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"Happy are those who are upright [...], those who walk according to the law of Jehovah" (SAL. 119:1, note).
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1, 2. (a) What have some governments done against Jehovah's servants, and how have our brothers reacted? b) Why can we be happy even when we are persecuted? (Comment on the cover photos, too.)
Our work is currently restricted or banned in over 30 countries and territories. a). In some of those places, the authorities have imprisoned our brothers and sisters. For what reason? For Jehovah they have done nothing wrong. All they have done is read and study the Bible, tell others about their beliefs, and attend meetings with their fellow Christians. They have also refused to take sides on political issues. But, despite fierce opposition, a). These faithful servants of God have been upright and have shown unwavering devotion to Jehovah, and they are happy about it.
2 Surely you have seen photos of some of these brave Witnesses and noticed their smiles. They are happy because they know that Jehovah is pleased with them for keeping their integrity (1 Chron. 29:17a). Jesus said: “Happy are those who have been persecuted for the sake of justice […]. b). Be happy and radiant with joy, for your reward is great” (Matt. 5:10-12).
Some of our brave brothers and sisters who have been or are imprisoned for being loyal to Jehovah's Sovereignty. (See paragraphs 1 and 2).
3. According to Acts 4:19, 20, what did the apostles do in the face of persecution, and why?
3 Our brothers are going through a situation similar to the one experienced by the apostles in the first century when they were persecuted for preaching about Jesus. On several occasions, the judges of the Jewish high court “ordered them to stop speaking in the name of Jesus” (Acts 4:18; 5:27, 28, 40). What did the apostles do? (Read Acts 4:19, 20.) They knew that someone with more authority had ordered them to preach to the people and give a complete testimony about the Christ (Acts 10:42). So Peter and John, speaking for all the apostles, boldly told them that they would not obey them, but God, and affirmed that they would not stop talking about Jesus.It was as if they were asking those judges: “How dare you? Do you really think you have more authority than God?
4. As shown at Acts 5:27-29, what example did the apostles set for all true Christians, and how can we follow it?
4 The apostles set an excellent example that all true Christians have followed ever since: “obey God as ruler rather than men” (read Acts 5:27-29). After being beaten for their integrity, they walked out from before the Jewish high court “happy that God had counted them worthy to suffer dishonor for the name of Jesus,” and continued to preach (Acts 5:40-42).
Series of images: 1. The apostles Peter and John speak before the Sanhedrin. 2. In court, a brother speaks before the judge.
Peter and John set a good example for Christians today who have to defend their faith in court. (See paragraphs 3 and 4).
5. What questions do we have to answer?
5 The model that the apostles left us raises some questions. For example, how did your decision to obey God rather than man fit in with the biblical command to submit to “higher authorities”? (Rom. 13:1). And how can we be “obedient to governments and authorities”, as the apostle Paul said, and at the same time be upright in the eyes of God, who is our supreme ruler? (Titus 3:1).
6. (a) Who are the “higher authorities” mentioned at Romans 13:1, and what obligation do we have to them? b) What is the truth about all human rulers?
6 (Read Romans 13:1). In this verse, the expression “the higher authorities” a). refers to human rulers who have power and authority over other people. Christians must obey these rulers. They maintain public order, enforce the law, and sometimes even defend Jehovah's people (Rev. 12:16). That is why we are commanded to give them the taxes, tributes, fear and honor they ask for (Rom. 13:7). b). Now these governments have authority only because Jehovah allows them to.Jesus made this truth clear when the Roman governor Pontius Pilate was questioning him. When Pilate told him that he had the authority to spare his life or to execute him, Jesus replied, "You would have no authority over me if it had not been given to you from above" (John 19:11). Like Pilate, all rulers and politicians today have limited authority.
7. In what situations should we not obey human rulers, and what do they have to know?
7 Christians obey rulers when their laws do not contradict Jehovah's laws. But when they ask us to do something God forbids or forbid us to do something God wants us to do, we don't obey them. For example, they may require young people to join their country's armed forces. Or they may ban our Bible and our publications, as well as preaching and meeting. When rulers abuse their authority, for example by persecuting Christ's disciples, they have to give an account to God. Jehovah is watching you! (Eccl. 5:8).
8. What is the difference between superior and supreme, and what does this matter?
8 The word superior conveys the idea of something that is better or greater than something else, or that is above it. But it does not mean that this is the best, the greatest or what is above all. This last idea relates rather to another word: supreme . Although human governments are called “the higher authorities”, there is another authority that is supreme, that is, it is above everything. In the Bible it is said four times that Jehovah is the Supreme (Dan. 7:18, 22, 25, 27).
9. What did the prophet Daniel see in visions?
9 The prophet Daniel had visions that made it clear that Jehovah is far above all other authorities. He first saw four huge beasts representing world powers past and present: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, and the United Kingdom-United States power that rules today (Dan. 7: 1-3, 17). Later, Daniel saw Jehovah sitting on a throne in the heavenly court (Dan. 7:9, 10). What that faithful prophet saw next is a warning to the rulers of our day.
10. According to Daniel 7:13, 14, 27, to whom does Jehovah give authority on earth, and what does this tell us about him?
10 (Read Daniel 7:13, 14, 27). Daniel sees that God takes all authority away from human governments and gives it to those who are most deserving and powerful. to whom? To “someone like a son of man,” Jesus Christ, and to “the saints of the Supreme One,” the 144,000, who will rule “forever and ever” (Dan. 7:18). It is clear that Jehovah is the Supreme, since only he has the authority to do something like that.
11. What else did Daniel write that shows that Jehovah is far above the nations?
11 What Daniel saw in that vision confirms something he had already said before. The prophet said that the “God of heaven . . . removes kings and sets up kings.” And he added that “the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that he gives it to whomever he wants” (Dan. 2:19-21; 4:17). Has Jehovah ever removed or set up kings? Of course yes.
12. Give an example of how Jehovah removed kings in the past. (See drawing).
12 Jehovah has clearly demonstrated that he is far above “the higher authorities.” Let's look at three examples. Pharaoh of Egypt enslaved Jehovah's people, repeatedly refusing to set them free. But God delivered them and drowned Pharaoh in the Red Sea (Ex. 14:26-28; Ps. 136:15). King Belshazzar of Babylon held a banquet and defied “the Lord of heaven” and praised “gods of silver and gold” instead of Jehovah (Dan. 5:22, 23). But God humbled that arrogant man. "That same night" Belshazzar was killed, and his kingdom was given to the Medes and Persians (Dan. 5:28, 30, 31).King Herod Agrippa I of Palestine killed the Apostle James and then imprisoned the Apostle Peter with the intention of eliminating him. But God prevented him from carrying out his plan. “The angel of the LORD made him sick,” and Herod died (Acts 12:1-5, 21-23).
King Belshazzar and his guests look in amazement at what is written on the wall.
Jehovah took the kingdom from Belshazzar and gave it to the Medes and Persians. (See paragraph 12).
13. Give an example of how Jehovah defeated entire coalitions of rulers.
13 Jehovah has also shown that he is far above entire coalitions of rulers. He fought for the Israelites and helped them break an alliance of 31 Canaanite kings and conquer a large part of the Promised Land (Joshua 11:4-6, 20; 12:1, 7, 24). He also dealt a fatal blow to King Ben-Hadad and 32 other Syrian kings who went to fight Israel (1 Kings 20:1, 26-29).
14, 15. (a) What did King Nebuchadnezzar and King Darius say about Jehovah's sovereignty? (b) What did a psalm writer say about Jehovah and his nation?
14 Jehovah has shown time and again that he is the Supreme. When another king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, boasted of his own strength and power and the glory of his majesty instead of humbly acknowledging that Jehovah alone deserves praise, God caused him to go mad. After coming to his senses, a). Nebuchadnezzar praised the Most High and recognized that Jehovah's dominion is eternal. And he added that there is no one who can prevent him from acting (Dan. 4:30, 33-35).After Daniel's integrity was tested and Jehovah rescued him from the lions' den, King Darius issued the following command: “People in every corner of my kingdom should tremble with fear before the God of Daniel. Because he is the living God and he remains forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed and his sovereignty is eternal ”(Dan. 6: 7-10, 19-22, 26, note, 27).
15 A psalm writer said: “Jehovah has caused the wicked projects of the nations to fail; he has thwarted the plans of the peoples”. And he added: “Happy the nation that has Jehovah for God, the people he has chosen as his own property!” (Ps. 33:10, 12). What a good reason to be upright in Jehovah's eyes!
16. What can we be sure of, and why? (See drawing).
16 We have already seen what Jehovah did in the past. So what do we expect to happen in the near future? We can be sure that Jehovah will save his loyal servants during the “great tribulation” (Matt. 24:21; Dan. 12:1). He will do so when a worldwide coalition or group of nations—Gog of Magog—launches a savage attack on Jehovah's faithful servants. Even if that coalition is made up of all 193 members of the United Nations, it will be no match for the Supreme and the heavenly armies of him. Jehovah promises: “I will without fail magnify myself, sanctify myself, and make myself known in the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah” (Ezek. 38:14-16, 23; Ps. 46:10).
Jehovah's heavenly armies on white horses attack armed men on earth.
The coalition of nations will be no match for Jehovah's heavenly armies. (See paragraphs 16 and 17).
17. What awaits the kings of the Earth, and what will happen to those who are upright?
17 Gog's attack will unleash the final confrontation of Armageddon, in which Jehovah will destroy “the kings of all the inhabited earth ” (Rev. 16:14, 16; 19:19-21). Instead, “only the upright will live on earth and only the upright will continue on it ” (Prov. 2:21, note).
18. What have many true Christians been willing to do, and why? (Daniel 3:28).
18 Throughout history, many true Christians have risked their freedom and even their lives for the sake of Jehovah , their Sovereign King. They are as determined to be upright as the three Hebrews who were saved from dying in the fiery furnace for remaining faithful to the Supreme (read Daniel 3:28).
19. On what basis will Jehovah judge his servants, and what should we do now?
19 The psalmist David knew how important it is to be upright in God's eyes. He wrote: “Jehovah will sentence the peoples. Judge me, O Jehovah, according to my righteousness, according to my integrity ”(Ps. 7:8). And he also said: “ May integrity and righteousness protect me ” (Ps. 25:21). The best way to live is by being faithful to Jehovah, without violating our loyalty, no matter what. Thus, we will feel like the psalmist who wrote: "Happy are those who are upright [...], those who walk according to the law of Jehovah" (Ps. 119:1, note).
What example did the apostles leave us?
They left us an excellent example, and that is that despite all the mistreatment they put us through, we have to obey God as ruler rather than men, and we must maintain that integrity even if our lives are in danger.
On what does our obedience to “higher authorities” depend?
This will depend on whether their laws do not contradict the laws of Jehovah. For example, if they ask us to do something that is prohibited, or on the contrary, they prohibit us from doing something that Jehovah asks us to do, in these cases we will not obey.
How has Jehovah shown that he is Supreme?
Because Jehovah is the only one who can take away the authority that he has already given and give it to others, just as he did in the past when he removed and put Kings.
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