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Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 34.
1. How do we show Jehovah that we love him?
We show that we love him when we obey, not out of obligation, rather, we obey him because our heart prompts us to do so.
We show him that we love him when we willingly and willingly obey him. We also show him love, when we take him into account before making the most important decisions, and when we do what he likes and reject what he dislikes.
Another way to show love for Jehovah is not to regard his commandments and principles as something too difficult to keep, or as a heavy burden to bear. This is how the text of First John 5: 3 shows us.
Romans 6:17 shows us that for our obedience to be a show of true love for Jehovah, we must see it as a privilege and give it wholeheartedly.
2. Why can it be difficult to show Jehovah our love?
Because it requires us to make an effort, since we have to fight with our defects as well as economic problems, injustices and other difficulties.
It can be difficult because of our imperfection, and because the difficulties of the righteous are many, as Psalm 34:19 shows. Christians also have to deal daily with economic problems, injustices and all kinds of difficulties, and this can make some think that it is easier to disobey Jehovah than to obey him.
In addition, trying to deal with problems and injustices may incite us to act contrary to what Jehovah wants, so we must strive to continue obeying Jehovah.
3. A matter that has to do with you
According to Satan, why did Job obey Jehovah? (See Job 1:9-11).
As he himself mentioned, Job obeyed him because Jehovah had blessed him with a good economic position and because Jehovah protected him from all evil.
According to Satan, Job served Jehovah for selfish reasons, that is, out of interest, and not out of love. Satan said that Job was obedient because Jehovah had put a protective fence around him, his house, and all his material possessions. He also said that if Jehovah withdrew his protection and put him under pressure, Job would no longer be loyal to him.
Of what does Satan accuse all of us, including you? (See Job 2:4).
He accuses us that human beings serve Jehovah only out of interest, just like Job, if things go well we obey him, but if things go wrong we stop being loyal to Jehovah
When satan accused Job, he also accused by extension all of Jehovah's servants that we served him out of interest. According to Satan, no one obeys Jehovah out of love. With this they question our integrity, since in part their challenge consists in affirming that in the face of tests, we will stop supporting Jehovah's sovereignty.
How did Job show that he truly loved Jehovah?
He showed that he loved him because even when he had to go through difficult situations and lost everything he had, this did not make him turn away from Jehovah, rather his loyalty and love became stronger
According to the text of Job 27:5b, Job showed that he truly loved Jehovah by not believing the lies about him, and by remaining loyal until his death.
4. How does Jehovah feel when you obey him and make wise decisions? Why?
As the text of proverbs says, we gladden the heart of Jehovah and thus we serve to demonstrate to satan that we love Jehovah and are loyal despite difficulties and problems.
According to Proverbs 27:11, when we obey Jehovah and make wise decisions, Jehovah rejoices in his heart, because in this way we show him that we love him. He is also glad that this gives him a solid foundation to respond to Satan's challenge and to prove that his accusation against his faithful servants is false.
5. Is it difficult for you to talk to others about Jehovah?
As we see in the video, it may be easy when people listen to us, but when we have to defend the truth and we are under pressure, it may require more effort to boldly speak the good news of the kingdom.
Sometimes it can be difficult for us to talk to others about Jehovah out of fear of man. This can especially happen when people are aggressive or violent, make fun of our heritage, criticize or falsely accuse us. This was the case with the Apostle Peter, and it can happen to us too.
According to the video, how did Grayson manage to overcome his fears?
He studied examples of servants from the past who also had the same problem and how they overcame it, like the example of Pedro and he remembered that what helped Pedro to defend the truth with courage and was is to keep his eyes fixed on hope and prepare for it. beforehand to present a defense when the situation requires it.
Grayson researched the importance of overcoming fear of others. He analyzed the point in family adoration, he meditated on the example of the apostle Peter when he denied Jesus for fear even though he did not want to, and a text that helped him a lot was First Peter 3:15, since it allowed him to understand that he had to focus on his hope and not on his fears if he wanted to remain faithful to Jehovah. This, his love for Jehovah, and prayer gave him the courage to stand up for his beliefs before his co-workers.
Based on what you have learned so far, what are some of the things that Jehovah loves? And what are some of the things he hates?
Jehovah wants us to love and show consideration for others and contrary to this he hates violence. Jehovah loves us to wholeheartedly obey his commandments and oppose the devil
Jehovah also hates sexual immorality, lies and false language, robbery and murder, adultery and the occult, violence of all kinds, among other things.
Jehovah loves humanity as John 3:16 says, loves his people as indicated by Psalms 149:4, loves people who remain spiritually clean, loves a cheerful giver, loves justice, among other things.
How can you learn to love what is good and hate what is bad?
Studying the Bible daily and cultivating Jehovah's way of thinking so we will hate what he hates and love what he loves.
Studying the Bible to know and understand Jehovah's point of view about what is good and what is bad. But since it is not enough to acquire exact knowledge, then I must meditate on what the Bible has taught me.
I can also help myself by studying Christian publications and taking advantage of all the jw.org tools, and by attending meetings.
6. Do you think Jehovah really knows what is best for us? Why do you think so?
Because he is our creator, he is also eternal so they have much more experience than us and their wisdom is better than the wisdom of this world.
Yes I believe it. Jehovah knows what is really best for us because his wisdom is perfect and infinite. He is our Creator, therefore he knows better than anyone what we need and also has the desire to fully satisfy our needs. He is also our Great Teacher, so his teachings and laws are for our benefit and for us to enjoy true happiness now and in the future.
How has studying the Bible and knowing Jehovah, the true God, helped you so far?
It has helped me a lot because it has given me hope, the advice that the Bible gives has also helped me make good decisions and knowing that Jehovah is a God who will soon take away problems helps me to obey, love his commandments and serve him with joy.
Studying the Bible has helped me correct my behavior, break bad habits, and improve my life. But especially, it has helped me to get to know Jehovah better, the reason for his way of thinking and acting, for example. It has also helped me develop a close friendship with him, which has given my life more meaning.
WHAT SOME SAY: "God doesn't care what I do."
What scripture could you use to prove that our actions affect how Jehovah feels?
We could use the text of Proverbs 27:11 where Jehovah himself encourages us to do good so that he can be proud of his servants.
I would use Proverbs 27:11, because it clearly shows that by our actions we can make Jehovah's heart glad. Consequently, we can also make him sad with our actions. This text also shows that Jehovah wants us to act wisely, so it is clear that our actions influence Jehovah's feelings.
You show that you love Jehovah when you obey him and remain loyal despite difficulties.
What does Job's example teach you?
That if we love Jehovah we can endure any test and remain loyal to Jehovah, besides that Satan uses any test to discourage us from our service.
Job's example teaches us that as long as this system ruled by Satan lasts, our obedience and loyalty to Jehovah will be tested and questioned. But it also teaches us that we can endure and continue to serve Jehovah faithfully out of love. Job's example also helps us understand that we have the privilege of working with Jehovah to respond to Satan's challenge.
How will you show your love for Jehovah?
We show that we love him when we obey, not out of obligation, but rather we obey him because our heart prompts us to do so.
I will prove it by my willing, willing and whole-souled obedience to all its just rules and principles. Also striving to stay loyal.
What will help you stay loyal to Jehovah?
Read his word the Bible, pray constantly and remember all the good things that Jehovah has given us and what he will give us in the future.
Since loyalty is a facet of love, it will be my love that helps me stay loyal to Jehovah. The more I love him, the easier it will be for me to stay loyal to him. Therefore, I will strive to continue cultivating and strengthening my love for Jehovah daily, and to show it to him with my actions.
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