also servants of God, in addition to today, there are 2 congregations in this area, so this sister was very blessed.


17. What must we be determined to do?

Well, we already know what tactics satan uses, so we must be determined to courageously reject all his lies and always be loyal to Jehovah and his organization, for we are sure that Jehovah will never abandon us.

18. What will we see in the next article?

We will see some situations that occur within the congregation that test our trust in Jehovah and in his organization and how we can deal with them.


When we have problems.

What we can do is open our hearts with sincerity and express to him how we are feeling, and above all, let us lean on him, because he will give us the strength we need to endure, and we must not neglect our spiritual activities.

When the responsible brothers are mistreated.

Well, we must remember who is behind this persecution, and why we are persecuted, and instead of abandoning our brothers, we must be willing to support them loyally, that is, we must pray for them, find ways to offer them our support and take care of them. their families while they are away.

When they make fun of us.

We must not believe the lies or slander that these people spread about Jehovah and his organization, we must not let this make us doubt God's standards, but rather faithfully support his organization on earth.

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