Congregation Book Study, Week of January 30 to February 5, 2023, Let us be honest in everything, Lesson 36, Answers.

Study of the Book of the congregation, 30-January-5-February 2023, Lesson 36, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 36.

1. What is the most important reason to be honest?

The most important reason to be honest is that we love Jehovah and respect him, since the Bible says that they are upright people and can have a close relationship with him.

2. In what aspects of everyday life should we be honest?

We must be honest at all times, tell the truth to relatives, co-workers. We are also honest when we pay our taxes on time.

3. What are the advantages of being honest?

One of the advantages is that others will have confidence in our word and we will have a good conscience and with our honest conduct we will give glory to Jehovah.

4. Jehovah likes honest people

Read Psalm 44:21 and Malachi 3:16, and discuss the following:

Does it make sense to think that we can hide the truth? Why do you think so?

No, it does not make sense, because we cannot hide anything from the eyes of Jehovah, since the Bible declares that there is nothing hidden from His sight, You even know what is in our hearts and the deepest thoughts, Jehovah knows.

If we choose to tell the truth, even when it is not easy to do so, how do you think Jehovah will feel?

Jehovah is aware of how we act and if we are honest He will have us in his memory and as the text of Malachi says, he blesses the people who fear him and keeps their names So to speak so that they are part of his Kingdom.

5. Let us always be honest

Although many people believe that being honest isn't always best, there are good reasons to be honest at all times. Find out what they are. Watch the video.

Read Hebrews 13:18 and talk about how to be honest...

... with the family.

We do it when we recognize our own mistakes and admit to being at fault, in the case of spouses we are honest when they are real to our spouse.

... at work or at school.

We are honest when we do not commit fraud, for example when we respect the start times at work and at school, when we avoid cheating, be it with homework or cheating on exams. other situations.

For example, when we are honest in respecting traffic laws, since we do not expect to have someone present to obey the laws or follow safety regulations. In addition, in the case of being a boss, it is to comply with the schedules of the workers and in the congregation not to take advantage of our brothers for being part of the congregation.

6. Honesty benefits us

Being honest may bring us some problems, but in the long run it is always the best option. Read Psalm 34:12-16 and discuss the following:

How can honesty improve our lives?

People will trust us more and give us more responsibilities, because we have good attitudes. And within the family we will have more trust from our spouse, but above all we will make a good name before Jehovah.

WHAT SOME SAY: "A little lie doesn't hurt anyone."

Do you think that Jehovah hates all lies? Why do you think so?

I think Jehovah hates lies, because no matter how small they are, they bring consequences. Satan uses them to touch God's purpose. In addition, the Bible mentions that lies are considered a serious sin.


Jehovah expects his friends to be honest in all they say and do.


In what aspects should we be honest?

We must be honest in the family, at work, with our peers at school, and in the Congregation.

Why doesn't it make sense to believe that the truth can be hidden?

It makes no sense to believe that the truth can be hidden, because everything is in view of Jehovah, he even knows the thoughts we have in our hearts. And we must not forget that the lies we make sooner or later come to light.

What reasons do you have to always be honest?

Because if we are honest we can be close to Jehovah, since he loves righteous people. We also have a good conscience and a good relationship with others and we make a good name before God and with others.
