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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022
Monday December 19
Let us love with facts and truth (1 John 3:18).
Do we defend our spiritual sisters when they need it? Suppose several brothers notice that a Christian woman with a non-Witness husband is often late for meetings and leaves as soon as they are over. Also, she almost never takes her children. So they start criticizing her and wondering why she doesn't get tougher with her husband. But the reality is that she is doing everything she can. She does not have complete control over her schedule and she also does not have the final say in making decisions about her children. If we compliment her on what she is doing and tell others about it, we may put an end to the criticism. The elders know that Jehovah notices how the sisters are treated (Jas. 1:27). Therefore, like Jesus, they are reasonable and do not create rules when it would be best to make an exception (Matt. 15:22-28). When you look for ways to help them, you make them feel cared for. w20.09 24, 25 pars. 17-19.
What job did Jesus give some women?
Jesus entrusted some women with important tasks. For example, the first people to witness his resurrection were faithful women. He charged them to tell the apostles that he had risen (Matt. 28:5, 9, 10). And, on Pentecost 33 AD, when the holy spirit was poured out, there were most likely women present. If so, these newly anointed Christians may have received the miraculous gift of “speaking the magnificent things of God” in different languages (Acts 1:14; 2:2-4, 11).
How do Christian women serve Jehovah today? And how can we show them that we appreciate everything they do?
The sisters deserve thanks for all they do in their service to Jehovah. Among other things, they participate in the construction and maintenance of buildings, support groups in other languages, and volunteer at Bethel. They are also involved in relief work and in translating literature, and are pioneers and missionaries. And, like the brothers, they attend the school of precursors, the school of evangelizers and Gilead. On the other hand, there are married sisters who help her husband attend to great responsibilities in the congregation and in the organization. If it were not for their support, these men, who are "as gifts," could not do their work so fully (Eph. 4:8). Can we think of ways to support our sisters in all they do in their service to Jehovah?
In view of what Psalm 68:11 says, what do good old men do?
Good elders know that the sisters are “a great army” ready to work and that many of them are among the best preachers of the good news.—Read Psalm 68:11. So the elders look for ways to take advantage of their experience. Abigail, mentioned above, is encouraged when her siblings ask her what methods work for her when it comes to starting conversations. She says: “That helps me see that Jehovah has given me a place in his organization.” The elders are also aware that faithful and mature sisters can greatly help younger sisters with their problems (Titus 2:3-5). It is clear that our sisters deserve all our gratitude and affection.
In what situations might the sisters need to be defended and helped?
In certain situations, some sisters may need someone to defend and help them (Is. 1:17). For example, a sister who is widowed or divorced may need someone to speak for her or help her with some of the chores that her husband used to do. An elderly sister may need help talking to the doctors. And a pioneer who helps the organization in other ways may need someone to defend her if she is criticized for not preaching as much as her other pioneers. What can we do for them? Let's go back to the example of Jesus.
According to Mark 14:3-9, how did Jesus defend Mary?
Jesus did not hesitate to speak for his spiritual sisters when they were misunderstood. For example, he defended Mary when Martha criticized her (Luke 10:38-42). And so did he when others rebuked her because they thought she had done something wrong (read Mark 14:3-9). Jesus knew why he had done it. He so praised her with these words: “She has done a very good thing for me. [...] She did what she could”. In fact, he even prophesied: “Throughout the world, wherever the good news is preached, what this woman did will also be told.” And that is just what this article is doing here. How reassuring this must have been to Maria! And how nice that Jesus related her generosity with the reach preaching world.
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