Sunday, January 22, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of January 23-29, 2023, Revisit, Present the video Why Study the Bible?, but do not play it, Lesson 14, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: January 23-29, 2023, Return Visit, Lesson 14, Assignment Prepared.

Return Visit (4 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then introduce the video Why Study the Bible?, but don't play it (th lec. 14).

Publisher:I am very pleased, Mrs. MarĂ­a, that we were able to coincide with a free moment, both yours and mine, to resume the conversation that I enjoyed very much the last time we saw each other.

Housewife:Yes, I also liked the topic we discussed about prayer. I have thought about the possible answer to what we left pending for this time.

Publisher: So. I'm glad to hear that. And it is that the previous time we left pending the question about what things can we pray? And that doubt remained because it gave the impression that this may be a possible reason why God does not answer some of our prayers. So making the most of our time, it seems good if we read a text from the Bible that will help us to know what prayers God answers. Please read 1 John 5:14.

Housewife: It is said....

Publisher:Thanks for your reading. From what we have read in this Bible verse, can you understand why sometimes God does not answer one of our prayers?

Housewife: The biblical text is very interesting, I had never read it. And he makes it very clear that God answers prayers that are in accordance with his will. There a concern arises, like what things would not answer God?.

Publisher: I give you an example and then you can think of another. What if we ask God to help us hurt another person? Do you think he would answer that prayer?

Housewife:I don't think God answers that because it's a bad thing.

Publisher:Fine. Following this example, could you think of another situation in which God would not support us if we asked him in prayer?

Housewife:Thinking about something like that, what some nations pray to God to win wars. Nor would God support such a prayer.

Publisher: Exact. You already have the answer about things that we can pray for. How do you think it would be according to the will of God?

Housewife:I believe that if I pray to God asking him to help me understand the Bible as I begin to do now, that prayer would answer me, because it would be according to his will.

Publisher:Fine. Once this is understood, we would have to think about how does God answer our prayers?

Housewife: Yes that question also sounds interesting. You know, I admire you because you have answers and based on what the Bible says I like that. I don't know if one day I could do the same.

Publisher:Of course, Mrs. Maria, you can do it. The best way that it has helped us is by examining the Bible with a Bible course, which is very easy to follow according to our conditions, whether it be the weather or some activity that we have at home, etc., we adjust to that.

Housewife: And how is that about Bible courses?

Publisher:Well, to clear your doubts. I want to show you the following video that has the title: Why study the Bible? We see him and then we talk about him.


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