DAILY TEXT, From today Monday January 23, Faith follows the message that is heard (Rom. 10:17).

DAILY TEXT, Today Monday January 23, 2023, Faith follows the message that is heard (Rom. 10:17).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Monday, January 23

Faith follows the message heard (Rom. 10:17).

We will benefit greatly if we spend time talking with Jehovah, listening to him, and thinking about him. First, we will make better decisions. According to the Bible, "he who walks with the wise will become wise" (Prov. 13:20). Second, we will be better teachers. When we teach the Bible, one of our main objectives is to help the student get closer to Jehovah. The more we communicate with our heavenly Father, the more we will love him and the more we will be able to teach our student to love him. That was the case with Jesus. When he spoke of his Father, he spoke with such love and affection that his faithful disciples could not help but love Jehovah too (John 17:25, 26). Third, our faith will grow stronger. Let's think about what happens when we ask God for guidance, comfort, or support. Every time he answers us, our faith is strengthened (1 John 5:15). w22.01 30 paras. 15-17.

Explain with an example why we should meditate.

We must meditate on what we are learning. Consider the writer of Psalm 77. He was distraught because he and the other Israelites seemed to have lost Jehovah's approval. He was so worried that he couldn't even sleep at night (verses 2-8). What did? He told Jehovah: “I will meditate on all your activities and reflect on your way of acting” (verse 12). Of course, he was well aware of the things that Jehovah had done for his people in the past. But even so, he wondered: “Has God forgotten to grant us his favor, or could it be that his fury has nullified his mercy?” (verse 9). The writer of this psalm reflected on Jehovah's acts and on the mercy and compassion he had shown in the past (verse 11). As a result, he was convinced that Jehovah would not abandon his people (verse 15). Similarly, our faith will grow stronger as we reflect on what Jehovah has done for his people in general and for us in particular.

What will be another benefit of spending time with Jehovah?

Fourth, we will love Jehovah more. This is the most important benefit. Why? Because love is the quality that can most motivate us to obey Jehovah, to make sacrifices to please him and to endure any test (Matt. 22:37-39; 1 Cor. 13:4, 7; 1 John 5:3). There is nothing more important than being friends with our dear God, Jehovah (Ps. 63:1-8).

What do you plan to do to find more time to spend with Jehovah?

Once again, let us remember that praying, studying, and meditating are part of our worship. Let's do like Jesus and find quiet times and places to spend time with Jehovah. Let's avoid unnecessary distractions. And when we are doing some spiritual activity, let us ask Jehovah to help us focus. If we use the time in the best way, Jehovah will bless us with eternal life in the new world (Mar. 4:24).

According to Philippians 4:6, 7, what will Jehovah do to help us focus?

Let's ask Jehovah to help us focus. If we are studying or in a congregation meeting and notice that our mind wanders, let us ask Jehovah for help. If something is bothering us, it may not be easy for us to put worries aside and focus on spiritual things, but it is very important that we do so. Let us pray that Jehovah will give us the peace that protects not only our hearts but also our minds.—Read Philippians 4:6, 7.

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