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Tuesday January 17
Don't let your hearts be troubled. Show faith (John 14:1).
Do you feel a little scared when you think about the terrifying events that will soon take place, such as the destruction of false religion, the attack of Gog of Magog and the war of Armageddon? Do you occasionally wonder if you'll be able to stay true when all these things happen? If so, the words of Jesus that we read in today's text will be very helpful to you. Jesus told his disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Show faith." If we have strong faith, we can face the future with confidence. One way to strengthen our faith to face the trials that come in the future is to analyze how we face the trials we have now. So we can see in which aspects of our faith we can improve. Every time we pass a test, our faith grows stronger. And this will help us to endure whatever comes in the future. w21.11 20 pars. 1, 2.
As we read at Matthew 6:30, 33, what did Jesus make clear about faith?
It is natural for the head of the family to want to provide his wife and children with food, clothing, and a place to live. This is not always easy these days. There are brothers who have lost their job and, no matter how hard they try, they cannot find another. In the case of others, they have turned down jobs that are not acceptable for a Christian. In situations like these, we need to have strong faith that Jehovah will somehow make sure we don't lack what we need. Jesus made this clear to his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount (read Matthew 6:30, 33). If we are fully convinced that Jehovah will not abandon us, we can concentrate on what is most important: the interests of the Kingdom. And by seeing how Jehovah helps us materially, we will feel closer to him and our faith will grow stronger.
What has helped a family to face the concern of how to get what is necessary to live?
Let's look at the case of the Castro family, from Venezuela. They have felt the support of Jehovah when faced with the concern of how to get the necessary things. This family was dedicated to working on a piece of land that they owned and thus earned enough to live on. But one day, armed gang members invaded their property and forced them to leave. The father, Miguel, says: “Now we depend to a large extent on what we can grow on a little piece of land that they lent us. The first thing I do each day is ask Jehovah to give us what we need for that day.” Life is hard for the Castro family, but they have absolute faith that our loving Father can take care of their daily needs. For this reason, they have not stopped attending congregation meetings or participating in the preaching work. They put the Kingdom first in their lives, and Jehovah takes care of them.
All this time, Miguel and his wife, Yurai, have focused on how Jehovah has cared for them. Sometimes Jehovah has used brothers to give them some of the things they needed or to help Miguel find a job. On other occasions, he has used the relief efforts of the branch to cover his basic needs. He has never abandoned you. And that is why the faith of this family has grown stronger. After talking about a specific case in which Jehovah helped them, their eldest daughter, Yoselin, says: “I am moved to see Jehovah's hand so clearly. I see him as a friend that I can always count on in my life.” And he adds: "The problems that we have gone through as a family have prepared us for the most difficult tests that will come in the future."
If you are struggling financially, how can you strengthen your faith?
Are you going through economic problems? If so, these are difficult times. Despite everything, even if your situation is very difficult, you can take advantage of this time to strengthen your faith. Pray to Jehovah, read and meditate on the words of Jesus recorded at Matthew 6:25-34. Think of examples from today that show Jehovah cares for those who are busy with theocratic activities.—1 Cor. 15:58. This will strengthen your confidence that just as your heavenly Father has helped others in similar situations, he will also help you. He knows what you need and knows how to give it to you. When you see the hand of Jehovah in your life, your faith will be strengthened and you will be able to withstand greater trials in the future (Hab. 3:17, 18).
According to the account at Matthew 8:23-26, how did a severe storm test the faith of the disciples?
On a certain occasion when Jesus and his disciples were traveling in a boat, a storm arose in the sea. Jesus took this opportunity to help them see that they needed more faith (read Matthew 8:23-26). The storm was so strong that the waves covered the boat, but Jesus slept peacefully. Very frightened, the disciples went to wake him up and ask him to save them. Calmly, the Lord said to them, "Men of little faith, why are you so afraid?" The disciples needed to know that Jehovah was perfectly capable of protecting Jesus and those with him. What is the lesson for us? That a solid faith helps us face strong storms, whether literal or figurative.
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