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"True wisdom screams in the streets, walks raising her voice in the squares" (PROV. 1:20).
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1. How do many react to the voice of wisdom today? (Proverbs 1:20, 21).
IN MANY places it was common to see happy Kingdom publishers on busy streets offering literature to the people. Have you ever participated in this interesting facet of the ministry? If you have, surely you have thought of a comparison found in the book of Proverbs, that of wisdom crying out in public for people to listen to her advice (read Proverbs 1:20, 21). The Bible and our publications contain “true wisdom”—the wisdom of Jehovah. That is just the information that people need to take the first step on the road to life. We love to see someone accept one of our posts. But not all people do.Some prefer not to know what the Bible says. Others laugh at us; They think the Bible is outdated. There are also those who criticize the moral norms of the Bible and affirm that those who respect them are strict and intolerant. Even so, lovingly Jehovah continues to offer true wisdom to all equally. How does he do it?
2. How can we find true wisdom today, but what do most people choose to do?
2 One way Jehovah makes true wisdom heard is through his Word, the Bible. This book is available to almost everyone. And what about our Bible-based publications? Thanks to Jehovah's blessing, they are available in more than 1,000 languages. Those who listen, that is, those who read the Bible and these publications, and put into practice what they learn, benefit. However, most people choose to ignore the voice of true wisdom. When they have to make decisions, they prefer to trust themselves or listen to other human beings. They may even look down on us because we want to obey what the Bible says.In this article we will talk about why people react like this. But first let's see how we can obtain the wisdom that comes from Jehovah.
3. What must we do to be truly wise?
3 Wisdom is the ability to use what we know to make good decisions. However, true wisdom implies something more. The Bible says: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Prov. 9:10). So when making important decisions we must base ourselves on "the knowledge of the Most Holy", that is, Jehovah's way of thinking. We can do this by consulting the Bible and publications based on it. If we do, we will show that we are truly wise (Prov. 2:5-7).
4. Why is Jehovah the only source of true wisdom?
4 Jehovah is the only source of true wisdom (Rom. 16:27). Why do we say it? First, because he is our Creator and has unlimited knowledge of his creation (Ps. 104:24). Second, because all of his actions reflect wisdom (Rom. 11:33). And, third, because his wise advice always benefits those who apply it (Prov. 2: 10-12). If we want to be truly wise, we must accept these three basic truths and let them guide our decisions and actions.
5. How have people fared for not recognizing that Jehovah is the source of true wisdom?
5 Many people we preach to acknowledge that the things they see in nature are beautifully designed, but deny there is a Creator and credit evolution. Others say they believe in God, but think that the biblical standards are outdated and prefer to live as they want. What was the result? Is the world getting better because people rely on their own wisdom and not God's? Are they really happy or do they have real hope for the future? Otherwise. What we see around us convinces us of this truth: “Against the Lord there is no wisdom, nor discernment, nor counsel of value” (Prov. 21:30). This motivates us to keep asking Jehovah to give us true wisdom. Unfortunately, most people don't. Why not?
6. According to Proverbs 1:22-25, who is deaf to hear the voice of true wisdom?
6 Many turn a deaf ear when true wisdom "screams through the streets." The Bible points out that there are three classes of people who reject wisdom: “the inexperienced,” “the mockers,” and “the fools” (read Proverbs 1:22-25). Let's take a closer look at why these people reject God's wisdom and what we can do to be different from them.
7. Why do some choose to remain “inexperienced”?
7 “The inexperienced” are the naive, those who are easily persuaded or deceived (Prov. 14:15, note). Many times we find people like this in the ministry. It is true that there are millions of people who have been deceived by their religious or political leaders. Some are greatly disappointed when they find out. But those mentioned in Proverbs 1:22 choose to remain inexperienced because they prefer to stay that way (Jer. 5:31). They like to do what they want and do not want to learn what the Bible says or obey its laws. Many are of the opinion of a very religious woman from Quebec, Canada, who told a Witness who visited her: “If our priest has deceived us, it is his fault, not ours.” It is clear that we do not want to imitate those who are ignorant on purpose (Prov. 1:32; 27:12).
8. What will help us gain wisdom?
8 Rightly so, the Bible encourages us not to remain inexperienced. Rather, he gives us this advice: “Become adults in your understanding” (1 Cor. 14:20). We gain wisdom by putting biblical principles into practice in our lives. Little by little we are seeing with our own eyes that these principles help us make good decisions and avoid problems.It is good that we do a self-examination to see how far we have progressed. For example, if you have been studying the Bible and attending meetings for a while but have not yet made a dedication to Jehovah or been baptized, you may wonder why you have not. Or, if you are already baptized, how far have you progressed in preaching and teaching the good news? Do your decisions show that you are guided by Bible principles? Do you treat others as Jesus would have? If we see that we can improve, let us heed Jehovah's reminders, which “make the inexperienced wise” (Ps. 19:7).
9. How do “the scoffers” show that they reject wisdom?
9 The second class of people who ignore God's wisdom are “the scoffers”. Sometimes we meet people like that in preaching. They love to make fun of others (Ps. 123:4). The Bible warned that in the last days there would be many mockers (2 Pet. 3:3, 4). Like the sons-in-law of righteous Lot, some people today do not heed God's warnings (Gen. 19:14). Many laugh at those who live according to Biblical principles. These mockers are carried away by "their own irreverent desires" (Jude 7, 17, 18). Isn't it true that what the Bible says about scoffers fits very well with the attitude of apostates and other people who reject Jehovah?
10. According to Psalm 1:1, what can we do to avoid falling into the error of mockers?
10 What can we do to avoid falling into the error of mockers? For example, not associate with those who complain about everything (read Psalm 1:1). This means that we do not hear or read anything that comes from apostates. If we are not careful, we could easily develop a critical spirit and begin to doubt Jehovah and the instructions we receive through his organization. In order not to fall into that, let's ask ourselves: “Do I have the habit of saying something negative whenever we receive new explanations or instructions? Do I tend to look for faults in the brothers who lead us? If we quickly correct these tendencies, Jehovah will be pleased with us (Prov. 3:34, 35).
11. How do “fools” view Jehovah's moral standards?
11 The third class of people who reject wisdom are "fools." They are called that because they refuse to live according to God's moral laws. They do what they think is right (Prov. 12:15). They reject Jehovah, the fountain of wisdom (Ps. 53:1). When we meet them preaching, they often harshly criticize us for following Bible standards , but they have nothing better to offer. The Bible says: “True wisdom is beyond the reach of the fool; he has nothing to say at the city gate” (Prov. 24:7). Fools have nothing truly wise to say. No wonder Jehovah warns us: “Keep away from the foolish man” (Prov. 14:7).
12. What will help us not to be like fools?
12 Unlike those who hate God's advice, we learn to love his way of thinking and all his laws. We can strengthen that love by comparing the results of being obedient with those of being disobedient. Let us look, on the one hand, at all the problems that those who commit the foolishness of rejecting Jehovah's wise advice seek for themselves. And, on the other hand, let us think that our life is better for obeying God (Ps. 32:8, 10).
13. Does Jehovah force us to follow his wise advice?
13 Jehovah offers wisdom to everyone, but he does not force anyone to accept it. Of course, he explains what will happen to those who do not pay attention to his wisdom (Prov. 1: 29-32). Those who choose to disobey Jehovah “will bear the consequences of his conduct.” Over time, their way of living will only bring them heartbreak and trouble, and ultimately destruction. On the other hand, those who listen to Jehovah's wise advice and apply it receive this promise: "He who listens to me will live in safety, the terror of calamity will not rob him of peace" (Prov. 1:33).
14, 15. What do we learn from Proverbs 4:23?
14 Living according to God's wisdom always benefits us . As we have seen, Jehovah makes his wise advice available to all of us. For example, in the pages of the book of Proverbs, he gives us advice that is valid in all times and that improves our lives if we apply it. Let's examine just four of those sage tips.
15 Let us protect our symbolic heart. The Bible says: “More than anything else, protect your heart, for from it flow the springs of life” (Prov. 4:23). Let's think about what it takes to take care of our literal heart. We must eat healthy food, get enough exercise and avoid bad habits. Something similar must be done to take care of our symbolic heart. We must feed ourselves every day on the Word of God. We also need to prepare for, attend, and participate in Christian meetings. In addition, we remain active in the ministry. And we avoid bad habits by turning away from anything that can contaminate our mind, such as immoral entertainment and bad company.
A brother comments at the meeting.
Participating in meetings strengthens us spiritually. (See paragraph 15).
16. Why is the advice at Proverbs 23:4, 5 so practical today?
16 Let's be happy with what we have. The Bible gives this advice: “Do not spend your lives getting riches. […] When you set eyes on them, they disappear, for without fail they will grow wings like an eagle's and fly away through the sky” (Prov. 23:4, 5). Material goods can be easily lost. Even so, today both rich and poor are obsessed with making money. Often, that concern leads them to behave in ways that damage their reputation, their relationships with others, and even their health (Prov. 28:20; 1 Tim. 6:9, 10). On the other hand, wisdom helps us to have a balanced view of money. That protects us from covetousness and helps us to be content with what we have and to be happy (Eccl. 7:12).
A family is out of their humble home. They all look happy. The mother cooks a simple meal on the fire. The father studies the book "Lessons I Learn from the Bible" with his two children.
Having a balanced opinion about money helps us to be happy with what we have. (See paragraph 16).
17. How can we acquire “the tongue of the wise,” mentioned at Proverbs 12:18?
Let 's think before we speak. If we are not careful, we can do a lot of damage with what we say. The Bible notes: “Words spoken without thinking are like the blows of a sword, but the tongue of the wise heals wounds” (Prov. 12:18). If we avoid gossiping about the faults of others, we will maintain good relations with others (Prov. 20:19). In order for what we say to heal instead of hurt, we must fill our hearts with the knowledge of God's Word (Luke 6:45). When we meditate on the advice of the Bible, our words can become like a source of refreshing wisdom for others (Prov. 18:4).
A sister tells a gossip to other sisters in the congregation. Two of the sisters listen with interest while another thinks about what she is hearing.
Thinking before speaking helps us not to hurt others with our words. (See paragraph 17).
18. How does Proverbs 24:6 help us to be successful in the ministry?
18 Let's follow the organization's instructions. The Bible gives this practical advice: “You will wage your war with wise guidance; with many advisers there is success” (Prov. 24:6, notes). Let's think about how applying this principle helps us to be successful in our work of preaching and teaching the truth. Instead of carrying out the ministry in our own way, we try to follow the suggestions that are given to us. We receive wise guidance at Christian meetings, where we can learn much from Bible-based talks and demonstrations given by our brothers. In addition, Jehovah's organization gives us publications and videos that help people understand the Bible. Have you learned to use these tools well?
A sister makes some notes while watching a video of a sample conversation from the midweek meeting. Next to her notebook she has some tracts and her phone with the JW Library app open.
Following the instructions of the organization helps us to improve our ministry. (See paragraph 18).
19. What do you think of the wisdom that Jehovah gives? (Proverbs 3:13-18).
19 (Read Proverbs 3:13-18). How we appreciate the good advice found in God's Word! What would we do without them? In this article, we have reviewed examples of practical wisdom from the book of Proverbs. Of course, Jehovah also gives wise advice in the rest of the Scriptures. Let us always be determined to follow the wisdom of God. What the world thinks of that wisdom does not concern us. We are convinced that "those who cling to it will be called happy."
How do we get true wisdom?
One way to gain true wisdom is through his Word, the Bible.
Also when making important decisions we must base ourselves on "the knowledge of the Most Holy", that is, Jehovah's way of thinking. We can do this by consulting the Bible and publications based on it.
Why do many turn a deaf hearing the voice of wisdom, and what are the consequences?
Because they like to do what they want and do not want to learn what the Bible says or obey its laws and over time, their way of living will only bring them anguish and problems, and ultimately destruction.
What advice from the book of Proverbs do you find particularly helpful?
In Proverbs. 23:4, 5, we see that material goods can easily be lost. Even so, today both rich and poor are obsessed with making money. Often, that concern can lead us to behave in ways that damage our reputation, our relationships with others, and even our health.
Also in Proverbs. 24:6, we can think about how to apply this principle as it helps us to be successful in our work of preaching and teaching the truth. Instead of carrying out the ministry in our own way, we try to follow the suggestions that are given to us. We receive wise guidance at Christian meetings, where we can learn much from Bible-based talks and demonstrations given by our brothers.
To better understand Proverbs. 4:23, we can think of an example of eating healthy food, getting enough exercise, and avoiding bad habits. Something similar must be done to take care of our symbolic heart. We must feed ourselves every day on the Word of God.
We also need to prepare for, attend, and participate in Christian meetings.
In addition, we remain active in the ministry. And we avoid bad habits by turning away from anything that can contaminate our mind, such as immoral entertainment and bad company.
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