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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022
Monday December 26
Do everything in a dignified and orderly manner (1 Cor. 14:40).
If it were not clear who has the authority, chaos would reign and no one would be happy. For example, no one would know who has the last word in making decisions or who should take the initiative in carrying them out. If the principle of authority established by God is such a good thing, why do so many women feel oppressed? Because many men ignore Jehovah's principles for the family and prefer to follow local customs and traditions. It may also be that they treat their wives badly to satisfy some selfish desire. For example, a man may dominate his wife to feel more important or to show that he is "a real man." Perhaps he thinks that although he can't force his wife to love him, he can make her fear him. Some use that fear to control their wives. It is clear that this way of thinking and acting robs women of the dignity and respect they deserve. And, furthermore, it is totally against what Jehovah wants (Eph. 5:25, 28). w21.02 3 pars. 6, 7.
How can a man learn to be a good family head?
A man can learn to be a good householder by imitating the way Jehovah and Jesus exercise authority over him. Let's look at two of the qualities they display and see how householders can put them into practice when dealing with their spouse and children.
How does Jehovah show humility?
Humility. Jehovah is the wisest being that exists and, even so, he listens to the opinion of his servants (Gen. 18:23, 24, 32). He has even allowed suggestions from those under his authority (1 Kings 22:19-22). Although he is perfect, he doesn't expect us to be. Rather, he helps his servants, however imperfect, to do well (Ps. 113:6, 7). In fact, in the Bible, David told him, “You are the one who helps me” (Ps. 27:9; Heb. 13:6). He knew that everything he did he achieved only because Jehovah is humble and helped him (2 Sam. 22:36).
How did Jesus show humility?
Let's look at the example of Jesus. Although he was "Teacher and Lord" of his disciples, he was willing to wash their feet. What is one reason Jehovah wanted this account to be in the Bible? Without a doubt, it was to give a lesson in humility to all of us, including the heads of families. Jesus said: “I have given you an example so that you should do the same thing that I did to you” (John 13:12-17). Although he had a lot of authority, he did not expect them to serve him, but he served others (Matt. 20:28).
What does the humble example of Jehovah and Jesus teach householders?
What do we learn? A householder can show humility in many ways. For example, he doesn't expect his wife and children to be perfect. He pays attention to the opinions of his family members, even if he does not agree with them. Marley, who lives in the United States, says: "My husband and I sometimes think differently about things, but I feel that I am important to him because he always asks for my opinion and analyzes it before making decisions." In addition, a humble man is willing to do housework, even if where he lives it is thought that these are women's things. This can be quite a challenge. Why? A sister named Rachel says: “Where I come from, if a man helps his wife wash the dishes or clean the house, his neighbors and family members will question whether he is 'a real man.' They will think that he cannot control his wife. If many people think alike where you live, remember that Jesus washed his disciples' feet even though it was considered slave labor. A good head of the family will worry not about looking good, but because his family feels good. In addition to humility, let's now see what other quality is essential for family heads to have.
What do Jehovah and Jesus do out of love?
Love. Everything Jehovah does is done out of love (1 John 4:7, 8). Lovingly, he meets our spiritual need through his Word and his organization. He attends to our emotional needs by reminding us how much he loves us. Furthermore, he “abundantly supplies us with all that we enjoy” in a material sense (1 Tim. 6:17). When we make mistakes, he corrects us, but he doesn't stop loving us. Out of love, Jehovah gave his Son to ransom us, and Jesus loves us so much that he was willing to lay down his life for us (John 3:16; 15:13). Nothing can quench the love that the two of them feel for those who are loyal to them (John 13:1; Rom. 8:35, 38, 39).
Why is it important for a householder to show love? (See also the box “How Can a Newlywed Man Earn His Wife's Respect?”)
What do we learn? Everything that a family head does must be done out of love. why is i important? The apostle John says: “He who does not love his brother [or his family], whom he sees, cannot love God, whom he does not see” (1 John 4:11, 20 ). So a man who loves his family and who wants to imitate Jehovah and Jesus will make sure that his family's spiritual, emotional, and material needs are met.—1 Tim. 5:8. He will educate and correct his children. He, too, will continue to learn how to make decisions that honor Jehovah and benefit his family. Let us now discuss each of these things and how a householder can follow the example of Jehovah and Jesus.
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