Sunday, December 4, 2022

The Study Watchtower, "Article 40", Week of November 28 to December 4, 2022, "Many are brought to justice", Answers.

The Study Watchtower, «Article 40», 28-November-4-December 2022, “Many are brought to justice”, Answers.

"Those who bring many to justice will shine like the stars, forever and ever" (DAN. 12:3).

1. What exciting events await us during the Millennial Reign of Christ?

It will be exciting to see the resurrection here on earth of the "just" who will receive "a resurrection of life" and the "unjust" who are those who did not have enough opportunity to know Jehovah or serve him faithfully before they died, will receive "a resurrection of judgment." All of us who have lost loved ones want to see them again. And Jehovah wants it too. It will be wonderful to see the infinity of happy reunions there will be all over the Earth.


Yes, what is exciting is especially for those of us who live in this end time that our loved ones will most likely be the first to resurrect because we know that Jehovah God is a God of order in all aspects and the call clearly shows what it is possible for the resurrection starts with the faithful who died in the last days and goes back generation x generation back, which will allow us to meet the people and in turn the other generations already know the people who came before it, so that will be extraordinary and Jehovah God is a very loving God who considers these aspects as well.

Yes, it is reasonable from every point of view because if we imagine that the people who are resurrected in are going to have to be educated, it would not be appropriate for people who are totally unaware and by millions to be resurrected because no one is going to be able to attend and teach them, but it is different people that they have everything fresh, only the new rolls would need to understand but they would be educated and trained to teach the generations that go back and on the other hand it is to be expected because as the comment also says Jehovah is not a God of order but of peace and they have due time to resurrect spiritual people surely they will do the same here on earth.

Since they did not have enough opportunity to know Jehovah or to be able to serve him before death, well, they will receive a resurrection of judgment directly. 

2, 3. (a) As indicated by Isaiah 11:9, 10, what will be the greatest educational program in all history? 

For starters, the unrighteous will need to continue to gain knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom, ransom, and the universal issue of Jehovah's name and sovereignty. even the righteous will have to catch up with what Jehovah has been revealing about his purpose.


He said that the earth would be full of the knowledge of Jehovah and what nations turned to him for guidance and how this would be possible, the Unjust are going to have to learn from Jesus Christ of the Kingdom of the rescue of the universal question related to the name of Jehovah and his sovereignty but also, the just because the just will have to catch up with what Jehovah has been revealing about his purpose.

And well, these just also who died before the Bible was finished writing are obviously going to have to learn in detail everything that Jehovah's purposes are. 

2, 3. b) What will we analyze in this article?

In this article we will answer the following questions: How will this great educational program be carried out? What will happen to those who make the most of this program? And what will happen to those who don't?


4, 5. What does Daniel 12:1 say would happen at the end time?

For example, Daniel 12:1 says that Michael, who is Jesus Christ, "stands for" God's people. This part of the prophecy began to be fulfilled in 1914, when Jesus was named King of God's heavenly Kingdom.


Daniel was also told that Jesus would rise during "a time of trouble such as there will not have been since there began to be a nation until that time."

It is mentioned on 2 occasions when Miguel will stand up in favor of his people, the first was in 1914 when he was named King in heaven.

Well, the second time that he stands up in favor of Jehovah's people is during the time of anguish, which according to Matthew 24 is the great tribulation and we see that on this occasion Jesus now defends Jehovah's people during Armageddon, what is war final.

And we see that Revelation helps us understand the whole picture because it mentions that these people make up the great crowd that emerge victorious from this great tribulation situation.

And how extraordinary and reliable the word of God is because both Daniel and Jesus prophesied spoke of this period of anguish as a special time and also how encouraging it is to know that Michael will be defending us together with the 144,000 and also the Angels , so all this fuels our hope for the future.

6. What happens after the great crowd survives the great tribulation, and why do we say so? (See also in this magazine the article in the section "Questions from readers" that talks about the resurrection on Earth).

The prophecy speaks of a resurrection. But it is not a symbolic or spiritual resurrection of God's servants that occurs during the last days, as we understood it before. Rather, it refers to the resurrection that will take place in the new world.


If one reads chapter 17 of the book that talks about Daniel's prophecies, especially paragraphs 8 to 10, it talks about what it would be a spiritual resurrection, referring to people who have that hope, but now it is clear especially applying what Job 17 says: 16 when he speaks of the two things of dust and the grave as synonymous with the fact that he is not going to make a spiritual resurrection but is going to make a physical resolution that is going to affect people after surviving the great crowd at that time of anguish, so it is not a spiritual but a physical and literal resurrection that will take place in heaven.

It does say what will happen when the last days are over and after the battle of Armageddon.

There are two groups because it depends on how they act, they will be resurrected as it says here for eternal life or for humiliation and contempt, some will be destroyed and others not based on their actions.

What they do after if they obey the new rolls after that will make the judgment of them for life or death.

And now they have the opportunity to be taught thanks to Jehovah's great educational program in the new world and depending on how they respond to that program, either they will remain for eternal life or they will never be written in the book of life again or they will be destroyed. 

7. (a) In what sense will some be resurrected “to everlasting life”?

It means that those who are resurrected and come to know, or continue to know, and obey Jehovah and Jesus during the 1,000 years will eventually receive eternal life.

7. b) Why is this “a better resurrection”?

This will be "a better resurrection" than some humans have experienced in the past. Why? Because those imperfect human beings died again.


It's better than the resurrection that some humans had in the past because those died then it will be different.

We have the case of Lazarus, it was a resurrection that Jesus himself carried out, but Lazarus eventually died again because he continued to be an imperfect person, on the other hand, when he is resurrected in a thousand years, it will give him the possibility of living forever.

The same letter to the Hebrews when it mentions in verse 35 says there were women who recovered their dead relatives through the resurrection, men who were tortured because they refused to be released through some ransom and the point is that they did everything to in order to obtain a resurrection, so even though they died again they have the opportunity to have eternal life. 

8. In what sense will some be raised “to humiliation and everlasting contempt”?

Daniel's prophecy says that some will be raised "to humiliation and everlasting contempt." Because of their rebellious attitude, their names will not be in the book of life and they will not receive eternal life. based on what they do after their resurrection. Some will get eternal life, some will not.


In the sense that due to their way of acting, their attitude towards the things they must obey, if they become rebellious their names will not be in the book of life and therefore they will not receive eternal life.

On the other hand Daniel 12:2 that we have just seen focuses on the final result in what the resurrected will do after their resurrection.

They are inscribed in the book of life but this time with indelible ink.


9, 10. a) According to Daniel 12:3, what else will happen after the great tribulation?

The words of Jesus found in Matthew 13:43 help us to know this. He said: "At that time, the righteous will shine as bright as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father."

It says that they will shine in the kingdom of their father as bright as the sun. That is, it refers to the anointed brothers of Jesus who will rule together with him in heaven.

9, 10. (b) Who will “shine as bright as the sky”?

These words are addressed especially to “the sons of the Kingdom”, that is, their anointed brothers, who will rule with Jesus in the heavenly Kingdom.


How the children of the kingdom were commented, that is, the anointed brothers who are going to rule with Jesus in the heavenly kingdom, so there are these anointed brothers and Daniel 12:3 precisely refers to that work that they are going to do, the anointed brothers of Christ in the work that they are so important that they are going to do during the reign of a thousand years.

The work is going to do in favor of us because they have to help us get to know Jehovah perfectly to those who have not known him, so they have a wonderful job. 

11, 12. What work will the 144,000 do during the 1,000 years?

They will work closely with Jesus Christ in directing the educational program that will take place here on Earth for the next 1,000 years. They will help "heal the nations" by slowly bringing humanity to perfection.


The 144,000 will not only be Kings but also priests and will help to heal the nations making humanity gradually reach perfection.

The priest also had the function of teaching and took the lead in these aspects in teaching, so today the work of preaching the good news is directed is taken care of by the angels but the teaching that we have right here is from these few anointed who There is a governing body on earth, so now what role, what strength, what capacity will there be at that moment when the Kings-priests are those anointed from heaven, the strength and capacity to achieve this will really be magnificent.

Good will be those who are resurrected, those who survive Armageddon and the children who are born in the new world. 


Yes, it is the same illustration that we saw last week where they talked about the great education program, but now we are seeing how these 144,000 with Christ are directing this great education program that will be in the thousand years.

The same scene from the previous article seen from another angle. Jesus and the 144,000 observe from heaven the brother who is explaining to the resurrected the meaning of the image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream mentioned in chapter 2 of Daniel.

The 144,000 will work closely with Jesus Christ in directing the educational program that will take place for the 1,000 years. (See paragraph 11).


13, 14. What will all perfect people living on earth have to prove before receiving eternal life?

We can see in the case of Adam and Eve. They were perfect, but they had to prove their obedience to Jehovah to receive eternal life. As we have seen, at the end of the 1,000 years, everyone living on Earth will have achieved perfection. But those who have reached perfection will have to demonstrate the obedience that Adam and Eve did not demonstrate.

At the end of the thousand years when we all reach perfection, we will still have to demonstrate absolute obedience, the fact of being perfect does not guarantee that one will be obedient because there it explains that Adam and Eve were perfect, however they disobeyed Jehovah.

15, 16. (a) When will all humans have the opportunity to show their loyalty to Jehovah?

At the end of the 1,000 years, satan will be released from his confinement and will try to deceive the perfect human beings and they will have the opportunity to prove their loyalty to Jehovah during that test, since all of them will have to show which side they are on the related issue. with the name of God and his sovereignty.


At the end of the thousand years Satan will be released again and to deceive all perfect human beings but that is when we will see whose side we are on.

Revelation 20:7-10 | Well, there it shows us that once Satan has been released, what will his last chance be, let's say to drag as many people as possible, well, according to Revelation 20, verse 8 says that all those people who justly reject the government of Jehovah will to be like the sand of the bone sea that many people are going to do but well we just see the end that they will have for disobeying Jehovah.

Here he shows that what they do will determine if their names will be permanently written in the book of life. 

15, 16. b) What will be the final result of this test?

Revelation 20:15 tells us: "Those who were not inscribed in the book of life were thrown into the lake of fire." Which means, these rebels will be completely destroyed forever. However, most perfect human beings will pass the final test. Their names will be permanently written in the book of life.


Some will be like Adam and Eve and reject Jehovah's rule and these rebels will be completely destroyed forever.

It is interesting to note the comment made by the slave because perhaps it can frighten us to say that there will be as many as the sand of the sea if the number of people who are going to be rebellious, yes it is true that it may be that there are many interesting comments the slave is that the majority of perfect human beings are going to pass that final test and they are going to pass it successfully, for this reason it is clear that their names will no longer be written with a pencil but permanently in the book of life.


17. What was Daniel told would happen in our day? (Daniel 12:4, 8-10).

He told him: "True knowledge will become abundant." So God's people would better understand the prophecies in the book of Daniel. The angel added something else about the end time. He said: "The wicked will act wickedly and no wicked will understand."


And that knowledge would be abundant as Daniel 12:4 says, precisely at the time of the end because Daniel did not understand but the Angel told him keep these words secret and sealed the book until the time of the end and it is precisely now that the people, for example God better understands the prophecies of the book of Daniel, but contrary to the wicked who continue to act perversely and understands nothing.

That true knowledge will become abundant and we see this clearly not only in Daniel's prophecies but with others, so we have a wide knowledge and understanding.

And on the other hand, here it was also said that the wicked act perversely and no wicked will understand and it is what we see that the people who are really wicked do not pass this light to them.

We are privileged people that Jehovah has chosen us to be part of his people that, as the text of the book of Daniel 12:8 to 10 says here, that knowledge has purified us whitewashed refined through time through the years in which we are Witnesses of Jehovah and we try to do his will and the fact of knowing that Jehovah shares with us with his servants this sacred secret makes us understand and that we finally obey and do it with joy.

18. What will soon happen to the wicked?

Jesus will judge those who are like goats and separate them from those who are like sheep. Those wicked will not survive the great tribulation nor will they be resurrected to live in the new world. Their names will not be in the "book to remember," which is mentioned in Malachi 3:16.

Well Jesus will judge the goats and separate them from the sheep and the goats will not survive the great tribulation or rise to live in the new world, so they will not be in the book as Malachi 3:16 says.

19. What should we do now, and why? (Malachi 3:16-18).

Now is the time to show that we are not in the group of evil. And we must do it now because Jehovah is gathering those he considers his “special property” or his valuable possession.


And as Malachi said, we want to show that we fear Jehovah that we are not in the group of the wicked because it really is a great honor that he considers us a special property or a valuable position and that we definitely want to be in that group.

The apostle Paul explains in a new opportunity that when the thousand years are over, Jesus Christ surrenders the throne and places himself under the direction of Jehovah, he surrenders his throne to Jehovah, so what a privilege it is to become part of this group of people who are delivered Jehovah under his direct direction.

20. What final promise was made to Daniel, and why do you want it to be fulfilled?

The day is coming when all evil will disappear. After that, we will see how the promise that Jehovah made to Daniel will be fulfilled: “At the end of the days you will rise up to receive your part. and personally I also long to see my friends and family who are resting in death, that is why I am determined to do my best so that my name is permanently written in Jehovah's Book of Life.

And the promise that Jehovah made to him was that at the end of days you will get up to receive your part and because we want it to be fulfilled because it will be the moment where we also see our loved ones who have fallen asleep in death resurrect, so We will see him together with Daniel and we will enjoy all the adventures he had.


Daniel stayed in Babylon and how much he would have wanted to return and he tells him your part, well it will not be a small part, a flower of part it will surely be.

The prophet Daniel is in Paradise enjoying a meal with some friends.

It will be very exciting to see Daniel, our loved ones and many more rise up to receive their part in the new world.

How exciting it will be to see Daniel, our loved ones and many more rise up to receive their part in the new world! (See paragraph 20).


Daniel 12:1

For example, Daniel 12:1 says that Michael, who is Jesus Christ, "stands for" God's people. This part of the prophecy began to be fulfilled in 1914, when Jesus was named King of God's heavenly Kingdom.


When he says that he is standing in favor of the people, he says that the first part began in 1914 when Jesus Christ is enthroned in heaven and then he says that during the time of trouble he would stand up again defending his servants well this is when after from the great tribulation that Armageddon comes, there Jesus Christ will come out again in favor of his servants.

Daniel 12:2, 3

And those who were asleep in the dust would be the ones who are resurrected in the new world, that is, it is not a spiritual resurrection but a physical resurrection because we say this, because as we have seen, it puts dust and grave as a synonym and when grave is with you capital letter refers to the common grave of humanity and lower case is for the grave of common people, so we have now understood that this resolution will be after Armageddon.


And especially also verse 3 talks about those who are going to have insight and who will shine and also now the explanation has to do with the anointed ones the work that they are going to do during the 1000 years together with Christ so that all the work of education and so on is carried out successfully. 

Daniel 12:2 is talking about the end result for all the resurrected, based on what they do after their resurrection. Some will get eternal life, some will not.

Daniel 12:2 when it says that some will be resurrected “for eternal life” It means that those who are resurrected and come to know, or continue to know, and obey Jehovah and Jesus during the 1,000 years will finally receive eternal life.

Verse 3 mentions another thing that will happen after the great tribulation. "They will shine as bright as the sky."

Daniel 12:4, 8-10

"True knowledge will become abundant." So God's people would better understand the prophecies in the book of Daniel. The angel added something else about the end time. He said: "The wicked will act wickedly and no wicked will understand."


And Daniel talks about true knowledge that would be abundant, something that we today benefit from and are very proud to be a part of this true knowledge.

The wicked will absolutely not understand are those who have no practice and do not shine like the sun according to Daniel's prophecy. 

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