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“Jehovah waits patiently to show you favor, and he will rise up to show you mercy” (IS. 30:18).
1, 2. a) What will we see in this article?
In this article we will see how Jehovah helps us to endure problems and serve him with joy, and also what we have to do to make the most of his help, but first we will answer the question does Jehovah really want to help us.
1, 2. (b) What shows that Jehovah wants to help us?
The one that Jehovah wants to help us shows, according to some Biblical dictionaries, a person who is running to the aid of someone who asks for help, perhaps someone who is in a marathon who is practicing in some resistance race, for example and suffers some situation or accident , and they come to help him as soon as possible to offer him help, we can say that Jehovah watches us in our spiritual race and when someone is going through a situation and asks for help in the correct way and when this runner is following all the rules , we see that Jehovah runs to help him to provide assistance at the right time.
Well, the Bible shows it, for example, in Hebrews 13:6, the Bible says: Jehovah is my helper, I will not be afraid of what man can do to me, so in several verses 1 Peter 5:7, John 3:16 shows that God wants help us, the question is that we want to accept the help that God wants to give us, we see many people in the world want to exclude or remove God from their lives, but when they are in trouble they ask where God is. But we can wonder where God is in their lives.
3. In what three ways does Jehovah help us to endure with joy?
In the book of Isaiah we find the answer, there it says three points, first Jehovah listens carefully and answers our prayers, second Jehovah gives us guidance, third Jehovah blesses us now and in the future.
4. a) What did Jehovah say about the Jews of Isaiah's time, and what did he allow to happen to them?
There were some that Jehovah called stubborn children, and he said that instead of improving what they were doing, it was adding more sin to the sins that they already had on top of them, and then he said they are Rebels, a Rebel people who did not want to hear the law of Jehovah and for that disobedience it was predicted that it was going to happen to them, God was going to allow a terrible misfortune to happen to them and This was when the Babylonians took them into exile to Babylon it was an invasion, it was a destruction that they made in the city of God and they took to that remnant to that people to Babylon.
4. (b) What hope did Jehovah give faithful Jews? (Isaiah 30:18, 19).
In Isaiah 30:18,19, we see that Jehovah waits patiently to show them favor and will rise up to show them mercy. There God was making them a promise that this exile would not be forever, and that they could, so to speak, recover God's favor over them as a people and as a nation. And that was fulfilled, since eventually God freed them from Babylon of exile, they returned to Jerusalem their beloved city, but it was not immediately had to pass some time.
The phrase Jehovah waits patiently to show them favor, also implied that it would not be immediately, but that they would have to wait. In fact, it took 70 years for them to return to Jerusalem, and the Biblical explanation is that since they had transgressed the pact time after time and these were the consequences. So when they returned to their land, the text says, that the tears of sadness that they had shed in exile became Tears of joy, then the hope that God gave them was to return them to their land and recover God's favor, so to speak there was going to be a restoration.
5. What does Isaiah 30:19 guarantee us?
It guarantees us that Jehovah will hear our prayers and answer them quickly, the words of this verse remind us that Jehovah is not only willing to come to the aid of those who ask him for help, but also wants to do it with all his heart.
6. How do Isaiah's words indicate that Jehovah hears the prayers of each of his servants?
Jehovah listens to the prayers of each one of his servants because in the text of Isaiah 30:19, the prophet refers to them singularly or individually, there he says "You" surely you will not cry anymore he without fail "will" show you favor "you" will reply. This shows that Jehovah cares about each of us individually and that he personally answers our prayers.
7. How do Isaiah and Jesus show the importance of earnest prayer?
The prophet reflects this importance in Isaiah 62:7, when he says to give Jehovah no rest. Which implies that we must pray incessantly, for his part Jesus also shows us how important this is in Luke 11:8 to 10:13, there Jesus used comparisons that encourage us to pray with insistence and boldness and to continue asking for the Holy Spirit, since be it to make good decisions for something that worries us or to endure a situation that does not disappear as quickly as we would like.
In this series of images we observe a sister praying incessantly at different times of the day and in daily situations. Perhaps she has to make an important decision, has a concern or is going through a trial that takes time to disappear or has no solution. We don't know, but if we see that as Isaiah 62 7 says, she does not give Jehovah rest and that as Jesus recommended in Luke 11 8 to 13 she continues asking Jehovah in prayer and this helps her to endure
Images of a sister praying at different times of the day. 1. With your little girl before the girl leaves for school. 2. In the middle of the morning when you take a break from housework. 3. In the middle of the afternoon. 4. After your little girl goes to sleep.
What did Isaiah mean when he said to give Jehovah no rest? (See paragraph 7).
8. How were the words of Isaiah 30:20, 21 fulfilled?
They were fulfilled in principle when Babylon besieged Jerusalem for half a year, and the anguish of the Jews became as common as bread and water, and later when the Jews were delivered and Jehovah showed them that he was their great instructor, and that thanks to his guidance they could restore pure worship.
9. What is one way that Jehovah guides us today?
Jehovah our great instructor today guides us through the teaching we receive through his organization through meetings, assemblies, publications, JW Broadcasting programs, and in many other ways. It is an honor that Jehovah himself teaches us and guides us because this helps us to endure with joy in difficult times.
10. How do we hear God's voice behind us?
Isaiah shows us Jehovah as the instructor who is walking behind his students very attentive to their steps to guide them where they should go, and the means that Jehovah uses to guide us today is his word the Bible, in this sense we hear the voice of God when we read the Bible and listen to it behind us, because the Bible was written many years ago.
11. What must we do to endure with joy, and why?
And why in order to endure with joy we must first know what is the path that Jehovah says we must walk, then we must walk on this path by studying the Bible and the explanations that he gives us through his organization to learn what he expects of us, and know how we can put it into practice. We must do it because only then will we have the certainty that Jehovah will bless us with endurance and joy
12. According to Isaiah 30:23-26, how would Jehovah bless his people?
According to Isaiah 30:23-26, after the Israelites returned from captivity in Babylon Jehovah would give them many physical and spiritual blessings, this was fulfilled as Jehovah gave them abundant physical food and as pure worship was restored he also gave them abundant food spiritual, for this time Jehovah made the spiritual light shine a lot so that his people served them with joy and strength.
13. How has the prophecy about the restoration of pure worship been fulfilled in our day?
Since 1919 millions of people have been freed from Babylon the great or from the group of false religions of this world, these people have been taken to the spiritual paradise and in this way the prophecy of the restoration of Worship has been fulfilled in our days pure.
14. What is the spiritual paradise, and who lives in it today? (See note).
The spiritual paradise is the safe environment in which we worship Jehovah United, here we are nourished with abundant spiritual food, we preach the Good News of the Kingdom, we cultivate a relationship of friendship with our heavenly father and we enjoy peace and unity with our spiritual brothers , in this spiritual paradise since 1919 the Anointed and with the passage of time the other sheep have also entered this spiritual land to receive many blessings from Jehovah.
15. Where is the spiritual paradise?
At present, as there are servants of Jehovah Living throughout the earth, this spiritual paradise also extends throughout the world and we are part of it as long as we wholeheartedly support true worship no matter where we are.
16. What must we do to continue seeing the beauty of the spiritual paradise?
We must focus on the beautiful things of those who live in the worldwide Christian congregation and not on their imperfections, if others do the same, nothing will prevent us from continuing to see the beauty and unity of the spiritual paradise.
17. What can each of us do to strengthen the unity of the congregation?
In order to strengthen the unity of the congregation, each of us must force ourselves to take the initiative to promote peace and get along with all the brothers in the congregation. By acting in this way, we are acknowledging that all of us who are in the spiritual paradise have been brought by Jehovah to pure worship and we are also giving Jehovah the joy of seeing how we strive for the beauty of our spiritual paradise
This image shows two brothers in the congregation they are surely striving to maintain unity and peace and the beauty of the spiritual paradise, each one focuses on the good things of the other and not on their imperfections. serving him with stamina and joy
Picture series: 1. A brother accepts another brother's apology at the Kingdom Hall. 2. A beautiful forest of different colors that covers the side of a mountain.
What can each of us do to make the spiritual paradise more beautiful? (See paragraphs 16 and 17).
18. What should we often meditate on, and why?
we should regularly meditate on everything we learn in God's word and in our publications because in this way we will develop Christian qualities that will prompt us to show each other brotherly love and tender affection in the congregation another reason is that by doing this we strengthen our friendship with Jehovah and we keep very alive in our hearts our hope for future blessings so we can continue to serve Jehovah with joy subtheme determined to endure
19. a) According to Isaiah 30:18, of what can we be sure?
we can be sure that Jehovah will stand up for his servants when he puts an end to this evil world we can also be sure that Jehovah will not allow this world of Satan to exist one day longer than justice demands So both Jehovah as we wait patiently for our Liberation
19. b) What will help us to endure with joy?
what will help us to endure with joy until the day of our Liberation arrives is to be determined to value the honor of praying to Jehovah, studying his word and putting it into practice as well as meditating on our blessings if we continue to do this Jehovah will help us to continue serving him with endurance and joy
Listen to us.
Today, we are also very encouraged by these words. Isaiah assures us that Jehovah will listen attentively to our prayers and that he will answer them promptly. These comforting words remind us that our Father is not only willing to come to the aid of those who ask him for help, but he wants to do it with all his heart.
Guide us.
Through your organization. We greatly appreciate the clear teaching your organization gives us through meetings, assemblies, publications, JW Broadcasting® programs, and in many other ways. All this guidance helps us to endure with joy in difficult times.
Bless us.
Since 1919, millions of people have freed themselves from Babylon the Great, the collection of false religions of this world. All of them have been taken to a place much better than the Promised Land: to a spiritual paradise.
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