APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of January 16 to 22, 2023, Bible Course, Lesson 08, Point 7, Lesson 8, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: January 16-22-2023, Bible Course, Lesson 8, Prepared Assignment.

Bible course (5 min.): lff lesson 08 point 7 and "What some say" (th lec. 8).

POSTER: Very good, Maria, now we have to review point number 7. It has the title: "Communication is important in friendship with Jehovah" and at the beginning of this point it says: Friendship with our friends is strengthened when we talk to them. We must read the book of Psalms 86:6, 11. Please read it.

STUDENT: Yes, of course, it says like this:..

PUBLISHER: Thank you, MarĂ­a. The question we have is: How can we communicate with Jehovah? And of course to find the answer we have the information from the two verses that we have read. 

STUDENT: Well, in the texts we read it said that through prayer.

PUBLICATOR: Well, let's give an example to understand, when you have a good friend or a good friend, what do you try to do to avoid losing that friendship, or perhaps offend him with one of our actions?

STUDENT: I ​​think that knowing his likes and dislikes, I have friends who don't like jokes sometimes, so I would think that knowing his way of thinking and acting that way would help the friendship stay.

PUBLISHER: Exactly. So if we talk about fearing the name and God, what do you think is involved that we should know about him? 

STUDENT: I ​​understand. So this must be to know Jehovah better what he likes and dislikes and therefore fear not to offend him with incorrect behavior on our part. That is why we must communicate with God to help us not to do something that offends him. I had always seen prayer as a means of just asking for something for ourselves. But here I am understanding it in a different way. Ask God to tell us: What should we do so as not to offend him?

PUBLICATOR: That's right, Maria. It's good that you understood that point. Now if we ask that of God, we need to know how he responds to us. Therefore the next question is: How does Jehovah communicate with us? 

STUDENT: It would be through the Bible.

PUBLISHER: Very good. Can you describe what is happening here in this drawing? 

STUDENT: Well here is a summary of what we have been talking about. We pray to Jehovah as we speak to a friend and he answers us OR speaks to us through the Bible.

PUBLICATOR: That's right, Maria. That is why it is important to read the Bible every day to have constant communication with Jehovah. Now, at the bottom of our page, it says what some say: "It is impossible to be a friend of God." What text would you use to show that we can be Jehovah's friends?

STUDENT: Well, we went over a few but I remember = that one that caught my attention was Proverbs 3:32. Yes here it is, page 33 where it says: "has a close friendship with those who are upright." And there we check that Jehovah understands that we are not going to fully comply with his mandates because we are imperfect, but he knows that from our hearts we want to improve and be his friends and he also wants to be with us. 

PUBLISHER: Very good, Maria. Let us turn to the next page to continue our consideration.
