Friday, January 6, 2023

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, Week of January 9 to 15, 2023, "Let's not lose the sense of urgency", Prepared Speech.

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, 9-15-January 2023, "Let's not lose the sense of urgency", Prepared Speech.  

"Let's not lose the sense of urgency" (10 min.).

Have you ever had to spend a whole night without sleeping? there may have been a situation where it required you to stay up all night. For example, if you had to administer medicine from time to time to a family member or friend or if you had to do some work all night, it was important that you stay alert.

Something like this is what we are going to review in our Treasures of the Bible section "Let's not lose the sense of urgency." And it is that today there is nothing more urgent for true Christians than to preach the Good News of the Kingdom and make disciples of people of all nations. If we review the text of second Timothy 4:2 it says: Preach the word; Do it urgently in good times and in difficult times, rebuke, rebuke and advise seriously with a lot of patience and the art of teaching.

Therefore, a sense of urgency is essential for a Christian. And it is that what is coming In a short time, it is not just anything, it is the life of all the people involved. And it is that Jehovah has patiently taken to give due warning to people so that they act and it is something that he has always done.

Let's see the situation that arose when the people of Judah did not stop acting wickedly and Jehovah had to do something to make them aware. If we see here in 2 Kings 24:2,3 the Biblical account says this:


Then Jehovah began to send bands of Chaldean, Syrian, Moabite, and Ammonite raiders against Jehoiakim. He sent them to destroy Judah, according to the words that Jehovah had spoken through his servants the prophets. 3 It is clear that this happened to Judah at the command of Jehovah, who wanted to remove them from his sight because of the sins Manasseh committed.

Jehovah was trying to help them change. Zephaniah's prophecy indicated that adjustments had to be made, and as we have seen the young King Josiah tried to do his best to banish impure worship from Judah. But it was not easy. He had to do his part. But of course, the rest of God's people also had to do theirs.

And that is where we need to maintain a sense of urgency. Know the reason why we should be active in the Ministry. Like the example we used to take care of a sick family member for a whole night. A medical professional has to come up to us and say look, you have to do this and this every hour. If you stop, all processing resets to zero and starts over. Time is wasted.

As Christians, we too need to be careful and cooperate with Jehovah in conveying this truth to people. They need to be aware of what is happening. Of course, as in the case of Israel, not everyone is going to react, but we have to keep warning. We are an instrument that Jehovah uses in our days. Now to help with our efforts to maintain a sense of urgency for a whole night when caring for a family member.

Is not true? that the first hours that we begin to do our work, it may be that everything goes relatively well, but as the hours progress, do we get sleepy, tired and one can fall asleep?, that is where one needs to plan to avoid it. For example, we can set an alarm clock so that it notifies us from time to time and thus one stays awake.

Jehovah also did exactly the same thing with the people of Judah. He tried to make this people notice that there were specific moments when they had to react. Let's see in 2 Kings 25:8-10 the following:


On the seventh day of the fifth month, in the 19th year of King Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan, the chief of the guard, the servant of the king of Babylon, arrived in Jerusalem. 9 He burned the house of Jehovah, the house * of the king, and all the houses of Jerusalem, and also the houses of all the important men. 10 All the Chaldean army that was with the chief of the guard broke down the walls that surrounded Jerusalem.

Here Jehovah demonstrated that time had run out and Jehovah had to use the Babylonians to destroy Jerusalem in the year 607 BC. Jehovah also has the same desire to prevent people from dying. If we see 2 Peter 3:7 Jehovah's sincere desire is seen, the text reads like this: But by that same word, the heavens and the earth that exist now are reserved for fire and kept until the day of judgment and the destruction of irreverent people.

So the warning is given. Jehovah clearly indicates that the destruction of the irreverent people is already taken. That decision will be implemented in a short time and we want to avoid as much as possible that many are in that group, that they make adjustments in their lives, that they change. Some of our relatives may also be on that list and we don't want that to happen. What can we do? Well, we want to take action.

As we see here in the photograph of our activity guide, a brother in his moment of rest is sharing this message with other people, he does not do it with a tone of scaring him, nor is he talking only about destruction. You see the faces of the two, the one transmitting hope, concentrating on that point. We don't want to scare people by saying if you don't listen he's going to die, why not rather try to imagine how we would tell a sick person to take their medicine to recover. 

Why not share the beautiful truths of the Bible for people who hear us say something like, Would you like to enjoy peace and quiet with your whole family? Living in perfect health is a beautiful place. Let's try to focus our ministry on things that really encourage the person to want to know about it, and not act out of fear of what might happen. Those who react will have the same reward that 2 Kings 25:11 says here. Which I invite you to read reads like this:


Nebuzaradan, the chief of the guard, took into exile the rest of the people who remained in the city, the deserters who had gone over to the side of the king of Babylon and the rest of the population.

Here we are talking about some who were saved, who continued to live and of course some time later returned from exile in Babylon. Many who do the will of God will have the opportunity to live through Armageddon. Of course, not yet with the conditions we want, but little by little we will get to obtain what Jehovah has offered so much to those who obey him. Life forever in a beautiful place here on earth.

So let's ask ourselves: Am I taking advantage of all the opportunities that are presented to me to make God's warnings known? Let's have a sense of urgency. Let's set certain alarms, so to speak, that we must wake up. Preaching is important, but you have to stay active.

Like when you are taking care of a family member, if you are getting sleepy, if you are feeling tired. When you want to stay awake you have to do something. Simply sitting down to look at the sick family member, little by little you will also fall asleep, you have to keep reading, doing something during the hours that you need to be awake.

Preaching will help us to maintain a sense of urgency, but also to do our part by staying awake doing Jehovah's will until he says we have done our job well.

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