APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of January 30 to February 5, 2023, Speech, Helping the student apply what they are learning, Lesson 13, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 30-January-5-February 2023, Speech, Lesson 13, Assignment Prepared.

Address (5 min.): w21.06 3, 4 pars. 3-8. Title: Let's help the student to apply what he is learning (th lec. 13).

He has wondered if it would be worth the effort to build a house if it collapsed in the end, due to something we overlooked. Or of a runner if in the end he would collapse before reaching the finish line. This example looks familiar. The Bible likens our service to Jehovah as a race, but we don't want to be the ones who don't finish the race.

What should we do then? What any coach does “prepare his runners”. Well, this is where you have a lot of responsibility, because in other words you are the coach and your students are what are going to start the race, but as Jesus said before building a house we must lay good foundations. But you are also a fellow runner, so this speech will help us both as teachers and as runners.

But as time goes by, that love and joy with which we started at the beginning can diminish, what can we do to maintain our rhythm and enthusiasm. What will help us is to set goals and the book we use to study and study, it helps us a lot. For example, at the end of each lesson we find the box "Propose this to yourself." Let's explain what that goal has to do with what you have just learned. If we want to propose a different goal, we can write it where it says "More goals". So let's always take advantage of this moment of the course to review with the student their short- and long-term goals.

Also, as students progress, they have to adapt their lives to the principles of the Bible and this requires making changes in our lives to put into practice what they are learning. Many of these changes would not be easy Jesus illustrated in Mark 10:23 let's read together please, it goes like this:


After looking around, Jesus told his disciples: “How difficult it will be for those who have money to enter the Kingdom of God!”

Not only would his love of money be something difficult to overcome, but also vices such as alcohol, greed and many other attitudes that are against what Jehovah asks of each of his servants, so we must know what people think From what they are learning, they truly consider their service to Jehovah important. Hence the importance of asking what they think about what we are studying, is it really necessary to make such changes, and why does Jehovah ask us to do this, questions similar to those found in the book enjoy.

Something that will also help the student to decide to do what Jehovah asks of us is to see the example of other people who have gone through the same situation. For example, if he has trouble going to meetings, we can show him the video Jehovah Cares About Me, which appears in the “Find Out More” section of lesson 14. The book we studied contains a multitude of videos where Jehovah's servants mention how Jehovah helped them and following Biblical principles.

Even though these videos are here to motivate us, we must avoid making the mistake of comparing the student with the people in the video, as this could happen: saying: "If she can, you can too." We must let the student feel motivated to make those changes on their own initiative, since they will come from the heart and will not do it out of obligation.

Finally, if we want students to feel motivated to make changes in their lives, we must help them to love Jehovah. How do we do it? To find out, let's read Isaiah together. 48:17, 18 says..


This is what Jehovah, your Repurchaser, the Holy One of Israel, says: “I, Jehovah, am your God, the one who teaches you for your own good, the one who guides you in the way in which you should walk. 18 If only you would pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become like a river, and your justice like the waves of the sea.

Let's look for moments to talk about Jehovah's qualities. Let's help the student to see that Jehovah is a happy God and that he is always there for those who love him. Let's show him how he will benefit from putting what he learns into practice, and explain that this is proof of Jehovah's love for him.

So in the end the student will have good foundations, because he will make the necessary changes in his life and as Jesus said storms can come against that house, in other words against the servants of Jehovah and they will remain firm and loyal.
