Saturday, December 3, 2022

DAILY TEXT, Today Sunday December 4, 2022, You will be fishing for men (Luc. 5:10).

DAILY TEXT, Sunday December 4, You will be fishing for men (Luc. 5:10).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022

Sunday December 4

You will be fishing for men (Luke 5:10).

Fish tend to be in areas where the water conditions are best for them and where there is enough food. And does it matter what time the fishermen go out to do their work? Consider the conversation between a brother from a Pacific island and a missionary. The brother invited him to go fishing and the missionary told him: "See you tomorrow at nine in the morning." But the brother replied: “It doesn't work like that. The time depends on the fish, not on us." Similarly, the first-century fishers of men went out to fish at the times and in the places where they were most likely to find fish. For example, Jesus' disciples preached in the temple, in synagogues, from house to house, and in the marketplace (Acts 5:42; 17:17; 18:4). We also have to know well the customs of the people who live in the area where we preach. We must be flexible and fish where and when we are most likely to find people (1 Cor. 9:19-23). w20.09 4 pars. 8, 9.

What will help us to be disciplined?

Human beings are not disciplined by nature. On the contrary, we tend to follow the law of least effort. To be disciplined you need self-control. So if we want to be able to do the things that are difficult for us to do, we need help. And Jehovah gives us that help through his holy spirit (Gal. 5:22, 23).

In 1 Corinthians 9:25-27, what did Paul say he had to do to be disciplined?

The apostle Paul was a disciplined person, but he admitted that he had to "beat" his body to do the right thing (read 1 Corinthians 9:25-27). He commanded Christians to be disciplined and to do “everything in a dignified and orderly manner” (1 Cor. 14:40). This is what it takes to maintain a good program of spiritual activities that includes regular participation in this symbolic fishing (Acts 2:46).

What do we have to do to make Jehovah happy with our work?

A fisherman measures his success by the number of fish he catches. But we don't measure our success by the number of people we bring into God's organization (Luke 8:11-15). If we continue to preach the good news and teach others, Jehovah will be pleased with our work. Why? Because we are obeying him and his Son (Mark 13:10; Acts 5:28, 29).

What special motive do we have for preaching now?

In some countries, fishing is only allowed during certain months of the year. As the season draws to a close, the fishermen know that their work is becoming more urgent. In our case, we have an additional reason to preach now: that the end of this system is fast approaching. There is very little time left to participate in this life-saving work. Do not think that to collaborate in this important work you have to wait until you have the ideal circumstances (Eccl. 11:4).

This is the time to strengthen your motivation, to increase your knowledge of the Bible, to be courageous and to learn to be disciplined. He joins the more than eight million fishers of men throughout the earth, and he will feel "the happiness that comes from Jehovah" (Neh. 8:10). Make up your mind to participate fully in this work until Jehovah says enough is enough. In the following article, we will discuss three ways to strengthen our desire to continue preaching the good news of the Kingdom.

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