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"True wisdom screams in the streets, walks raising her voice in the squares" (PROV. 1:20).
1. How do many react to the voice of wisdom today? (Proverbs 1:20, 21).
Some prefer not to know what the Bible says.
Jehovah offers us all "True Wisdom" and then he does it through his word the Bible and publications, but we know that there are different versions as to whether to accept them or not. For example, some people gladly accept the wisdom of the Bible, while others prefer not to know what it says. Others laugh at us because they believe that it has become outdated and there are also those who criticize the moral norms that are in it and affirm that those who respect it are strict and intolerant.
And if we start to compare, it is precisely what the proverbs are saying because they do not want to pay attention, they do not listen, they mock, they laugh, precisely what they are saying, and others stop without knowing anything and follow their trajectory, what the proverbs are saying is a mirror of what is happening.
And in this world where there is so much talk about tolerance that many behaviors are already tolerated, all kinds of behaviors are considered intolerant to those of us who want to respect moral norms.
Even so, Jehovah continues to offer true wisdom to everyone equally since there are still people who accept our publications and, like Jehovah, that gives us joy.
According to what Proverbs chapter 1:20,21 says, true wisdom is available to everyone, because it is not something that hides, but rather goes out to look for people.
2. How can we find true wisdom today, but what do most people choose to do?
True wisdom is left to us by Jehovah and left in his word in the Bible.
We can find it in the Bible and publications. Although most people, well, they decide not to listen to it, if they don't listen to other people or trust themselves.
The fact that they do not want to accept that they do not hear the voice of the Bible does not mean that it is not within their reach, it is within their reach in more than 1000 languages, it means that today it is so close to us and with such ease that there is no excuse not to seek that true wisdom.
Those of us who read The Bible and Jehovah's Organization publications and put it into practice, know the benefits it brings us, however, most people choose to ignore the wisdom found in the Bible and, when making decisions, they prefer to trust themselves or listen to other human beings. In fact, they despise those of us who strive to obey what the Bible teaches.
3. What must we do to be truly wise?
What we must do is always make our decisions based on Jehovah's way of thinking, so we will always be able to consult the Bible and publications.
It is said that wisdom is putting knowledge into practice, so in order to be wise in the eyes of Jehovah, we must make decisions in our lives based on his word.
To be truly wise we must do what Proverbs 9:10 says, base ourselves on "The knowledge of the most high," or so to speak on Jehovah's way of thinking. For that, it is necessary that we consult the Bible and the publications that are based on it.
And at the end of the text in proverbs 2:5 to 7 it says that it is a shield for those who live with integrity, so it really belongs to the wise to fear Jehovah.
4. Why is Jehovah the only source of true wisdom?
First, because he is our creator and has unlimited knowledge of his creation, second, because all his actions reflect wisdom, and third, because his wise advice always benefits those who apply it.
Well, I wanted to comment on the words of Psalm 104:24 where it shows that everything on Earth has been made by Jehovah and he has done it with wisdom, so it is important that he is the one we have to turn to if we want to have practical wisdom.
Yes, Roman 16:27 tells us that Jehovah is the only one who is wise and that is why he is the source of true wisdom.
5. How have people fared for not recognizing that Jehovah is the source of true wisdom?
We are all witnesses of how the world is, it goes from bad to worse every day and has not improved at all, and what is more, people are unhappy and live a life without any hope.
People who live by their own principles or rely on their own wisdom, do not recognize Jehovah as the source of true wisdom, they are people who live unhappy, discontented, who have no real hope for the future. This result should not recognize, What Proverbs 21:30 says, that "any advice, wisdom and discernment that Jehovah opposes is completely worthless" so it is best to continue asking Jehovah to give us his true wisdom.
Well, we can verify it from what Proverbs 21:30 says that it is totally true that against Jehovah there is no wisdom or discernment or advice that is worth it and it is true that in this world we do not see that things are improving or that people are happier but rather quite the opposite and they don't even have hope.
6. According to Proverbs 1:22-25, who is deaf to hear the voice of true wisdom?
There are three classes of people who reject true wisdom: "The inexperienced", "The mockers" and "The fools".
7. Why do some choose to remain “inexperienced”?
The reason is because they have preferred to stay that way, they like to do what they want and do not want to learn what the Bible teaches and worse still obey its laws. As Proverbs 27:12 says, "The inexperienced see danger and press on," so they become ignorant on purpose.
Many think the same as the person mentioned in the paragraph, who went so far as to say that she practically did not care if her priest was cheating on her, since she believed that it was entirely the fault of the priests and not of the parishioners.
Well, because it is more comfortable for them, they like to do what they want and they do not want to learn what the Bible says or obey its laws, but the proverb says that this rebellion of the inexperienced wit will end up killing them.
The proverb mentions it speaks of naivety, the one who is naive believes everything they say, so it is the path that leads them to be easily deceived.
Jeremiah 5:31 says that the prophets prophesy lies and the priests use their authority to dominate others and we see what people normally do following the teachings of men but not the teachings of Jehovah which are the ones that have true value.
8. What will help us gain wisdom?
What will help us to obtain wisdom is putting Biblical principles into practice in our lives, since these help us make good decisions and avoid problems.
Psalms 19:7 says that the law of Jehovah is perfect, it makes the inexperienced wise, so Jehovah has given us his laws to help us act wisely, but whether we accept and apply them depends on us.
And once we have knowledge and understanding, if we want to acquire wisdom, what we have to do is put into practice what we know and understand.
If we are talking about practice, knowledge, that is why when we make our decisions, we have to ask ourselves beforehand why we have made them, because when we come to understand something that Jehovah wants to tell us, what moves us to put it into practice is our decisions, that is why when I go to Saying something is based on what wisdom has already applied to me in my life so that I can make that decision and be happy with that decision that I have made, it is also important to take this matter into account.
If Psalm 19:7 says that Jehovah's reminders are reliable and make the inexperienced wise, so the more we put into practice the biblical principles that he gives us in his word, it is clear that the more wisdom we will obtain and we will stop being inexperienced.
We can also do a self-examination from time to time and thus see if we are progressing or improving.
9. How do “the scoffers” show that they reject wisdom?
They demonstrate it with their attitude and with the rejection of Divine warnings, as the apostle Peter predicted, in 2 Peter 3:3,4, these mockers act according to their own desires and affirm that all things continue exactly as from the beginning of creation. Therefore this description fits with apostates and people who reject the wisdom of Jehovah.
Well, it is true how many times we have found ourselves in our service or in preaching this kind of mockers calling us ignorant or other bad words and it is frequent, but the Bible warns that in the last days there would be this kind of mockers.
And apart from the people that we can find in the territory, we must also take into account that these mocking words fit well with the attitude of apostates and people who reject Jehovah, therefore we have to be careful with that.
They do it by rejecting the warnings that Jehovah gives them and many even laugh at those who live according to Jehovah's principles, since they live their lives letting themselves be carried away by their own desires.
10. According to Psalm 1:1, what can we do to avoid falling into the error of mockers?
What we must do is follow the advice of this Psalm, "We must not sit with the scoffers," or so to speak avoid those who complain about everything. We should not listen to or read anything from the apostates because we are in danger of developing a critical spirit and beginning to doubt Jehovah and the instructions we received through his organization.
Well, as we have read, happy is the man who does not sit in the seat of the mockers and we do this by not associating them with those who complain about everything and listening or reading anything that may come from the apostates, since this would cause that they may that we begin to develop a critical spirit and doubt Jehovah and his organization.
And the paragraph helps us to do a self-examination, it says to ask ourselves if we have the habit of saying something negative whenever I receive new explanations or instructions and to correct this tendency we could ask ourselves these questions in a positive way, for example I have the habit of saying something positive whenever I receive a new explanation or instruction, I tend to look for virtues or good qualities in the brothers who direct us, so we will correct this tendency to be negative and Jehovah will be very happy with our service.
And it is true because sometimes if we want to look for defects in the organization we are going to find them because it is run by imperfect people, that is why we are going to look for that, we are going to find it, however if we are in the habit of looking for qualities and the efforts that the brothers make to give us what we need we will not listen to the apostates neither on television nor on the internet nor in any other media.
We should not associate with this type of people, therefore we should not listen or read anything that comes from the apostates. Nowadays, because technology has advanced, we can now find a lot of information with just one click, that is why we must be careful with what we see, because if we see something with apostate content it is as if we were sitting on the seats of mockers as mentioned in the Psalm cited in the paragraph.
11. How do “fools” view Jehovah's moral standards?
They refuse to live according to God's standards, they only trust themselves and their personal criteria, which is why they reject Jehovah and even go so far as to harshly criticize those who respect Biblical standards.
Well, they refuse to live according to God's moral laws and do what they think is right and many times they criticize us for respecting biblical norms but then they have nothing truly wise to say.
Fools do not respect, criticize harshly and refuse to live according to God's moral standards, as Proverbs 12:15 says "It seems to them that their way is correct", but the truth is, as the Bible "True wisdom is beyond the reach of the fool."
Proverbs 24:7 true wisdom is outside of them because they don't listen they think it's a waste of time and that's why they don't get to know the source of wisdom.
Important are the words of proverbs 14:7 says that we stay away from the foolish man because Jehovah we are seeing three qualities or three different classes of people where Jehovah does not accept them and what is clear is that the advice that Jehovah is giving us in each one of these classes is very clear and the main idea is that we do not accept being with these people, we do not approve of it either, and also that we move away.
Very nice from Proverbs 12:15 when it says to the fool it seems that his way is correct, the fools think that they have the power to decide if it will go well for them or it will go badly for them but nevertheless the Bible says but the wise accept their advice, we We know that accepting the advice of our creator is when we are wise and putting them into practice will do well in life.
And not only do they reject the wisdom of Jehovah but they reject Jehovah himself because it cannot go well for them. Psalm 53:1 mentions that the fool says in his heart there is no Jehovah, so they are rejecting him and his wisdom.
12. What will help us not to be like fools?
What will help us is to strengthen the love we feel for Jehovah and his laws every day, for example we can do this if we compare the results of being obedient with being disobedient and we will be able to see all the problems that are caused by rejecting God's advice.
If it will help us to listen to Jehovah as we saw in the text of Psalm 32:8 Jehovah makes us perceptive and teaches us the way we should go because he advises us when he sets his eyes on us, that is, because he wants the best for us and in 10 tells us that many are the pains of the wicked but he who trusts in Jehovah is surrounded by his loyal love, so if we do not trust in Jehovah it will go wrong for us.
And we will do much better if we learn to love his rules and his way of thinking and that will also strengthen our love for him and we will do better in life.
We must also look at all the problems that are sought by those who commit the foolishness of rejecting Jehovah's wise advice and think that if our life is better, it is because we are obedient to Jehovah, thinking about it will strengthen our resolution to obey all the advice that Jehovah gives us through his Organization.
13. Does Jehovah force us to follow his wise advice?
No, but if he notices everything that will happen to those who do not listen to him, since they will have to bear the consequences of their actions, since over time their way of living will only bring them problems and finally, instead the who listen to Jehovah will be able to live in safety.
Well, although it does offer that wisdom to all of us, what it does not do is force us to accept them, but if they explain to us that if we do not accept them, we are going as the proverbs say, we will bear the consequences of the conduct, if we disobey, then in the end we will have problems and those who We listen to it and apply it because as the proverbs say, we will also live safely.
And as it has been very well commented, Jehovah does not force us but it is a personal decision that we make, to follow what the wisdom of Jehovah is crying out in the streets or want to do things our way, that is a personal decision.
Proverbs 1:31 says that these "will bear the consequences of their conduct." On the other hand, to those who listen and obey his wise advice, Proverbs 1:33 says that "He will live safely, and the terror of calamity will not rob him of peace", which greatly encourages us to follow his wise advice. of the.
14, 15. What do we learn from Proverbs 4:23?
In Proverbs he encourages us to “Protect our hearts. Just as you have to follow certain steps to maintain a good physical heart, the same happens with our spiritual heart, which is why we must analyze the word of Jehovah daily, prepare for meetings, attend them and give our comments, also be constant in preaching and staying active in the Ministry.
Well, we learn that we have to protect our heart and how we do it our literal heart we can take care of it by eating healthy foods exercising and avoiding bad habits, we will take care of our symbolic heart by feeding ourselves on the word of Jehovah preparing ourselves by attending meetings well and participating in the field ministry by being as active as possible in serving Jehovah.
Yes from the paragraph it also mentions that apart from leading a healthy life with exercise and healthy food, it talked about avoiding bad habits and the paragraph at the end also mentioned this, that we should avoid anything that can contaminate our minds such as immoral entertainment and bad company. be physical or by what we see and hear.
And we must avoid bad habits that pollute our minds, such as immoral entertainment and bad company.
What we see in this illustration is the habit of regularly attending meetings and also participating during them.
Well, this brother was previously prepared, he has been studying the information and now he can participate in it and with his comment also strengthen the other brothers and with the preparation that he has done at home he has also strengthened himself.
A brother comments at the meeting.
Participating in meetings strengthens us spiritually. (See paragraph 15).
16. Why is the advice at Proverbs 23:4, 5 so practical today?
Because material wealth disappears from one moment to the next, it is easily lost. how this Proverbs says "To riches, wings like those of the eagle come out and they will fly through the sky". Contrary to that, true wisdom helps us to have a balanced view of money, not to worry too much, and to be content with what we have.
Material goods today can be easily lost, we are seeing the instability that exists at an economic level throughout the world and yet Jehovah's wisdom helps us to have a balanced point of view of money to get what is necessary to live but not be obsessed with winning it and worry too much or spend too much time on it.
Because today more than ever most people seem obsessed with getting money regardless of damaging more important things like their reputation or their relationship with others. So this text reminds us that money can be lost easily, so this is a trap and can lead us to greed.
And it's interesting that the paragraph says that both the rich and the poor are obsessed with making money because sometimes we think that it's the rich who may have a problem with money, but people who don't have it may as well, the problem lies in becoming obsessed or like Proverb 23 says in going out of your way for money to get riches.
The proverb 28:20 that says that the faithful man will receive many blessings, this reminds me of Matthew 6:33 but comes the part where we can see how this is, there it says that the one who wants to get rich suddenly will not be able to maintain his innocence, If we are obsessed with obtaining the favor of Jehovah, that is good, but if we are obsessed with being rich, there will come a time when we will not be able to maintain our faithfulness to Jehovah.
You can see a very humble family but we see that they are dressed, they have food, they have a house and above all we see that they are happy, they are happy because they can be seen worshiping Jehovah, they are looking at the Bible lesson book.
A family is out of their humble home. They all look happy. The mother cooks a simple meal on the fire. The father studies the book "Lessons I Learn from the Bible" with his two children.
Having a balanced opinion about money helps us to be happy with what we have. (See paragraph 16).
17. How can we acquire “the tongue of the wise,” mentioned at Proverbs 12:18?
For example, avoiding spreading gossip about the mistakes of others, because we must ensure that what we say heals instead of hurting, but for this we must fill our hearts with the knowledge of the word of Jehovah.
We can acquire "The tongue of the wise" by filling our hearts with the knowledge of God's word. That is why we must keep in mind that our words affect others, that is why we want to avoid gossiping about the faults of others, rather we want our words to heal a wounded heart, mend friendships and, in general, be refreshing to others.
It is also interesting what Proverbs 20:19 says, it is not only the gossip but also when we get together with those who enjoy gossip, so we have to take into account up to two aspects.
It is a way that heals the wounds of the brothers, of course, it does not come from gossip conversations or criticism of other brothers, but from a heart that is full of knowledge of the word of the Lord, as Luke 6:45 says, good people bring out good things. of his heart, so knowing the wisdom of Jehovah will fill that heart of ours with things that later when we talk with the brothers can heal them.
It is noticeable to this group of sisters that the 4 are listening because it is no longer a question of spreading gossip but of the one who listens, and then it seems that there is a conglomerate that Jehovah disapproves of, we must not gossip about our brothers and our sisters but also of not listening to what they say.
I also appreciate the sister who is leading the gossip, there are sisters with two super surprised faces, that is, they are giving her the encouragement to continue, but there is a sister who is really thinking with a serious face that she is probably not agreeing with.
A sister tells a gossip to other sisters in the congregation. Two of the sisters listen with interest while another thinks about what she is hearing.
Thinking before speaking helps us not to hurt others with our words. (See paragraph 17).
18. How does Proverbs 24:6 help us to be successful in the ministry?
This text helps us because it encourages us to follow the advice of the organization regarding the ministry, since it is the only way to be successful, that is why we receive wise guides in Christian meetings where you can learn a lot from the speeches and demonstrations what the brothers do to help us be more skillful in preaching.
Well, instead of taking the ministry our own way, we must try to follow the suggestions that are given to us and we receive this guidance in the meetings through the speeches and demonstrations that our brothers present based on the Bible and the publications and videos that we receive. gives the organization
In addition, the organization also gives us tools like publications and videos that help people understand the Bible.
Well, we see how this brother was watching a video of a presentation to do it and he is not only watching it but he is taking notes to be able to put it into practice in the ministry and he is not thinking well since I have a lot of experience I have been preaching for many years well I do it my way or as I have always done that has gone well for me, he wants to be up to date with the guidelines that the organization gives him and because that is true wisdom, we also want to imitate him.
A sister makes some notes while watching a video of a sample conversation from the midweek meeting. Next to her notebook she has some tracts and her phone with the JW Library app open.
Following the instructions of the organization helps us to improve our ministry. (See paragraph 18).
19. What do you think of the wisdom that Jehovah gives? (Proverbs 3:13-18).
Well, it is the only kind of wisdom that can bring us happiness and it is the only one that is lasting.
The wisdom that Jehovah gives us is immensely Superior, that is why Proverbs 3:13-18 when describing "The wisdom of Jehovah" highlights that it results in happiness, a treasure that we all desire. This makes me feel awe of Jehovah and appreciation for his wise counsel.
The truth is that, as the proverb says, it is a tree of life for those who cling to it, so we can feel very happy and grateful that Jehovah has provided us with this wisdom that is of no use to the world or ignores it or laughs at it. hers but for us it is life.
It helped us to know that the wisdom of Jehovah is the only one that can bring us happiness no matter how much the world says, in addition we have already seen the consequences it does not bring any benefit but what it is telling us in proverbs advises about other things but today we have been speaking of the wisdom of Jehovah which is the only one that can bring us happiness and brings us closer to him too.
Well, personally we are very grateful to Jehovah for this knowledge because in principle we are doing what he wants and it has also taken away a lot of suffering from a lot of negative things in the world, so we are grateful for this gift that Jehovah has given us. those of us who truly want to do his will.
How do we get true wisdom?
We obtain it by studying the Bible, the publications based on it, and above all, basing ourselves on them and consulting when making decisions.
Yes, because we obtain it through the Bible and the publications that are based on it and as we saw in proverb 9:10 Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the most holy is understanding.
We also gain wisdom by putting into practice what we learn from the Bible.
Why do many turn a deaf hearing the voice of wisdom, and what are the consequences?
Because many become deaf when hearing the voice of wisdom and what are the consequences, because they like to do what they want and do not want to learn what God says about it, and the consequences are that they remain deceived and end up having too many problems in their personal life, which can cause them much anguish and even the total disapproval of God, which would mean destruction.
Well, because they prefer to lead a comfortable life, they like to do what they want, they do not want to learn from Jehovah's wisdom, some even live deceived by their religions or politicians who do not want to make changes and what will happen to their consequences because their bad decisions and their bad behavior and not listening to God's wisdom will bring anguish, problems and, ultimately, destruction.
What advice from the book of Proverbs do you find particularly helpful?
The advice of Proverbs 23:4-5 where it reminds us to go after material things, because it is a serious mistake since they are things that can easily disappear. So instead of striving to achieve temporary things in this world, let's strive to achieve what is truly worthwhile.
Yes, Proverbs 4:23 seems very important to me when it says that more than anything else it protects your heart because the sources of life flow from it and that is that we do protect our symbolic heart by eating well by exercising because we are physically well, equally if we eat with the word of God and we follow the instructions of the organization the publications we will be spiritually strong in this way we protect our symbolic heart.
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