Sunday, December 4, 2022

Study of the Watchtower, "Many are brought to justice", Week of November 28 to December 4, 2022, Comments and Practical Answers.

Study From The Watchtower, 28-November-4-December 2022, "Many are brought to justice", Comments and Answers.

"Those who bring many to justice will shine like the stars, forever and ever" (DAN. 12:3).

1. What exciting events await us during the Millennial Reign of Christ?

Two very exciting events await us, the first is that the resurrection of the just who have their names written in the book of life so they will receive a resurrection of life, and also the resurrection of the unjust who did not have enough opportunity to know Jehovah or serving him faithfully before dying, so they will receive a resurrection of Judgment.

2, 3. (a) As indicated by Isaiah 11:9, 10, what will be the greatest educational program in all history? 

According to the note for this paragraph, the Bible indicates in 1 Corinthians 14:33 and 15:23 that the heavenly resurrection will have an order, which suggests that the earthly resurrection will take place in an orderly and progressive manner. If so, the resurrection will be in a regressive way, which makes it a very exciting event as people of each generation will have the opportunity to receive back to life who they knew personally. 


It will consist in the fact that the unjust will have to learn about Jesus Christ, about the Kingdom, about the ransom, and about the universal question related to the name of Jehovah and his sovereignty. While the righteous will also have to catch up with what Jehovah has been revealing about his purpose, since many died before the Bible was finished writing. 

Isaiah 11:9,10, exposes the reason why under the rule of the Messianic Kingdom there will finally be peace on earth, and that is that in time all human beings will have the exact knowledge of God and will obey him. Therefore, this knowledge will make all things new, so that humanity will come to live together with the rest of creation in unity, peace and security. 

According to Isaiah 11:9,10, this Education program will be under the guidance of Jesus Christ as a wise, strong, just and understanding Leader and at the end of his millennial reign the result of his work will be glorious because there will not be a single creature or anything that damages, destroys or alters the peace and harmony throughout the earth, since even the animals were peaceful. 

2, 3. b) What will we analyze in this article?

In this article we will answer: How will this great educational program be carried out? What will happen to those who make good use of this program? And what will happen to those who do not? To answer these questions we will analyze some prophecies beginning with Daniel 12:1,2, and its exciting events.


4, 5. What does Daniel 12:1 say would happen at the end time?

This prophecy describes the order in which some exciting events would occur at the end time. First of all, Michael who is Jesus Christ, stands on behalf of God's people, which he began to fulfill in 1914 when he was named king of God's heavenly kingdom. Second, Jesus will rise during a time of unequaled trouble, referencing the great tribulation mentioned in Matthew 24:2,1. Finally, it says that Jesus will defend the people of God towards the end of this time of anguish, referring to how the great crowd comes out of the great tribulation mentioned in Revelation 7:9,14.

6. What happens after the great crowd survives the great tribulation, and why do we say so? (See also in this magazine the article in the section "Questions from readers" that talks about the resurrection on Earth).

After the great crowd survives the great tribulation, the resurrection will take place in the world, in which those who are asleep in the dust of the earth will wake up, some to eternal life and others to eternal humiliation and contempt. We say or conclude this because Job 17:16 also speaks of dust and there it is used as a synonym for "the grave", which then indicates that Daniel 12:2 speaks of a literal resurrection that would occur when the last days end and after the battle of Armageddon.

According to the article in the section "Questions for readers" This resurrection is compared to people who want to live abroad. The Righteous are those who, in this case, receive a work or resident visa, which grants them certain rights and freedoms. While the righteous are the ones who will be given a temporary tourist visa so to speak. In which they will have to demonstrate that they meet the requirements to be a citizen of paradise. And this final decision for all the resurrected will depend on their fidelity and what they do in the new world. 

According to the asterisk for this paragraph, it was previously believed that Daniel 12:2 spoke of a spiritual resurrection, in which some would awaken spiritually first and others later during the time of the end, with the prospect of taking their place in heaven next to God. Jesus Christ. But those who do not accept this invitation and do not remain faithful, would have an awakening of humiliation and contempt. But now with this new understanding, we know that it is not a symbolic and not a literal resurrection, that it is not about the Anointed but about all the resurrected as paragraph 8 explains later, and that it would not occur at the time of the end but rather in the new world.

7. (a) In what sense will some be resurrected “to everlasting life”? 

In the sense that if at resurrection they come to know Jehovah and continue to gain this accurate knowledge and obey Jehovah and continue to gain this accurate knowledge and obey Jehovah and Jesus Christ for 1000 years they will finally receive eternal life.

7. b) Why is this “a better resurrection”?

It is better, since this resurrection in the new world gives the opportunity to live forever, while the imperfect humans who experienced a resurrection in the past lived again. 

8. In what sense will some be raised “to humiliation and everlasting contempt”?

The humiliation and contempt of which Daniel 12:2 speaks refers to the final result for all the resurrected, taking into account what they do after the resurrection. In this sense, the resurrection of humiliation and contempt will consist of eternal destruction for those who have a rebellious attitude towards Jehovah and his standard tastes, since this will prevent their names from being written in the book of life.


9, 10. a) According to Daniel 12:3, what else will happen after the great tribulation? 

What will happen is that the shrewd will shine as bright as in the sky, and those who carry justice will shine like the stars. The words of Jesus found in Matthew 13:43 help us to know this. He said: "At that time, the righteous will shine as bright as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father."

9, 10. (b) Who will “shine as bright as the sky”?

Jesus in the parable of the wheat and the weeds recorded in Matthew 13 43 gives us the key. Here he said that at that time the righteous will shine in his father's Kingdom as bright as the sun, and he was referring to his Anointed brothers, who ruled with him in the heavenly Kingdom. Therefore, Daniel 12:3 must refer to the Anointed and the work they do during the thousand-year reign.

11, 12. What work will the 144,000 do during the 1,000 years?

The Anointed will work closely with Jesus Christ and their job will be to direct the Education program that will take place here on earth for a thousand years. Where in addition to Kings they will also be priests, they will bring many to justice. In other words, during that time, they will make humanity little by little reach perfection.


The same scene from the previous article seen from another angle. Jesus and the 144,000 observe from heaven the brother who is explaining to the resurrected the meaning of the image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream mentioned in chapter 2 of Daniel.

The 144,000 will work closely with Jesus Christ in directing the educational program that will take place for the 1,000 years. (See paragraph 11).

The Anointed will work closely with Jesus Christ and their job will be to direct the Education program that will take place here on earth for a thousand years. Where in addition to Kings they will also be priests, they will bring many to justice. In other words, during that time, they will make humanity little by little reach perfection.


Among those many who are brought to justice, there are those who are resurrected, those who survive Armageddon and the children who are born in the new world, and although this process of perfection will take place little by little, Ending the thousand years, all those who live on earth will be perfect.


13, 14. What will all perfect people living on earth have to prove before receiving eternal life?

Since perfection by itself does not imply eternal life, They must demonstrate obedience and loyalty to Jehovah, and fully and forever support his rule. Only then will they receive eternal life.

15, 16. (a) When will all humans have the opportunity to show their loyalty to Jehovah? 

This opportunity will come at the end of the 1000 years when Satan has been released from his confinement to try to deceive the perfect human beings.

15, 16. b) What will be the final result of this test?

The final result of this test will determine in which name my book of life will be permanently written. So while Revelation 20:15 says that those who do not appear written in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire, because their rebellion will have led them to be destroyed forever, the vast majority of perfect humans will pass this final test and their Names will be written permanently in the book of life.


17. What was Daniel told would happen in our day? (Daniel 12:4, 8-10).

The Angel told Daniel that in the time of the end, knowledge would become abundant, so God's people would better understand the prophecies in the book of Daniel, but the Angel also said that at that time the wicked would act wickedly and no evil would understand.

18. What will soon happen to the wicked?

Very soon Jesus will judge those who are like goats and separate them from those who are sheep, and those wicked ones will not survive the great tribulation or rise to live in the new world because their names will not be in the book of life that is mentioned in Malachi 3:16.

19. What should we do now, and why? (Malachi 3:16-18).

Now is the time to show our emotion the group of evildoers, since he is going to be gathering it to us that he considers his special property or valuable possession.

20. What final promise was made to Daniel, and why do you want it to be fulfilled?

Jehovah promised Daniel that at the end of days he would raise him up so that he would receive his portion or reward. And personally I also want that promise to be fulfilled to see all my loved ones who have died when they are resurrected. That is why I strive to remain faithful so that my name is written in the book of life.


A brother is shown teaching Biblical prophecies to other brothers from different periods of human history, as part of the Education program that will take place on earth for 1000 years. Where the Anointed will work closely with Jesus Christ to direct him so that humanity reaches perfection. It is interesting that in the image technology is used as a support in this teaching or learning process, just as we do currently with the page or the JW library app.

The prophet Daniel is in Paradise enjoying a meal with some friends.

How exciting it will be to see Daniel, our loved ones and many more rise up to receive their part in the new world! (See paragraph 20).


Daniel 12:1

For example, Daniel 12:1 says that Michael, who is Jesus Christ, "stands for" God's people. This part of the prophecy began to be fulfilled in 1914, when Jesus was named King of God's heavenly Kingdom.

Daniel 12:2, 3

Daniel 12:2 is talking about the end result for all the resurrected, based on what they do after their resurrection. Some will get eternal life, some will not.

Daniel 12:2 when it says that some will rise "to eternal life"? It means that those who are resurrected and come to know, or continue to know, and obey Jehovah and Jesus during the 1,000 years will eventually receive eternal life (John 17:3).

Verse 3 mentions another thing that will happen after the great tribulation. "They will shine as bright as the sky."

Daniel 12:4, 8-10

"True knowledge will become abundant." So God's people would better understand the prophecies in the book of Daniel. The angel added something else about the end time. He said: "The wicked will act wickedly and no wicked will understand."

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