Saturday, January 28, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of January 30-February 5, 2023, Offer a Teaching Kit publication, Lesson 20, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: January-30-February 5, 2023, Return Visit, Lesson 20, Assignment Prepared.

Return Visit (4 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then offer a teaching kit post (th lec. 20).

PUBLISHER: Hi good morning.

HOUSEHOLDER: Good morning.

PUBLISHER: I'm glad to find you at home and how it went when you visited our website.

HOME LOVE: I liked it a lot and there are many themes. Interesting.

PUBLISHER: I'm glad you liked it, because last time we talked with you about prayers and we agreed to answer what we can pray about, you asked what we can say to God.

HOUSEHOLDER: Well, I haven't prayed much, what if always. I say the prayers my parents taught me.

POSTER: Today many people ask God for many things. For example, health, livelihood for each day, others ask you for luck to win in a raffle or for a competition. Do you think that all those prayers are answered by God?

HOME LOVE: Well I don't know.

PUBLISHER: We are going to see a text in the Bible that can help us a lot. It is the text of 1 John 5:14 I would like you to read it.

HOUSEHOLDER: Okay, he says...

PUBLISHER: If you looked at the text there it says that it doesn't matter what we ask for but what requirement do you think the sentence must meet, did you notice what it says later.

HOUSEHOLD: If he disagrees with his will, but since we know that he agrees with his will.

POSTER: That is a good question, so we must first know God and something that will help us is to read and understand his word in the Bible.

HOUSEHOLD: But that takes a long time to know what the Bible says.

PUBLISHER: Well, Jehovah's Witnesses offer Bible courses and I precisely have a pamphlet on hand called "Enjoy life forever", which will help us a lot to understand the Bible, I would like to leave it with you so that you can read it and then we discuss it together.

STUDENT: It's okay.

PUBLISHER: The. Next time we are going to analyze lesson number one, how the Bible can help us.

STUDENT: Then I'll wait for you.

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