DAILY TEXT, Today Saturday January 28, 2023, Go and make disciples. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you (Matt. 28:19, 20).

DAILY TEXT, From today Saturday January 28, Go and make disciples. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you (Matt. 28:19, 20).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Saturday January 28

Go and make disciples. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you (Matt. 28:19, 20).

Before being baptized, the student must put into practice what the Bible teaches. When he does, he is like the “wise man” in Jesus' example who dug deep to build his house on solid rock (Matt. 7:24, 25; Luke 6:47, 48). Let's help the student to make changes in his life (Mar. 10:17-22). Jesus told a rich man to sell everything he had, even though he knew it was not going to be easy for him (Mark 10:23). Why did he tell you that? Because I cared for him. Sometimes we may not dare to tell the student that he must put into practice what he is learning because we think he is not ready (Col. 3:9, 10). But the sooner we talk about it, the sooner you can get down to business. These types of conversations will show our affection (Ps. 141:5; Prov. 27:17). w21.06 3, 4 pars. 3, 5.

Why is it important to ask opinion questions?

It is important that we ask the student opinion questions. These types of questions will help us to know what you understand and what you believe. If we are in the habit of doing so, it will be easier for us to talk to him about sensitive topics later. The book Enjoy Life has many opinion questions. For example, lesson 4 asks, “How do you think Jehovah feels when you use his name?” And in lesson 9 we find this other question: “What would you like to pray about?” At first, the student may need to be given time to figure out what to answer to these kinds of questions. We can help him by teaching him to think about the biblical texts and the images that appear in the lesson.

How can we use real life experiences to help the student?

Once the student understands what he has to do, let's encourage him to act using real life experiences. For example, if he has trouble going to meetings, we can show him the video Jehovah Cares About Me, which appears in the “Find Out More” section of lesson 14. Many lessons in the Enjoy Life book contain experiences in the “Discover More” sections. Let's dig deeper” or “Find out more.”b Don't compare the student to someone else by saying, “If she can, you can too.” Let him come to that conclusion for himself. Let's mention the things that helped the person in the video to apply the teachings of the Bible, such as an important text or something they did in particular. Whenever possible, highlight how Jehovah helped that person.

How can we help the student to love Jehovah?

Let us help the student to love Jehovah. Let's look for moments to talk about Jehovah's qualities. Help the student see that Jehovah is a happy God who is always there for those who love him (1 Tim. 1:11; Heb. 11:6). Show him how he will benefit from applying what he learns, and explain that this is proof of Jehovah's love for him.—Isa. 48:17, 18. The more love you feel for Jehovah, the greater your desire to make the necessary changes.—1 John 5:3.

According to Mark 10:29, 30, what will help a person to make sacrifices to get to baptism?

To get to baptism, the student will have to make sacrifices. Like the rich man mentioned in paragraph 5, some students may have to give up material things. They may even have to quit their job if it goes against Biblical principles. Many may have to cut off friendships with people who do not love Jehovah. Others may experience rejection by family members who are against Jehovah's Witnesses. Jesus said that some people would find it difficult to make those sacrifices. But he promised that Jehovah would bless his disciples with a loving spiritual family.—Read Mark 10:29, 30. How can we help the student to benefit from this precious gift?

What do we learn from what Manuel says?

Let's become friends with the student. We need to show him that we care about him. Why? Let's see what a brother from Mexico named Manuel says about his time studying the Bible: “Before class started, my teacher would always ask me how I was doing. This helped me relax and tell him anything. I felt that he really cared about me.”

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