Thursday, February 2, 2023

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week from January 30 to February 5, 2023, 1 Chronicles from 7 to 9, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: 30-January-5-February 2023, 1 Chronicles from 7 to 9, Answers.

Spiritual Gems 2022 (10 min.)

1Ch 9:33. How does this verse help us understand that music is a very important part of our worship of Jehovah? (w10 12/15 21 par. 6)

It teaches us that the music of praise to God was not someone's taste or whim, but rather, it was an integral part of the worship of the true God, in fact, using his prophets, Jehovah gave instructions that his servants They will praise him with songs. In fact, the Levites who were singers were exempted from certain duties in order to have enough time for composition and, most likely, rehearsals. Meditating on this motivates us to take seriously the moment of praise in Christian meetings, to do it with enthusiasm and with heart, to concentrate on the moment.


We see that the singing in the temple received considerable importance, proof of this is that the singers were freed from common duties as the other Levites, so that they could dedicate themselves completely to their service. We too must give importance in our relationship to Jehovah and we do it by practicing our preparations beforehand or in family worship and arriving early to our meetings to sing along with our brothers.

Song has been of great importance in the worship of Jehovah God. As well as instrumental music, which not only served to accompany the singers. Not surprisingly, throughout the Bible there are many references to singing and instrumental music, both in connection with true worship and in other contexts.

Music was so important at that time that the Levites were singers, dedicated exclusively to composition, rehearsals, and singing. Therefore, we must consider music as a part of our worship of Jehovah, where we express our love and gratitude in our meetings.

The verse helps us understand because it shows that Jehovah himself gave instructions through his prophets that servants should praise him with songs.

Another detail that helps us understand that music is an important part of our Worship of Jehovah is the fact that the Levite singers were exempted from certain duties so that they would have enough time to compose and rehearse songs.

Using his prophets, Jehovah instructed his servants to praise him with songs. In fact, the Levites who were singers were exempted from certain duties in order to have enough time for composition and, most likely, for rehearsals.

What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?

1Chronicles 7:2. In Biblical times there were powerful warriors for the people, in our days there are also brothers and sisters who are warriors in a spiritual sense, they show it with their fidelity, their integrity, their support in preaching, and in meetings, despite the difficulties they They are always there and they have encouraged us with their mere presence, just seeing them, without a doubt, they teach us without a single word, we too individually must continue to strive to mature spiritually.

1 Chronicles 9:26,27. It shows that the Levite gatekeepers held a position of great trust, since they were in charge of the keys to the sacred precincts of the temple. This was because they had shown themselves to be responsible by opening and closing the doors every day. This reminds us that we have also been assigned the important commission of helping people to come to give to Jehovah, so we must all be as responsible as the Levite gatekeepers.

1 Chronicles 7:15. In the days of Moses the integrity of Jehovah was manifested in a very interesting way in the case of the daughters of Zelophehad. The law said that male children would inherit the land when the father died. So since they were only women they didn't have much hope. But Jehovah heard their pleas and ordered Moses that they should receive their father's inheritance. This text teaches us the impartiality of Jehovah and his interest in resolving this situation and leaving a president for the future. So Jehovah demonstrates and just like men also takes into consideration the feelings and needs of women.

1 Chronicles 7:19,20. We see that the first 9 Chapters of 1 Chronicle contain long lists of genealogies, and the reason is because genealogies were important in Israel because inheritance and service privileges were linked to them. Some of the returned Israelites including some of the priestly family could not prove their line of descent and this caused a lot of inconvenience. This teaches us today, those of us who read the Bible should not ignore these 9 chapters and start reading 1 Chronicle from the story of Saul's death found in 1 chapter 10. Since these genealogical lists are part of the entire scripture inspired by God that is why it is very important to take them into account in our reading.

1 Chronicles 9:20. Here it is spoken of Phinehas, and it is said that Jehovah was with him. That phrase leads us to think that Jehovah approved and supported him. And this teaches us that having a true friendship with Jehovah leads us to feel protected by him, so if we want to have that protection we have to keep in mind that everything we do shows Jehovah if we want to be his friends.

1 Chronicles 9:1,2. When reading these texts, it must be remembered that when the Israelite exiles left Babylon in 537 BC, a large number of non-Israelites returned with them to the land of Judah. Among the non-Israelites were the Nethinims, male and female slaves, and foreign singers. This text teaches us that Jehovah's Witnesses have proclaimed this good news of the kingdom worldwide since 1919 and along with it a large number of people who demonstrate faith and sheep-like qualities and belong to the flock of the excellent shepherd. Since thanks to this preaching they have come out of Babylon the great. just as the Israelites came out of Babylon.

1 Chronicles 9:39. The name of Esbaal appears in the Bible, but it refers to another person: One of the Sons of King Saul. That is why it is worth noting that this name nicely appears in the Bible and now also in the archaeological record during the time of David. Once again archeology confirms the veracity of a small detail in the Bible. Apparently in 2 Samuel he preferred not to use Esbaal as it would make one think of Baal the Canaanite storm god, but the original name was kept in Chronicles. This shows that Ezra was a careful investigator of Biblical history, which is why we want to imitate his example and always strive to search for the pearls that the word of God contains.

1 Chronicles 9:10-13. We see that there were 1,760 strong and competent men available for temple service. What this text teaches us is that it is likely that not all of these were born with extraordinary abilities to serve, but their love for Jehovah and their availability caused Jehovah to use them. In the same way, if we make ourselves available, Jehovah will give us the necessary skills to do a good job in his organization.

1 Chronicles 9:20. Here he speaks of Phinehas, Aaron's grandson, and says that Jehovah was with him, in the sense that he approved and supported him. This teaches us that we must make an effort not to lose divine approval, because with it we would also be losing Jehovah's protection.

1 Chronicles 9:26-32. In this text we see that some avoids had jobs that could not be very fascinating or monotonous, such as porters or store guards, but what they did was serve to worship Jehovah. In the organization we also have similar tasks, but that is not why we are going to neglect them, because although they seem simple tasks, they are an important part of Jehovah's organization. For example, a clean room and well-groomed gardens give glory to the house of Jehovah. 

1 Chronicles 9:33. We see that the singers were freed from other tasks so that they could carry out this service to Jehovah and that makes us see that doing many jobs can make us neglect important things, that is why it is very important to follow Jesus' advice to carry a simple life. Thus we will fully dedicate ourselves to enjoying serving Jehovah.

1 Chronicles 9:22. We see that Samuel faithfully served Jehovah until his death, but there are also records that his children did not, because they are spoken of badly in the Bible. What it teaches us is that parents should not feel discouraged or ashamed if our children make a decision not to serve Jehovah.

1 Chronicles 7:1,5. As the genealogical record of the Issachar tribe says, many powerful warriors came out. The history of Israel reveals that this tribe had notable characteristics such as: doing hard work and requiring a lot of courage. This teaches us that equally, all of us who choose to serve Jehovah enlist to become soldiers or "mighty warriors" who participate in a spiritual war against our enemy Satan and his world. And to persevere in this spiritual fight means that we do hard work and be brave, but we recognize that our victory will be because we are faithful soldiers of Christ.

1 Chronicles 8:12. This text highlights that Semed built two cities. This detail that the Bible gives of this Israelite is significant since it tells us that as a builder he had the ability to coordinate, manage and know which were the best materials that he would use to carry out his projects. This teaches me that in our role as spiritual builders of our family, it is important that we heads have the ability to coordinate, manage and use durable materials so that the faith of our wife and children is strong and solid. If we strive to lay good foundations, our house will not collapse due to the storms of life.

1 Chronicles 9:31,32. This text shows that Matthias had to supervise the things that were cooking in pans, and some of his brothers were in charge of preparing the loaves. This means that they performed Humble tasks. The goals of these men was to serve Jehovah in any assignment. This teaches me that no matter how simple and humble a task assigned to us may be, we must fulfill it with pleasure. Let us remember that if we want to be truly useful to Jehovah, our humility is more important than our ability. Therefore, we must strive to fulfill any assignment and to be humble of heart.

1 Chronicles 9:19. It shows us that in the past the Korahites had been responsible for guarding the gates at the entrance of Jehovah's camp, and now they were tent keepers. This teaches us that we should not cling to whatever responsibilities or privileges we have in the congregation or in Jehovah's organization. Rather, we must be available and willing to willingly accept new responsibilities or assignments given to us, in order to allow ourselves to be used where Jehovah needs them.

1 Chronicles 9:1. It shows that us and royalists were banished to Babylon as part of the discipline they received for being unfaithful to Jehovah. This teaches us that although Jehovah loves us, he will not let any evil deed on the part of his servants pass. And precisely, as a sign of that love, he wants to readjust us through discipline, even if this causes us pain at the moment.

1 Chronicles 7:40. We see that all the sons of Asher were chiefs of their paternal houses, mighty and select warriors, and chiefs of the chiefs of the army. In the army of publishers of the Good News of the Kingdom, there are also powerful warriors and warriors in a spiritual sense, since they fight daily battles not only against Satan and his demons, but also against their own imperfection, against the opposition, diseases, problems economic among many other enemies.

1 Chronicles 7:22. This text shows how Ephraim mourned and his brothers came to comfort him. From this we learn that while we must show each other ongoing love and support within our spiritual family, in times of distress and distress when such displays of love and support need to be used much more overtly.

1 Chronicles 7:2. In this text we see how the people of Israel valued their powerful warriors. This teaches us that today, Jehovah's people also have powerful warriors that we must value and they are our forerunner brothers, because they are the ones who are at the forefront of preaching and teaching the Good News of the Kingdom in Jehovah's work.

1 Chronicles 9:19. This text also shows us the example of the Korahites. Which teaches us that our value as Christians does not depend on the responsibilities or privileges we have within the congregation of Jehovah's Organization, since for Jehovah the most important thing is our voluntary and willing obedience.

1 Chronicles 7:6,12. We see that when the tribe of Benjamin was about to become extinct, the tribes and somehow so that this did not happen. So from about 600 men the tribe rallied and grew to 70,000. This teaches me that if we are attentive, and also well disposed, we can help inactive or discouraged brothers to recover spiritually, and very likely they will become much stronger in that sense, than they were before.

1 Chronicles 7:15. The case detailed in the Bible regarding the daughters of Zelofead teaches us that God is impartial and listens to all his servants, according to their personal circumstances.

1 Chronicles 7:20. He mentions that they were killed because they were going to take away their cattle, this makes us think of the modern stories of young people who lost their lives in accidents, in robberies, at parties for accompanying bad friends, and suddenly it was too late, the Bible does not He is wrong when saying that we should take care of our friendships and avoid bad companies, some knew it but they did not put it into practice and they paid dearly for it, without a doubt we do not want to harden our hearts in that way.

1 Chronicles 9:26,27. In this text, more than the Levite gatekeepers occupied a position of great trust, since they were in charge of the keys to the sacred precincts of the temple. They proved to be responsible in their functions by opening the doors every day, we have been entrusted to go to the people of our territory so that they come to worship Jehovah. This teaches us that we should carry out this commission with the same responsibility that the Levite porters demonstrated.

1 Chronicles 7:22. We see that one way to show that we are true Christians is to love each other, and we do this by being with our brothers in difficult moments such as a duel, an illness, an operation, etc. Instead of limiting ourselves to saying that we will pray for them, the Bible says in 1 John 3:18 that we must love not only with lips, but with actions and this is an account that each servant of God has the Individual sense.

1 Chronicles 7:40. This text focuses on 26,000 powerful warriors fit for war. If we meditate, a powerful warrior is not formed overnight, effort, discipline, perseverance, teacher pressure, etc. are required. . In a similar way, a mature Christian does not form from one year to the next, he requires qualities similar to those of these warriors. This teaches us that our goal should be to advance to spiritual maturity and not stagnate or stop progressing.

1 Chronicles 9:1. It teaches us that Jehovah's discipline hurts but if we accept it and let ourselves be molded it will bring us great benefits. Which would mean not relapsing into our sin, we will bear good fruit and we will be a blessing to our brothers in the Congregation.

1 Chronicles 9:19. It teaches us that the Coreitas were doormen, although in the past they had other privileges. This teaches us about not coveting or claiming any privilege, instead enjoying any job assigned to us, always remembering that our value as a person does not depend on the responsibilities we have in organization, but for Jehovah obedience is more important than any assignment.

1 Chronicles 9:26,27. The Levite gatekeepers held a position of great trust, as they were in charge of the keys to the sacred precincts of the temple and demonstrated responsibility in their duties by opening the doors every day. We have been entrusted with helping the people in our territory to come to worship Jehovah, and like these Levites, we too must carry out this commission with the same responsibility that they demonstrated.

1 Chronicles 7:14. Asriel was a descendant of Manasseh and the family head of the Asrielites. According to Numbers 26:29-31, he was a great-grandson of Manasseh, but according to 1 Chronicles 7:14, Asriel was the son of Manasseh and his Syrian concubine, he is called Manasseh's "son" because he is one of his descendants and also fits the possibility that Manasseh had a son and a great-grandson with the same name.

1 Chronicles 7:14-28. Reviewing how the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh were distributed reminds us that, for Joseph, receiving the birthright meant that he would obtain a double portion of the inheritance, for this reason he became the father of two tribes, namely, Ephraim and Manasseh. Manasseh, while the other children of Israel only gave rise to one tribe each.

1 Chronicles 8:33. Before some archaeological discoveries, Esbaal was the name of one of King Saul's sons and this name appears only in the Bible, but now also in the archaeological record during the time of David. there are those who are of the opinion that this name was only used during that period. Once again, archeology confirms the truth of a small detail in the Bible.

1 Chronicles 8:33, 34. Some think that the writer of Second Samuel used the names “Ish-bosheth” and “Mephibosheth” (bó·scheth means shame) instead of “Eshbaal” and “Merib-baal,” appropriately to the negative connotation that the Hebrew word bá·ʽal seems to have come to have because of its association with the degraded worship of Baal.

1 Chronicles 9:22. Samuel organized a program for the Levite goalkeepers that perhaps served as the basis for David's organization, in the same process he never abused his position, and his record was flawless, his example is a reminder to all those brothers who hold a position authority to never abuse his position.

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