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Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 35.
1. In what ways can the Bible help you make good decisions?
Isaiah 48:17 tells us. that Jehovah guides us on the path we should walk, and today we know that Jehovah speaks to us through the Bible. So when making an important decision, the Bible can help us because in it we find specific mandates on the main issues of life, and for situations where there is no specific mandate, the Bible gives us principles that guide us to make good decisions.
The Bible can help us a lot, since it contains specific mandates that we must obey, and if there is no specific mandate on the decision we want to make, Jehovah will guide us towards the correct decision through principles that help us understand his way of thinking. think.
And as the paragraph mentions, we can discover what God thinks on a certain subject, yes, we read stories from the Bible, and this will help us a lot, since if we know what Jehovah thinks we can make decisions that are to his liking.
2. What should I consider before making a decision?
As Proverbs 14:15 indicates, before making a decision we must prudently measure all the steps we are going to take. That is, we must assess all possible options. Analyze each one of them in light of biblical principles. Meditate on how that decision will affect us and other people, and think about whether that decision will make Jehovah happy or not.
We should weigh or evaluate the options available to us, and we might even ask ourselves questions such as: “What biblical principles are related to this matter? Which option will leave me calmer? How will my decision affect others? And above all, will it make Jehovah happy?”
In addition, it is very important that we get to know God's laws and principles very well, because in this way we will develop a good conscience, which, if well educated, will help us make good decisions.
Deuteronomy 32: 29 shows us that meditating or reflecting before making a decision is a sign of wisdom and spiritual maturity. This meditation leads us to previously analyze the steps we are going to take in order not to violate Jehovah's laws or make him sad, and to see if these decisions affect other people or ourselves. So taking meditation into account before making a decision is important to have a clear conscience.
What is free will?
It is the capacity with which Jehovah created us to make our own decisions.
It is a beautiful gift that Jehovah gave us and it is the freedom of decision, it is like a vote of confidence that Jehovah gave us even though he knew that we could make bad decisions.
Why did Jehovah give us free will?
Because Jehovah loves us, he gave us the precious gift of free will. In this way, it will not be others who make decisions for us. So we can decide if we love him or not, if we obey him or not. This is very important because no one can come to love someone unless it is of their own free will.
In order to also be able to give ourselves the ability to love, since this goes hand in hand with our freedom to decide, because you can only truly love someone, of your own free will.
What has God given us to help us use free will in the best possible way?
To help us use our free will in the best possible way, Jehovah has set the limits of love for God and love for neighbor, as we see in Matthew 2:37 to 40, so that we refuse to do bad things and want to do bad things. good things.
Jehovah has given us a wonderful brain and a conscience, and also the Biblical principles that help us make the best decisions, because he knows that if we do this we can be at peace with him and with others.
Another thing that Jehovah has given us to use our free will well is our wonderful brain so that we can perceive what his will is. He has also given us the conscience so that we can train it through his laws and principles.
And according to Romans 12:1 he has also given us the ability to reason so that we understand his mandates and principles well so that they guide our decisions wisely.
For an example of a Bible principle, read Ephesians 5:15, 16. Then discuss how you can use “time in the best way” to...
... read the Bible daily.
For example, we could have a good schedule for reading the Bible, and for this we must organize ourselves in the best possible way.
We all have many activities such as work, studies, family, among other occupations, but spending time with Jehovah is a priority, because he is our God, our heavenly father, and also our friend. He speaks to us through the Bible, so we will wisely seek a balance point between all our daily activities to take enough quality time to read the Bible and meditate on it daily, since we consider this communication of the utmost importance.
... be better husbands, fathers or children.
We can devote ourselves to reading all the principles that are related to our role in our families.
The apostle Paul tells us that buying the opportune time that remains is wise, therefore we must watch our way of walking especially in the family. Parents, spouses or children, we all have responsibilities within the family and also with Jehovah, for example, the husband must take time to share with his wife, the parents and the children must dedicate time to have good communication. And everyone as a family also has to make time for service and theocratic activities, such as personal study, family worship, Bible Reading and Preaching.
... attend congregation meetings.
We must organize ourselves in such a way that these spaces remain free for us to be able to attend the meetings and also to prepare in advance for them.
The apostle Paul realized that due to the hustle and bustle of daily life, Christians could neglect the most important things. Hence, he asked us to watch our way of walking, so one thing we must watch is how our attendance at congregation meetings is going, if we go regularly or are missing meetings, if we are punctual or if we arrive late, if we stay always to the end. If our minds are well prepared and focused, if we discuss whether we have prepared well, if we do not pass the exam then we will have to make changes to make better use of time in this regard.
4. Educate your conscience to make good decisions
According to the video, what steps did the sister take to train her conscience and make a decision that would please Jehovah?
Well, what this sister did was meditate on the matter well, and she asked for advice from brothers who could understand her well, and she came to understand that when it comes to conscience, the important thing will be to make decisions that leave us with a clear conscience, it is Therefore, he had to carefully study the principles of God's word in order to understand what Jehovah thinks.
And something very interesting that the sister mentions is that she sought additional information on the subject, which helped her to clear up the doubts she had, thus making sure that it was the spirit of Jehovah, but not her feelings, who guided her conscience.
The sister also prayed to Jehovah to help her decide what to do, she asked for advice from spiritually mature brothers, she researched the Watchtower Publication Index, She also analyzed chapter 2 of the book continue in the love of God that deals with the subject of conscience, then she meditated on everything and made sure with all these steps that it was the holy spirit of Jehovah and not her feelings that would guide her decision and she thought about the effect that her decision would have on her and others.
Why shouldn't we ask someone else to decide for us? Read Hebrews 5:14 and discuss the following:
Although it might be easier to ask someone else to decide for us, why should everyone be able to distinguish what is right?
Because by deciding for ourselves, we will be demonstrating that we really are mature people in a spiritual sense, that we can discern what is right from what is wrong.
Each one should be able to distinguish what is right, because only in this way can good decisions be made that benefit us and that please Jehovah and do not violate his fair regulations. Also because this discernment would be a sign of spiritual maturity and of a conscience well trained by the Bible.
What tools can help us educate our conscience and make good decisions?
Well, we have the main tool that is the Bible, Jehovah has also given us the gift of prayer and all the publications that he gives us through the faithful and prudent slave.
We have the Bible, the Watchtower index of publications, the examples of Biblical characters that we find in Biblical stories and also those of present-day brothers that we find in biographies that have gone through similar situations, the help of mature brothers and the elders of the congregation pray and meditate.
5. Respect the conscience of others
Based on these verses, what decision could that sister make? And you, what would you do if a person's conscience does not allow you to do something that your conscience does?
Well, I could find a middle ground, perhaps opt for subtle makeup, since the Bible tells us that we should not please ourselves, or seek our own benefit but also that of others. The same Bible, as we have read before, tells us that those of us who are strong must bear the weaknesses of the weak, so as much as possible I would avoid being a stumbling block for the faith of my brothers.
According to these biblical texts, the sister could make the decision to put up with the spiritual weaknesses of the other sisters. In other words, she would stop pleasing herself by putting on makeup to put the interests of her sisters first and also not to disturb the peace and unity of the congregation. I would do exactly the same, although there is nothing wrong with applying make-up in moderation and it is not prohibited by the Bible, in this particular case it was not beneficial, because it disturbed the good atmosphere of the congregation.
According to these verses, what decision could that brother make? And you, what would you do if you see someone do something that your conscience does not allow?
The brother could make the decision not to judge the brothers if they are drinking alcohol, since they do so in moderation and Jehovah does not want us to be too fair, because as Ecclesiastes 7: 16 says, that could end in our own ruin. In matters of conscience I respect the decisions of others because I hope that others respect mine.
Well, he shouldn't be too fair and judge those who decide whether to drink alcohol, so if he's bothered by a matter of conscience, he could kindly withdraw. Romans 14: 1 makes it very clear to us that we should not judge others based on differences of opinion, so I would avoid judging since in the end Jehovah is the one who evaluates us.
Why should we consider God's feelings and those of others?
Because Jehovah is our creator and we do not want to offend him in any way, and by taking into account the feelings of those around us we show true love to our neighbor.
We should take Jehovah's feelings into account when making our decisions, because a good decision makes his heart happy and brings us closer to him, but a bad decision saddens him and drives us away. We must also take into account the feelings of other people because with our decisions we can affect them, weaken their faith, make them stumble or endanger the peace and unity of the congregation.
We make good decisions when we find out what Jehovah thinks about a matter and consider whether our actions will help or hurt others.
How can you make decisions that are pleasing to Jehovah?
Always taking into account what he thinks about a certain topic, and looking in the Bible for his laws or principles that apply to the decision we want to make.
We must think about what things please Jehovah and also let ourselves be guided by his will when making decisions, in this way we will be giving him something to bless.
What can you do to educate your conscience?
What we must do first is to pray to Jehovah, analyze his word, also look for additional information that God's organization provides us and thus become able to distinguish what is correct.
I can ask Jehovah for help in prayer, deepen the study of Biblical principles and meditation, I can also imitate Jehovah's way of thinking, love his standards and let myself be guided by them, regularly examine myself to see where I can improve and strive continuously.
How can you show that you respect the conscience of others?
I will show this respect when I do not agree with the decision that a brother or sister has made in a personal matter, and yet I will not criticize him or try to make him change his mind, I will also show him respect, keeping in mind that everyone has the responsibility to make their own decisions and assume the consequences of their actions.
I can show this, if I take into account what others may think if I decide to act in such a way or not, such as what has to do with our way of fixing ourselves or our position towards drinking alcohol, and above all let's remember that we should not seek our own benefit but that of others.
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