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"True wisdom screams in the streets, walks raising her voice in the squares" (PROV. 1:20).
1. How do many react to the voice of wisdom today? (Proverbs 1:20, 21).
Proverbs: 1:20,21, Shows that the wisdom of Jehovah, which contains the Bible and Our Christian publications, shouts through the streets, and raises its voice in the squares, cries out in the busy corners and speaks at the entrances of the doors, and that it is fulfilled when the publishers of the Good News carry out the preaching, but unfortunately today, not everyone accepts the message of the Kingdom. Some laugh at us if they think the Bible is outdated.
Among those who today do not accept the message of the kingdom that we bring through preaching are those who criticize the moral norms of the Bible and those who affirm that those of us who do accept and respect them do so because we are strict or intolerant. This is unfortunate, because if Jehovah has made this wisdom cry out in public, it is because it contains the advice and information that we all need to reach the path to eternal life.
Proverbs 10:20 and 21 Going through the streets and making the message known is a great joy, when we see that there are many brothers who go like ants working faithfully for Jehovah, it helps us because they are making the Bible and publications known that contain the true wisdom of Jehovah, although there are many people who do not accept the publication and we are very happy when someone does, instead there are others who make fun of us because they think that the Bible is very outdated, and there are those who criticize our moral norms and they think that if we respect them we are intolerable and strict.
And other people even tell us that they do not trust the Bible because it was written by human beings, therefore logically they do not accept its wisdom and do not benefit from it.
2. How can we find true wisdom today, but what do most people choose to do?
True wisdom is found in the Bible and Jehovah has made it available to everyone today, as well as our Bible-based publications available in more than 1000 languages, who listen and read the Bible and publications benefit and they learn. But sadly the vast majority of people decide to ignore the true voice of wisdom, preferring to trust themselves. Even the vast majority trusting other human beings to make more important decisions, and there are people who despise us because we do obey what the Bible teaches.
We can find it in the Bible and the Bible is available to almost everyone and also in our publications that are based on the Bible, they are available in more than 1000 languages and what I like about this availability is that it is also available available to those who are deaf or blind is available in braille or audio, but I decided to make most people sadly trust themselves or listen to other people instead of the Bible and then ignore the voice of true wisdom.
3. What must we do to be truly wise?
The person who truly knew shows it by being fearful of God and acquiring accurate knowledge of the Bible and thus gaining understanding, as this will allow him to be able to make good decisions. Therefore, to be truly wise one must imitate Jehovah's way of thinking as shown at Proverbs 2:5-7.
Proverbs 9:10, makes it clear to us that truly wise people know that no matter of importance can be fully understood unless all factors are seen from Jehovah's point of view and seen in relation to his standards, qualities and purpose. Hence, to be truly wise one must understand the Bible thoroughly.
And it is interesting that in proverbs it is mentioned that the fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom and this has to do with the fact that only Jehovah is wise, there is no other source of wisdom that does not come through him, then if we recognize this we are really going to be able to make good decisions.
Proverbs 2:6 mentions because Jehovah is the one who gives wisdom from his mouth comes knowledge and says lie, that is why it is important that we consult the word of God the publications and in this way we will be demonstrating that we are or that we are acting with the truth and the wisdom of Jehovah.
4. Why is Jehovah the only source of true wisdom?
Jehovah is the only source of true wisdom because firstly he is our creator and has unlimited knowledge of his creation, secondly because all his actions reflect wisdom and thirdly because they are wise advice that is always beneficial to those who apply it.
In the book of Romans 16:27 it says that Jehovah is the only wise one and the first point is because Jehovah has been and is our creator and has unlimited knowledge of his creation, and here in Psalm 104:24 he says that he has created all things. things with wisdom is the second point because he says that all his actions reflect his wisdom and third is because his wise advice will always benefit us and above all it is important when we apply it, so if we want to be truly wise we must strive to accept these Biblical tips and let these tips help us make wise and good decisions.
5. How have people fared for not recognizing that Jehovah is the source of true wisdom?
The people of this world have done badly because they rely on their own wisdom and not on God's wisdom. And the consequence is that they are unhappy and lack real hope for the future. In this way, Proverbs 21:30 is fulfilled in them, which says "Against the Lord there is no wisdom and discernment my advice is worth."
We see that the world is not improving because people are leaning on their own wisdom and not on Jehovah's, we also do not see that people are truly happy or have a real hope for the future, on the contrary we see that it is completely fulfilled what proverbs 21:30 says that against Jehovah there is no wisdom and discernment or advice that is worth.
We are seeing what happens with people who do not follow Jehovah's wisdom, this should motivate us or should motivate me to continue asking Jehovah to give me true wisdom.
6. According to Proverbs 1:22-25, who is deaf to hear the voice of true wisdom?
The Bible points out three groups that become deaf when they do not shout wisdom in the streets through preaching are: The inexperienced, the mockers and the fools. All of them insist on rejecting the hand that Jehovah extends to them time after time, they also do not pay attention and also ignore his advice and correction.
7. Why do some choose to remain “inexperienced”?
Although some are inexperienced because due to their naivety they are easily deceived and persuaded by their religious or political leaders, there are people who decide to remain inexperienced because they like to do what they want and why they do not want to learn from the Bible to obey the law of Jehovah. It's like they decided to be ignorant on purpose. In this regard, Proverbs 1:32 says that this conduct and attitude will lead people to death.
The inexperienced are the naive who are easily persuaded or deceived, in the world there are millions of people who are deceived by apostate religious or political leaders because they prefer or decide to remain inexperienced and stay that way, they like to do what they want and don't They do not want to learn what the Bible says or obey its laws.
Proverbs 1:22 says that they enjoy, this point is very important because in reality they are not naive they decide to be naive and it is very dangerous to think like that because as we saw in the experience of this person from Quebec it is not prudent it is dangerous they put their life at risk not they want to visualize or see that one is to blame for being naive on purpose.
8. What will help us gain wisdom?
What can help us is to put biblical principles into practice in our lives, in this way little by little we will go up with our own eyes that these principles help us make good decisions and avoid problems. Hence the importance of doing a self-examination on a regular basis to see how our progress is going.
Those who have been studying the Bible for a long time and still have not decided to be baptized can also examine themselves with questions such as the following: How much progress has been made in the work of preaching and teaching the good news of the Kingdom? Does it show my decisions that I let myself be guided by Biblical principles? Do I treat others as Jesus would have? This self-examination can help us to see in which aspects we can improve to stop being inexperienced.
If there in First Corinthians 14:21 it gives us the guideline, it says that it is how to become adults, when we grow little by little and through experience, then if we put the advice and biblical principles into practice in our lives we will see little by little the results and we will be able to be wise through the good experience that putting his advice into practice gives us.
If one of them is, for example, if someone has not been baptized, they come to the meetings they are studying, they should do a self-examination, they should meditate on how they can reach that goal of serving Jehovah, that will help them not to be inexperienced, in our In the case that we are already baptized, we could also have this attitude of being inexperienced if we do not do a self-examination, mention that we should think about how much progress has been made in the work of preaching, how am I doing in my decisions, am I accepting and putting into practice the biblical principles, Those things are going to help us improve and stop being inexperienced.
9. How do “the scoffers” show that they reject wisdom?
Well, the way they show it is when they do not pay attention to Jehovah's warnings and get carried away by their own irreverent desires, as Jude 17:18 shows, and also when they laugh at those who do live according to Biblical principles. .
Something that was predicted that in the final part there were mockers according to the second letter of Peter 3:3 and 4 and we see it, we do not need to see his facial grimaces or hear laughter but it is enough to hear comments and in some cases they may tell us and what does your Jehovah or your God say regarding this matter, or what does your Bible say in a sarcasm way and all that evidence that they are against divine wisdom therefore the warning is that we stay away from this type of people.
10. According to Psalm 1:1, what can we do to avoid falling into the error of mockers?
One thing we can do is not associate with those who complain all the time. That means we should not listen to or read anything that comes from apostates, because if we are careless, we could easily develop a critical spirit and begin to doubt Jehovah and the instructions we received through his organization.
At this point it would also be good to examine ourselves with questions like how are you: Do I have the habit of saying something negative whenever we receive new explanations and instructions? Do I tend to look for defects in the brothers lead? Doing this self-examination will help us quickly correct any bad tendencies that we could be developing, which would lead us to fall into the mistake made by mockers.
11. How do “fools” view Jehovah's moral standards?
Fools not only reject Jehovah's wisdom, but also harshly criticize those who respect Biblical standards. Hence Jehovah opens to us in Proverbs 14:3 that we should stay away from the foolish man.
If these types of people in their nonsense truth by rejecting Jehovah's standards do what they believe is good and what is best and what happens because they go straight to disaster, then proverbs 24:7 says that the true Wisdom is out of their reach, so we cannot criticize them so much because Jehovah is not giving them this wisdom precisely because he realizes that in their hearts they are fools.
They reject Jehovah, who is the source of wisdom, and when we do not find ourselves preaching, they often harshly criticize us because we respect Biblical norms, but they have nothing better to offer Jehovah; the Bible tells us that true wisdom he is out of the reach of fools he has nothing to say at the city gate they have nothing truly wise to say so Jehovah warns us to stay away from the foolish man.
12. What will help us not to be like fools?
What will help us is loving Jehovah and his standards. In addition, we must compare the results of being obedient to those who are not. This way we will realize that those who reject Jehovah's wisdom have many problems and pains, but those who trust in Jehovah are surrounded by his loyal love.
Psalm 32:10 that many are the pains of the wicked but the one who trusts in Jehovah is surrounded by his loyal love, so currently we also see the benefits that we have in our lives for obeying Jehovah and we see the difference with all the problems that have people our neighbors or family who are not witnesses then we see that it really is foolish to reject the wisdom of Jehovah.
If it will help us to listen to Jehovah as we saw in the text of Psalm 32:8 Jehovah makes us perceptive and teaches us the way we should go because he advises us when he sets his eyes on us, that is, because he wants the best for us and in 10 tells us that many are the pains of the wicked but he who trusts in Jehovah is surrounded by his loyal love, so if we do not trust in Jehovah it will go wrong for us.
13. Does Jehovah force us to follow his wise advice?
No, although Jehovah offers wisdom to all, he does not force anyone to accept it. Of course, he explains what will happen to those who do not pay attention to his wisdom. Proverbs 1:29-32 says of these people, that they will bear the consequences of their behavior and that their inexperienced rebellion will kill them and their foolish carelessness will finish them off.
Proverbs 1:29-32 and Proverbs 1:33 make a stark contrast between those who choose not to follow Jehovah's wise counsel and who is if they do. The former will suffer anguish and trouble, and in the end they will be destroyed. As long as no seconds, they will live safely, the terror of calamity will not steal their peace and in the end they will have eternal life. So no one will be in my ignorance of what the consequences were.
No, Jehovah does not force us, Jehovah is very generous in providing knowledge and wisdom but does not force anyone to accept it, however this does not exempt from the consequences that rejecting it represents. Proverbs 1:31 says that they will bear the consequences of their conduct, however if they come to embrace the knowledge of Jehovah verse 33 says they will live safely.
And time will tell us if that decision was correct, because those who decided not to obey Jehovah, well, they will have a consequence in their way of life, because that will be reflected, they will have problems, they will have anguish and well, as the paragraph says, a destruction, but Those who, on the other hand, listen to the wisdom of Jehovah listen to his wise advice, as Proverbs 1:33 says, they will live safely.
We see that Jehovah is very loving not to force us to follow his advice, however we can see how through his word he leaves us many examples of brothers who have been unfaithful and what the consequences have been and in our days we can see brothers who have moved away of Jehovah, then all this teaches us Jehovah does not force me but it is better to walk in the way of Jehovah.
Well, here we are learning wise advice, although Jehovah does not force us to accept his rules without explaining the consequences to us and for this reason in Proverbs 13:1-33 he mentions that he wants us to listen, that is why he explains those consequences to us.
14, 15. What do we learn from Proverbs 4:23?
We learn that we must protect our heart like nothing else, because of the proton the sources of life. Therefore, we must feed ourselves every day on the word of God, prepare for Christian meetings, attend them and participate. In the same way, we must remain very active in the service. We must also avoid bad habits by staying away from anything that can contaminate our mind, such as immoral entertainment and bad company.
Jehovah gives us the advice to safeguard our hearts more than anything else, because no one better than he knows that the heart is treacherous. Hence the importance of keeping ourselves in constant vigilance and filling it with life-giving spiritual food, as explained in paragraph 15.
Yes, well, we can clearly see how the brothers are prepared and apart from the fact that they are prepared and paying attention, we see that they are participating in the meeting, so it is something that we can put into practice to be able to participate, because as we already said it is It is necessary that one have a previous preparation, so it is a way of how we can also keep our hearts clean.
A brother comments at the meeting.
Participating in meetings strengthens us spiritually. (See paragraph 15).
16. Why is the advice at Proverbs 23:4, 5 so practical today?
It is practical because it warns us in a timely manner about not going astray to get riches, since these are temporary and can disappear overnight. In addition to the fact that the concern for obtaining material things can lead the Christian to behave in a way that damages his reputation, his relationships and even his health.
Hence how important and practical this advice is, since it helps us to have a balanced point of view about money and material goods. In this way, it protects us from greed and helps us to be happy with what we have, as we can see in the image for paragraph 16.
Because most people are obsessed with making money and that damages their reputation, their relationships with others and even their health, that is why the advice of Proverbs is so practical that it helps us to have a balanced point of view of money in this way. we can protect ourselves from greed and be content with what we have.
And here we have an example of how when you have a balanced opinion about money, it helps us to be happy with what we have. That family certainly has needs in plain sight, but the brother is taking care of spiritual matters with the girls, the sister is having physical matters. how is the food and in everything you can see a happy face.
That is why the advice that Ecclesiastes 7:12 gives us is very important because it mentions that although money is a protection, however, wisdom preserves the life of its owner, having money does not guarantee our life or anything, as the Bible says. They grow wings and fly, however, having the knowledge of Jehovah is what will help us and give us life in the future.
A family is out of their humble home. They all look happy. The mother cooks a simple meal on the fire. The father studies the book "Lessons I Learn from the Bible" with his two children.
Having a balanced opinion about money helps us to be happy with what we have. (See paragraph 16).
17. How can we acquire “the tongue of the wise,” mentioned at Proverbs 12:18?
The language of the wise can be acquired by avoiding gossip, maintaining good relations with others and acquiring and meditating on Biblical advice, and of course, applying it. Thus, instead of hurting others with words spoken without thinking, our words will heal their wounds as Proverbs 12:18 says.
The wise man thinks before speaking because he knows that words have a lot of power. For this reason, he meditates on what he is going to say, when and how he will say it, and to whom he will say it. The wise man does not want to look like the woman in the image for this paragraph. The lesson is when we are tempted to say something bad about someone, let's remember what Proverbs 12:18 says.
We must think before we speak and as the paragraph mentions, we must also fill our hearts with the knowledge of the word of God. We must avoid gossip and use our words with the intention of hurting others. We must remember that what we think and we feel shows what we think and feel.
Yes, he also mentions the proverbs that the tongue of the wise heals wounds, therefore we must maintain good relations with others, not being gossips or hurting other people with our words, I must rather be a source of wisdom and uplifting for other people .
A sister tells a gossip to other sisters in the congregation. Two of the sisters listen with interest while another thinks about what she is hearing.
Thinking before speaking helps us not to hurt others with our words. (See paragraph 17).
18. How does Proverbs 24:6 help us to be successful in the ministry?
It helps us because it gives us the wise advice that we should use all the tools that Jehovah makes available to us. He also gives us the advice to follow the instructions of the Jehovah's Organization if we want to be successful in the Ministry. So instead of preaching and teaching Bible truth our way. We must accept the guidance that Jehovah gives us through Christian meetings, publications and videos released by our organization, and presentations and speeches made by our brothers.
It also helps us to be good publishers because we have the tools we have the advice we have the school so why is such an important task for us if we use the instructions we use the tools we will be successful in at least attracting the attention of the person and achieving to listen to us or to start a conversation what is the purpose.
When we see the attitude of the 4 of them, we can notice a difference, one of the sisters is thinking about what is being said and that is important because someone could happen to us and talk to us about something and it is good that we think before speaking. It is better when listening to think about how we can change the conversation or we can say something positive and that is what the sister is seen to be doing.
And it also speaks a lot about ourselves because if we remember what Luke 6:45 says because a mouth speaks of what abounds in its heart then what we are expressing speaks of what is in our heart.
We see a brother who is making an effort to apply in his preaching the ideas for conversation that are presented on the site, without a doubt the slave's brothers think carefully about the needs that exist at this time so that we can be efficient in our service and still more because we have analyzed that people act foolishly with mockery with inexperience, therefore Jehovah enables us to be able to awaken that interest in the wisdom that Jehovah offers because Jehovah, like us, want to see what people benefit from his daily life.
A sister makes some notes while watching a video of a sample conversation from the midweek meeting. Next to her notebook she has some tracts and her phone with the JW Library app open.
Following the instructions of the organization helps us to improve our ministry. (See paragraph 18).
19. What do you think of the wisdom that Jehovah gives? (Proverbs 3:13-18).
I think we should be very grateful to Jehovah for the good advice found in the Bible. Although today we have only reviewed some practical advice from the book of Proverbs, we know that the entire Bible is pure wisdom that comes from Jehovah and that is why it can make us happy now and lead us to eternal life. Hence, we do not care what the world thinks of this wisdom.
I think that the person who has wisdom was Jehovah is happy, since he gets discernment, And this is a wealth greater than not the same and more precious than any other delight. So wisdom is a treasure. Who decided to accept this wisdom can develop the ability to use discernment and understanding of Jehovah what he gives through the Bible to solve or avoid problems, achieve his goals and help other people. Therefore, it is the best thing that can happen to a person.
Well, here you can see everything that we have analyzed, money does not bring happiness to do bad things less, so here they tell us that true happiness is obtained by acquiring wisdom, it is more valuable than many things than precious corals because it will give us a long time life is going to give us good advice on how in our life then we see that it is not necessary to follow the wisdom of this world.
Yes, it strikes me as is this instructive that Jehovah left us so that we can be really happy, unfortunately many of the people in the world currently think that they are happy but although they can have fun and feel a feeling similar to happiness for a moment at the end they return to the bitterness of their lives and we have the opportunity to not be happy just for a while but to be happy today and in the future forever.
How do we get true wisdom?
Firstly, recognizing Jehovah as the only source of true wisdom, then from there, then, we use everything that we come to know with a knowledge of the Most Holy and we do this based on or looking for everything that Jehovah has left us, which is the Bible and all the information that We have the organization and we have an impressive flow so we must read, meditate and put it into practice.
Since Jehovah is the only source of wisdom, we can obtain it by consulting the Bible and publications based on it.
Yes, when making important decisions, the truth is what we must do based on the knowledge of Jehovah.
Why do many turn a deaf hearing the voice of wisdom, and what are the consequences?
Some do it because they choose to remain inexperienced, others because they are mocking and get carried away by their own irreverent desires, and still others because they are foolish, think their way is right, and reject Jehovah and his standards. Those who decide to disobey Jehovah will bear the consequences of their conduct, it will bring them anguish, problems, and in the end destruction. On the other hand, those who listen to Jehovah's wise advice will live safe, and the terror of calamity will not steal Peace.
Many turn a deaf ear and prefer to reject Jehovah to live life with everything, however, as we learned, these people must bear the consequences of their behavior and sooner rather than later they will have problems, anguish and destruction if they do not side with Jehovah .
So to speak, they blind their eyes, they cover themselves, they do not want to hear and see, and many times it is because they think that the wisdom of the Bible is outdated or very restrictive, and sometimes even pride is what makes them think how they are going to let themselves be guided. According to such ancient sayings, they prefer to live their lives as they think to be more modern, so to speak, but how is it mentioned, because the consequences are there.
Well, because they prefer to lead a comfortable life, they like to do what they want, they do not want to learn from Jehovah's wisdom, some even live deceived by their religions or politicians who do not want to make changes and what will happen to their consequences because their bad decisions and their bad behavior and not listening to God's wisdom will bring anguish, problems and, ultimately, destruction.
What advice from the book of Proverbs do you find particularly helpful?
The book of Proverbs gives us advice that is valid at all times and that improves our lives if we apply it, but personally I really like Proverb 4:23 to protect our heart, because if we want to protect it we have to nourish it well by inventing ourselves every day from the word of Jehovah and exercising it regularly putting into practice what we learn from it.
Proverbs 23:4 and 5 has helped me to have a balanced point of view regarding wealth, not to be longing for more because I have also realized that material goods are easily lost so be content with what I have.
Proverb 4:23 urges us to protect our symbolic heart because it says that the sources of life spring from it and in paragraph number 15 we saw precisely how, just as we take care of a literal heart by eating healthy and exercising and avoiding bad habits, we can also In the same way, take care of our symbolic heart.
Proverbs 24:6 helps me remember the guidance I knew we have from Jehovah and how important it is to follow the instructions of the organization especially in the field of our preaching work and teaching the truth because with this I can remember that my way To lead the ministry is not what I want but to follow the instructions that come from Jehovah for a reason Jehovah makes an effort to give us those instructions so that we can put them into practice and then be successful.
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