APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of January 30-February 5, 2023, First Conversation, Turn in a contact card, Lesson 16, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 30-January-5-February 2023, First conversation, Lesson 16, Prepared Assignment.

First Conversation (3 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then hand out a contact card (th lec. 16).


PUBLISHER: Hi good morning.

HOUSEHOLDER: Good morning.

PUBLICATOR: This seat is taken.

HOME LOVE: He's not busy.

PUBLISHER: It seems so. Today we are going to have good weather.

HOUSEHOLD: Yes it seems so, at least that's good.

PUBLISHER: May I ask why you think so.

HOUSEHOLDER: Well, as we can see, the times we live in have increased problems and crime, and that's not going to change.

POSTER: Many people ask God why so much suffering do you think that God listens to prayers.

HOUSEHOLD: Well maybe I heard them but we need to have an answer.

PUBLISHER: There is a text in the Bible that talks about this topic, it is in Psalms 65:2, I would like you to read what it says.

HOUSEHOLD: It's okay, it says so...

PUBLISHER: How did you just read the bible calls to God the one who hears prayers. So there is no doubt that God does not listen to prayers.

HOUSEHOLD: But how do we know that he will answer prayers?

PUBLISHER: Well, today many people pray about different things, but even when the Bible says that God listens to prayers, not all of them will have an answer, you have to know what things God accepts in the prayers we make to him.

HOME LOVE: And what are these things?

PUBLISHER: How about we talk about it some other time so I would like to leave you a contact card where you can visit our website if you will find different topics for all kinds of people like young husbands parents and children.

HOUSEHOLDER: It's okay, I'll check it when I get home.

POSTER: I would also like to speak with you another time to answer the question about what things we can pray for.

HOME LOVE: Yes, I would like to know the answer.

PUBLISHER: Here's my phone number.

HOME LOVE: Mine is...

PUBLISHER: So in a few days I'll call you to see where we can continue talking

HOUSEHOLD: It's okay.
